Chapter Thirteen: Hard Situation

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Caspian heard a shout when he woke up a few days later. He rolled out of his bed and ran a hand through his red hair. Rhys was no longer laying beside him so he assumed he was already up and doing whatever he wanted, as was usual for the prince.

There was a loud thump and another shout. Cas quickly got up and threw on a shirt, since he usually slept without one. When he threw open the door he was greeted by a frantic Sephiram chasing around a wide variety of animal machinery.

"What the hell?" Caspian asked rubbing his eyes.

"I don't know!" Seph shouted. "They just went cra- duck!"

Cas dropped down as a metal bird zoomed past his head. He quickly joined Sephiram in the chase to contain the beasts. Cas jumped and caught the bird that had almost blinded him. He held onto it tightly.

Seph was holding a kitten, a puppy, and an assortment of tiny mice. Cas opened the storage closet and he and Seph shoved the animals inside.

"Where is Zaria?" Cas asked, exasperated.

"Like I would know," Seph snapped. "All I remember was Malachi and the prince leaving to go do something and I fell asleep because sharing a couch with that man is hell."

"You should try sharing a bed with Rhys," Cas said, trying not to laugh. Seph was obviously exhausted. He had  worn dark circles under his eyes for days.

"As long as it's a bed and not a tiny couch," Sephiram said.

"It's not even that ti-" Cas was interrupted by Seph shouting, "Look out!"

Turns out they had missed a majority of the tiny mice: Cas attempted to take a step around Sephiram to reach some of the mice and at the same time Seph made a similar move. Somehow, legs were tangled up and before either of them knew what was happening, Caspian was flat on his back in the living room floor with Seph on all fours above him.

Cas was about to say something but stopped when he realized just how close Sephiram was. There was no real reason for him to be that close... he just was.

Seph's eyes moved down to Caspian's mouth and Cas's breath hitched. Sephiram, not so gently, crushed their mouths together which pulled and undignified sound from Caspian's mouth. Cas's hands flew up to tangle in the long strands of blonde hair at the nape of Sephiram's neck. Seph ran one of his hands from Caspian's shoulder down his chest and to his hip.

When Caspian pulled away to breathe Seph moved his mouth to Cas's neck, just below his jawline. "We never actually caught the mice..." Caspian said breathlessly.

Seph pulled up and leaned over him. "This was not exactly what I had planned," he said, not moving his hand from where it rested slightly up Cas's shirt.

"You had not planned to have me on the floor with your tongue down my throat?"

"Not really no," Seph said moving his hair away from his eyes. "Not yet anyway."

"How sweet," Cas said sarcastically. When he realized Sephiram was about to sit up, Cas moved his hands to Sephs shoulders.

"I never said stop."

At those words Seph grinned and pushed his mouth against Caspian's once again. Seph pulled Cas's bottom lip between his teeth making Caspian make a slight whining sound. Cas felt Seph's hand move from his hip to his thigh. His leg was lifted around Seph's waist.

"Well, well, well," there was a voice from the doorway. Caspian jumped and shoved Sephiram off of him, who did not look happy at being separated.

"You owe me... uh ... something. What do they pay with here?" Rhys was talking to Malachi. The pair had just entered the apartment.

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