Sleep-over Shenanigans (Part 1)

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(Goodness, it's Been a while. Sorry, I've been stuck with a ton of school work, a skeleTON, sorry had to do that, but anyway I'm back with a new update and let's try to reach 100 reads. Cya at the bottom vvvvv)

Frisk P.O.V
I Was just finishing my food when I heard Asgore come downstairs. "Ah, Good Mourning Frisk" Asgore greeted. "Mourning dad" I answer getting out my phone.
'2 unread messages'
Sans: {you ok kiddo, that nightmare seem to rattle you bones a bit, heh}
'Heh, you were always so protective, you bonehead' I thought to myself.
Undyne: {hey punk, I'm inviting everyone for a sleep over and wondered if you wanted to come?}
"Hmm... Eh, might as well since I'm not doing anything". I look up from my phone. "Hey mom, Undyne's hosting a sleep over and wanted to know if I wanted to come. Is that alright?" I ask her. Mom just grinned. "Of course my child" she answered. I look down to the screen of my phone to reply.
Frisk: {Sure bestie, I'll come}
I shut down my phone and get out of my seat. 'Welp, might as well start packing.'

Sans P.O.V
"SAAAAAAAAAAANS" papyrus called. I look at him from my spot on the couch. "UNDYNE HAS TEXTED ME SAYING SHE IS HOSTING A SLEEP OVER AND HAS INVITED US TO COME!" I just shrug. "I don't know paps, I've got a skeleTON of wor-". "FRISK IS COMING" papyrus interrupted. "I'm in" I say quickly. I had a feeling that he knew that would work. We both went upstairs to pack for the sleep over.

-time skippo-

I packed the extra clothes I needed and headed downstairs. Papyrus was already downstairs waiting for me. "READY SANS, LETS GO" he said running out of the front door. I sigh and teleport after him.

Woooooooooooooow short chapter. I'll try to get a longer one out next, I just had a ruff time these past few days cuz school is killing me with Tests (whyyyyyyyyy). So, I'll try to force myself to get a bigger chapter out. As always, hope you enjoyed this short chapter of mine and I'll see you in the next one.
~Greatest Out~

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