Sleep-over Shenanigans (Part 3)

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(Thank you guys so much for reading this book. I know I said this in the last chapter, but it's true. I take this to heart *pats chest where heart would be*. On with the story *jumps out window head first*)

Frisk P.O.V
I knew what she would make me do if I choose this, but I still didn't mind it. I could see sans' face light up like a cyan light bulb. 'Guess he figured it out as well' I thought. Undyne whispered something into Alphys' ear, her shy smile turning into a big grin. "Ok, I-I-I'm ready, Frisk" I look at Alphys, ready for anything. "I d-dare you... To... KISS SANS". Sans just buried his face in the neck of his hoddie, his face looking like a giant blue berry. I giggle and kiss sans on the cheek bone. "Happy?" I ask her. Alphys was to busy fangirling. Sans looked out from his hoddie to face me. "Heh..." He chuckled. After a few more rounds of truth or dare, everybody was getting tired, including me. So, we decided to call it a night.

Tem skip to Mornin'

I was the first to wake up. I had fallen asleep on sans' shoulder. Getting up, I walk to the kitchen. 'Might as well make breakfast for everyone'. I grab some things for pancakes and start making the batter. I was just waiting for the batter to cook when I felt two boney hands around my waist. "Morning bonehead" I say, still focused with the task at hand. "Morning beautiful" he said lazily. I flip the pancakes and turn to look at sans. I had grown to just under his height. "Any nightmares?" Sans asked. I shake my head and wrap my hands around his waist. I look at him happily and return to the pancakes. Sans goes to wake everybody up for breakfast. I sigh and plate up the pancakes. Everybody rushes towards the kitchen, grabs a plate and sits down at the table. We all talked about how the surface life has been going. Undyne recently got a job at a police station and is due to start soon. Alphys got a job at the city's technology and robotics lab. Papyrus and sans are just enjoying being on the surface and I was just having fun being around my friends. Me and papyrus grabbed everybody's finished plates and put them in the sink. We all sat down on the couch and watch a movie, me curled up next to sans. When the movie finished, we all started to pile out of the house and go our separate ways. Sans teleported me home, planted a kiss on my forehead and left. 'Best. Sleepover. EVER' I thought as I stepped into the cosy home.

Sans P.O.V
A light cyan was spread over my cheek bones. 'Wow, who would have thought that all of this could happen in one day' I thought as I sat down on the couch. "I CAN BELIVE THE HUMAN ACTUALLY ACCEPTED THE DARE, AND WITH CONFIDENCE" I heard pap from the kitchen. "Well, remember. Kiddo's determination is strong. It was strong enough to break us out of the underground. So, I'm not surprised that frisk did the dare" I inform him. It was true. Frisk would never back down, even if she tried. "SOOOOOO...." Papyrus said with a smirk as he came out of the kitchen. 'Ok, where is this goin'?". I look at him from the couch. "HOW STRONGLY DO YOU ACTUALLY FEEL ABOUT FRISK HMMMM..." I felt myself stiffen and my face grow bright. "W-Why would y-y-you want t-to k-know?" God, I sounded like Alphys. "WELL... YOU SEEM VERY CLOSE, AND I WAS CURIOUS. SO.." I can tell he wanted and answer. Believe me, I wanted to tell him about us, but I couldn't form the words I needed. All I did was mumble some unintelligible sentences. My face was a blueberry. It was like I couldn't move my own mouth. Finally, after I gained control over my mouth, I spoke. "Ok, so I like her, mainly because she kind, caring, she's has a big heart for all things, living or not, she's beautiful and..."I trail off, signing loudly. Then I realised what I said. I became a brighter blueberry then I already was. I look at papyrus but, too late, he was already fangirling so hard. "AWWWW, I KNEW YOU LIKED HER, BIT I DIDN'T THINK YOU LIKE THE HUMAN THAT MUCH". I groan. I knew there was no stoping him when he started, so I just laid down and rested.

What A Day

Ok, there we go. FINALY a long chapter. Took me a while, but I FINALY got it out. No with that out of the way, I have one more thing to ask. I need help on ideas. My brain well is running dry guys. If you have any ideas, comment them below, I might use them. As always, thanks for reading and I'll see you guys in the next chapter.
~Greatest Out~

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