Chapter Nineteen: Love Undaunted/Sacrifice

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Caspian's face still stung from the slap the man had inflicted on his cheek. He was tied to a chair.

"Where are the others, you little bitch?" The man growled. There was a knife to his throat now. Cas smiled at him. Tears were falling down his cheeks.

"They're in that room still as far as I know," Cas bit out. The man took the knife away from his throat and cut a smooth line down the left side of his face narrowly missing his eye. Cas could see the blood.

He had had enough of this.

Caspian looked up and the man. "Do you know who I am?" Caspian hissed through gritted teeth..

"A Majin freak," the guy answered leaning forward in Cas's face.

"No," Caspian scoffed. "I am Caspian. Protector of the Dark Kingdom."

Cas saw the man pale and reach for his gun, but by that time the darkness was closing in on him.

Before the man could have been entirely consumed by Caspian's power, the door burst open to reveal a figure obscured by a long red cloak. "Now, now darling. No need for that." The warning that came from the figure sounded feminine. She laid a hand on Cas's shoulder. The redhead gasped as soon as she made contact. He felt his adrenaline crash, as if he had been running for hours at top speed. He couldn't catch his breath. This caused Cas to release his hold on the man.

"Now, that's better," said the woman. "Leave us," she commanded the guard. He scrambled out. Finally the woman pulled back the hood of the cloak. Caspian almost gasped out loud. Rather, shock had him frozen to the chair.

"Lovely to see you again, sweetheart. I suppose I have a bit of explaining to do," his mother said.


Sephiram had been removed from the room shortly after Caspian. He thought Cas would've returned by this time. But he wasn't and the man didn't know if Caspian was alive or not. He was obviously not happy about this.

Seph was swiftly bound to a chair. He wasn't sure what all he could do. There was a gun trained on his headwhile and woman questioned him.

"Tell us where the prince and princess are," a guard said, pointing her knife.

Sephiram smiled sweetly at her. "I wouldn't know," he told her. "I don't like the royalty. Too prestigious for me."

"So you're not Sephiram? Justice of the Light?"

"He's an asshole no way," Seph said as the woman suddenly pressed the knife to his chest. Seph shifted slightly and the pressure behind the knife increased.

"Tell us the truth," the woman said. "Before I cut off your fingers, or maybe your toes," the blade started moving down Seph's chest leaving a line of blood in his shredded shirt. "Or maybe..." The woman's eyes glanced down.

Seph becoming immediately enraged caused a jolt of light energy to course through his body through the metal of the knife causing her to drop the blade.

"How dare you!!" The woman shouted, holding her hand. Seph heard the gun cock behind him. "Don't you dare!" She said this to the man holding the gun and Seph smirked.

The woman jerked out her own gun and leaned forward, getting in Sephs face. "If you don't give me something I can fucking work with I will take this gun, put it between your little red head's eyes and shoot until I run out of bullets," she growled. Seph spat in her face and she hit the side of his head with the butt of the gun.

Seph saw stars. He felt the warm blood slide down his face. Seph cleared his throat preparing himself for the lie. "There's another dimension," he sobbed. He noticed the woman perking up. He spat out blood, just to add dramatic effect.

"Only the royalty know about it," Seph began to force tears to fall down his face. He had always been good at manipulating people.

"And they're there?" The woman asked, immediately interested.

"Yes," Seph choked out.

"Well I must say, Sephiram," the woman stated. "I didn't think you were the type to give in so easily."

Sephiram coughed and choked out another heart wrenching sob. "Don't hurt me anymore please!" He shouted, just to make up the act even more.

"Just tell us where they are," the woman urged. "I won't hurt you anymore if you cooperate."

Seph could literally smell the lie.

"Just promise you won't hurt the princess... I love her!" He cried dramatically. Just for fun.

"Tell us Sephiram! And no harm will come to her," the woman assured.

"Thank you," Seph breathed out. "It's hard to get the procedure right. You have to get to a high place."

"How high?" She asked.

"At least ten stories," Seph told her. "Then you have to draw this symbol, I'll show you if you untie me...and well you have to do it in virgin blood."

"That seems very dark," the woman raised an eyebrow.

"Because the Dark Majin created the ritual," Seph said in a very 'duh' voice while also taking in another shaky breath. "And you need a ritual knife. And you take the knife and you grip it tightly and say some Latin. Then shove it right up your ass."

Seph wasn't sure when exactly the woman caught on to his game, but the gun came into contact with his cheek again. He felt blood fly out of his mouth, and he was actually genuinely becoming worried for his safety.

"You little-" the woman's cold voice was interrupted by a sharp gasp. It was her. Seph looked up as a huge cloud of darkness seeped into the room.

Caspian, Seph immediately thought. It brought a bloody grin to his face.

The woman was lifted off the ground and he heard the man behind him drop his gun. They were both levitating and were suddenly thrown towards each other. The sound of colliding bodies made Seph shiver in delight.

The door flew open and Cas stepped in looking as gorgeous as ever. The only noticeable injury was that of a long cut on the side of his face. The darkness retreated into his hands.

"Hello, darling," he said.

"Hey, baby," Seph said through the blood. "You look sexy with that cut." Seph told Caspian as Cas untied him.

Cas reached to help him stand. Sephiram was weak and dizzy. Not good for combat. He threw his arm over Cas's shoulder and balanced on him. The two shriveled, broken bodies lay behind them as they left the room.

"You should use your dark magic more often," Sephiram said.

"Why?" Cas asked. They passed several dead bodies already.

"It turns me on, seeing you all psycho killer."

"I'm glad that's what you're thinking of as you bleed out," Cas said. "And also I didn't kill them. Just majorly harmed them."

"Whatever it was still hot," Seph told him. Cas rolled his eyes as they approached the cell. Zaria was sitting inside. Cas pulled out a key and unlocked the door.

"Where'd you get that?" Sephiram asked.

Caspian didn't answer, just said, "Zaria," Cas said. "Come on, we're leaving."

Zaria stood quickly and followed the men out of the building. It wasn't until they were outside did Sephiram notice that none of the guards gave them any trouble as they left.

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