Chapter Seven: Why is he Pink?

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"So," Malachi said. "What you're saying is...these people in this box are not in fact trapped in there?"

Caspian sighed. "No Mal. That is called a television. Those people are filmed...which is like a machine is copying the images of them, and then they project it on the screen basically."

"So like a play, but in a small box screen thing?" Malachi asked.

"Yes exactly," Caspian said smiling. At least someone was catching on. It hadn't even been three hours since the group had arrived and everyone, save Sephiram, was going through Caspian's things and asking for explanations.

"Okay, but what about this?" Demitri was looking at Caspian's laptop. She was trying to figure out how to open it.

"That's a computer," Cas said walking over to help her inspect it. "It helps get information and to communicate and--oh god Zaria don't touch that!" The girl had discovered a blender.

"Okay no more touching anything!" Cas demanded. Everyone dropped the objects they were holding. "Go to the couch, all of you. Except you," Caspian pointed at Sephiram. "You at least have some sort of idea what's going on." Sephiram did not look happy to be the one being called out.

"Okay," Cas started. "There are several things we need to worry about." He had been considering the needs that the group would need such as food and a place to sleep. Cas's apartment only had one tiny bedroom, a couch, a bathroom (which would not be an ideal place to sleep obviously), and a kitchen that had not been stocked in almost a month. Caspian usually lived on takeout when he was here.

"Sleeping arrangements will be difficult," Cas thought for a moment. "Rhys you can share with me in my room. Then there's the couch...I don't know which one of you will want that. But, um, that's all of the options I have as of now. I can go to the store and get an air mattress. Maybe." Cas never had one guest in his apartment let alone five.

"That'll be good," Sephiram spoke up. "But food? I checked you have two bottles of Pepsi and a bag of microwaveable popcorn."

"Thank you for going through my things," Cas said with a glare. "But you're right, a shopping trip will definitely have to be made. I just don't want to leave you all here by yourselves."

"We'll be fine Cassy," Rhys said from his spot on the floor. Caspian sighed partially from the nickname he despised and partially because he definitely did not feel comfortable with these people in his home alone.

"Fine," Caspian said. "I'll go. But not alone. You're going with me." He turned his gaze to Sephiram.

"Fine," Seph said. "Cassy." He added after a moment of thought. Caspian's glare could have sliced through lead. Sephiram grinned. Caspian rolled his eyes.

"I have to change out of this though." Cas looked at his official Dark uniform which consisted of tight black pants, tall buckled black boots, and a dark (almost black) blue coat that was tight on his torso but fanned out all the way to his ankles. Yep, he definitely could not wear that.

"I didn't even think about clothes..." Caspian said exasperated. Cost would not be a problem. His Pandemonium bank account was constantly being filled by the Queen and her spies in the human realm. What bothered him was the fact that he would be buying so much at once and he didn't even know how long they would be here.

"Yeah if I'm going out I'm going to need something..." Sephiram said. Cas gave him a once over. Seph was clad in a wide variety of buckles, black leather, and sharp objects. Cas nodded with a sigh.

Cas retreated into his room with Seph following somewhat closely behind. Cas was suddenly thankful that his room was at least somewhat clean. He opened his tee shirt drawer and pulled out one of his larger Star Wars tee shirts since Seph was slightly bigger than he was.

"Hope you're into this." He handed the shirt to Seph who took it and smirked.

"Nerd," Seph mumbled under his breath.

"Excuse you," Caspian snapped finding a Pink Floyd tee shirt. Just because he's rarely here doesn't mean he can't appreciate the culture.

Sephiram started to undo the buttons and buckles to his top half. "W-what are you doing?" Cas stuttered.

"What does it look like, Cassy?" Seph snapped and Caspian found enough hatred in the nickname to fight a blush and start to strip himself. After struggling to find pants that would cover Sephiram's longer legs the two were finally ready to leave.

Cas and Sephiram walked back into the living room to find Rhys spread out on the floor staring at a running ceiling fan, Malachi and Zaria observing the coffee machine, and Demitri perched on the sofa by herself. Back straight legs crossed.

"When were the star wars fought?" Demi asked Seph looking confused.

"Yeah and who's Floyd and why is he pink?" Rhys sat up slightly.

Cas shook his head. "It's nothing. Now while we're gone do not, and I mean DO NOT, I'm looking at you Rhys, touch anything," Caspian said. "I mean nothing. Ever. At all. Until we get back got it?"There were four annoyed nods.

"Good," Cas said grabbing his wallet. He looked to his companion. "Let's go," he said.

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