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(Ok, so just before I get on with the story, I just wanted to say. HOW IN THE WORLD DID I GET FLIPPING 300 READS?? I only got 200 a couple of days ago, how did I get 300?!?! This is just to unreal. Anyway, enough of my ranting, on with the story *Jumps down the page*)

Frisk P.O.V
I wake up in an unfamiliar room. I try to get up, but I feel two boney hands keeping me from doing just that. I blush, realising that it was sans. I try to manoeuvre my way out of the boney in case, but failed. "Morning kiddo" I heard him mumble sleepily. He opens one of his eyes and bushes a cyan colour, getting out of his bed. "S-Sorry about that kiddo" he apologises, rubbing the back of his head. "It's ok sans." I smile, walking downstairs with a still blue sans. I go into the kitchen to see paps cooking, the smell of spaghetti sauce in the air. "Mornin' paps" sans greeted, still a little bit sleepy. "MORNING BROTHER, HUMAN!" Papyrus shouted, seeming more interested at the task at hand then at us. "What's cooking Papy" I ask joyfully. "SPAGHETTI PANCAKES" he answered proudly. I forced a thumbs up and walked out of the kitchen. I sigh as I join sans on the couch. Sans turns to face me. "Is he cooking..." "spaghetti pancakes, yep" I finished. "Wanna go to Grillbys?" He asked me. I think for a moment before answering. "Just let me get changed out of my yesterday's clothes. "K kiddo" he said with his forever grin, turning his attention to the tv. I get up, go to the bathroom and get change into newer clothes, returning back to the lounge room. "Ready to go?" Sans asked, now in his blue fluffy jacket with an outstretched hand. I nod, taking his hand. Just before taking one of his 'short cuts', Sans calls out to paps. "Hey paps, we're going to Grillbys for a bit". "OK SANS, JUST BE HOME AT AROUND NOON". He calls back. And with that, we left.

Sans P.O.V
We walk into a building that I have become so familiar with over the past few years, in the underground or on the surface. We got to sit at our usual spot at the bar. Grillbz comes over to ask what we wanted. "Frisk will just have some fries, and I have a bottle of ketchup" I answer, watching him walk away to get the order. I turn to face frisk. "Has Chara been bothering you at all lately?" I ask her. She shakes her head and answers. "No, I haven't heard from her lately. She's been rather quiet since I turned 18..." She trails off, deep in thought. "Fries!" Grillbz says, knocking frisk back to the real world. I watch her pop fry after fry into her mouth while I was chugging down my ketchup. I heard frisk talk,"Weird question". I turn to look at her. "But how do you eat? Without organs and stuff". I swallow the rest of my ketchup and answer. "Our magic turns the food we eat straight into energy. Technically speaking, we don't even need to eat, as long as we sleep, we can stay alive. We mostly just eat for the feeling." (I think I got that right...) I finish, frisk's face full of interest. I just shrug and get out of my seat, seeing as we're finish with our food. I say my usual 'just put it on my tab' line and leave with frisk. We decide to walk instead of teleport. It was getting colder with December nearly here. I see frisk shiver, so I give her my hoodie. We walk the quiet streets of the town until we arrived at home. "HELLO HUMAN, SANS." Paps greeted. I wave back. "DID YOU HAVE FUN ON YOUR 'DATE" he teases. We both blush heavily, either blue or red. "Paps" we both mumble embarrassingly. The rest of the day was like any other. Watch tv, eat, watch more tv, eat again. Then finally sleep. Everything seems to be going great

Or so we thought.

*lands with a thud* Ow... Ok, I know I have been going of plot, but now I plan to get more of the plot into this story. Again, if you have any ideas, do be scared to share them with me. I, most likely, will use them. Well, as always hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next time.
~Greatest Craptasticly Out~

A Timeline LoveStory (sansxfrisk fan fiction) {Completed} Where stories live. Discover now