Watery Confessions

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(30 reads REALLY?! People actually like this crap? I didn't think this story would be read so much, so I'll keep updating this for months to come. Anyhow, on to the story... ^////^)

Frisk P.O.V
We arrived at waterfall, still a little bit dizzy from the teleportation. Sans just chuckles and walks to a patch of neon grass in a field of echo flowers. I sit down along with him and whisper into the echo flowers, hearing them repeat it a hundred times over. I giggle at the neon flowers until I hear sans sigh. I turn around to see him sprawled on his back on the cyan tinted grass. I mimic his movements and lay on my back as well. "Hey Frisk" he said "yeah" I reply curiously. "I can tell you anything right?" He asked looking up at the gems that represented stars. "Of course" I look at him with my head on the soft grassy patch. "So, no matter what I said, you would understand" he continued. I nod my head, curious on where sans is going with this. Sans sighed. "Look, what I'm trying to say is..." He took a deep breath and continued

"I think i... Like you"

Sans P.O.V

I saw Frisk flinch as I said those words, as I thought would happen. But what I didn't think would happen is frisk imbracing me in a hug. I heard her mumble some unintelligible words "hm?" I turn to look at her, her eyes glistening with determination, but her face was the colour of ketchup. "Me too" she said a little bit louder. My eye sockets filled with tears (a/n I still don't get how he can cry, HES A FLIPPING SKELETON!) and a bright cyan blush had appeared on my cheek bones. I hug Frisk with joy and happiness. We stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity. "Come on kiddo, let's get going or Toriel and the others will start to get worried". Frisk nodded with approval and grabbed my outstretched hand. And with that we left the underground.

Sooooo sorry on how small this chapter is. It's late for meh and i have been writing all day, so sorry about the chapter size, but hoped you liked it either way.
~Greatest Out~

A Timeline LoveStory (sansxfrisk fan fiction) {Completed} Where stories live. Discover now