Chapter Sixteen: Secret Tunnels Don't Make Friends

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Two days later, in the early hours of the morning Cas sat between his brother and Sephiram on the couch. Demi sat next to Seph, and Zaria, Mal, and Huey sat in the floor around Caspian's coffee table. A hand drawn map was spread out on the short table along with several of Zaria's blueprints. They had been doing this since lunchtime and it was obvious that everyone was exhausted.

"There's not many in the Dark Palace," Demi said. Rhys and Cas had quickly put together a map of the castle's layout.

"So that would be the best place to take first," Caspian suggested.

"Exactly," Demi said. "Seph."

"The real question is how will we manage, as there are only seven of us, to take out all of the soldiers and take the palace," Sephiram said. He had one arm around Caspian's waist and the other moving a pencil around on the map.

"There's a secret passage," Rhys said. Everyone looked to him. "I just remembered. It's for the royalty to escape through. You have to go through here." He leaned forward and pointed to the hallway.

"Okay so entry and exit points?" Mal said. Everyone nodded.

"We wouldn't exit unless something went wrong," Demi said. "If we take it we want to keep it."

Another round of nods.

"So if Zaria can create some sort of weapon," Cas said.

"I definitely can create some sort of weapon," Zaria said.

"Thank you," Cas responded. "Anyway, we'd have that and our magic. And Huey has guns right?"

" parents do. But I can get them," Huey said.



Everyone was too exhausted after that. Huey had invited Zaria to sleep in his apartment and even though Mal was not too happy about it she went anyway.

Rhys had moved back to the couch letting Seph back into Caspian's bed. The other room was totally silent as Cas and Seph readied for bed.

"Do you think it'll work?" Cas asked and pulled off his shirt.

Sephiram nodded and took off his own shirt. He then pulled Cas over by his hips. "We'll be fine," he whispered. He pecked Cas's lips. "We're six of the most powerful Majin in all of the dimensions."

"I guess you're right," Caspian said gripping Sephs toned biceps.

"Don't think about that," Seph said. "You'll never get any sleep."

"What do you think I should think about?" Cas asked rubbing their noses together.

"Whatever relaxes you," Seph said. He released the younger man and crawled into bed. Cas crawled on top of him and straddled his lap.

Seph sat up as Cas curled himself over Seph's body and tucked his face in the crook of his neck. "I'm scared," Cas admitted quietly.

"Don't be." Sephiram bit down lightly on Cas's shoulder. "No one will hurt you...except me of course." Seph bit his shoulder again, harder this time and Cas hit the back his head.

Seph smiled and Cas pulled back and glared at him. "What?" Seph asked innocently.

"Your biting kink is unattractive," Cas said.

"You don't know anything about my kinks," Seph told him with a smirk. "Yet."

"Stop it," Cas said shoving Seph's face away when he tried to kiss him. Seph growled and flipped them over so Cas was laying on his back and Seph was looming over him.

"Don't worry about anything," Seph said.

"Okay." And Seph proceeded to kiss Caspian breathlessly.


Rhys has had trouble sleeping ever since his mother died. He saw Demi's outline on the air mattress. Malachi's arm was loose around his waist which signaled he was fast asleep. Rhys sighed and turned to face him. The movement caused Mal to wake up.

"Are you okay?" Mal asked almost silently.

"Can't sleep," Rhys answered.

Mal's arm tightened around his waist and Rhys cuddled closer. Rhys had always been a very physical person.

Mal tangled his fingers in Rhys' black hair. "Dreams?" Mal asked.

"No," Rhys answered. "I just can't."

Mal nodded and closed his eyes. "Can I help?"

Rhys shrugged, but Mal moved his hands to massage Rhys' shoulders. Rhys closed his eyes and sighed. He was actually starting to relax. "Try to rest," Mal mumbled into his hair. "You'll feel better."

Rhys tangled his fingers in Mal's black hair and held on as Mal worked the stress out of his back. He slowly felt himself fall into the void of sleep.

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