Picnic Fanatics

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(OK, so before I move onto the story, I just want to say... Thx to all my readers, I mean 20+ reads? I didn't even think I'll get one reader, so thx again for reading my trashy fan fiction and I'll see you at the bottom vvvv)

Frisk P.O.V
I woke up, drench in my own sweat. I can hear my heart beat ringing in my ears. Sitting up, I look for a clock, or something to tell me the time. '8:57, mom should be downstairs making breakfast by now' I thought. I walk downstairs in my pjs and bunny slippers for breakfast. "Ah, good morning, my child." I just shrug, not wanting to talk about that. Partly because she wouldn't understand and partly because I don't want her worrying. I grab some bacon strips and pancakes and sat down. I pull my phone out of my pocket and turn it on. I hear mom clear her throat, so I turn to look at her. "My child, I have invited all your monster friends for a picnic in the grasslands near the old underground entrance. The time set  for the lunch is 12:30, would you like to come?" I thought for a moment until nodding. Not only will I get to spend some time with my friends and family, but I'll be able to talk to sans about my nightmares without it looking like a 'Date'. Man, I can't wait. "Of course mom, you know how much I love to hang out with my friends!" I hug her with joy and happiness. Mom giggles. "If you want, you can start getting ready for the picnic. And with that, I race upstairs to take a shower, get dressed and do the rest of my mourning routine and ended the up play games until 12:30.

Sans P.O.V
It's a beautiful day out side, birds are singing, flowers a blooming (on days like these kids like you, SHOULD BE BURNING IN HE-), what a nice day for a picnic in the grasslands. Undyne and Alphys were talking about anime, Mettaton was telling Papyrus about his latest show "exploring with a killer robot", Asgore and Toriel were just enjoying each others company, and Frisk was decorating Flowey with flowers and other things from the forest just next to the grasslands, or at least trying to, since the decorations were violently shaken off by the demonic flower. Me, I was just chilling on the grass, enjoying being on the surface. After a while, I sat myself up on my hands and just looked around at my amazing friends and family. I defiantly am one lucky Skeleton. I get up on my feet and walked over to frisk. "Sup kiddo" I greeted frisk with my cheesy grin on my face. "Hi sans" she said sweetly. "HeY TrAsHbAg" Flowey said demonically. I just ignored him and kept looking at frisk. "Hey kiddo, want to go to your favourite place in the underground" knew she wouldn't turn down and offer to go waterfall, so I held out my hand, told Toriel were we were going and we were off.

Sooooo, in the next chapter I Plan to get sans and frisk to confess to each other at waterfall, but that thought is still under construction. As always, hope you enjoyed this trashbag of a fanfic.
~Greatest Out~

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