Moving Day

425 28 16

Frisk P.O.V
I wake up from a wonderful slumber. 'No nightmares. That's good' I thought as I recall the moments of yesterday. I giggle as I remember what sans did for me last night. 'I still can't believe he kissed me. And in front of my parents too'. I hold the necklace that sans had given me. ''Heh, bonehead'. I grab my slippers and head downstairs to breakfast. "Morning" I say, still a little bit sleepy, grabbing some pancakes and sitting down. "Hello Frisk" Flowey greeted in an unusual normal voice. I hear Toriel clear her throat, so I turned to look at her. "So..." She looked quite sad instead of her usually melodic voice. "Being the King and queen of monsters, we have to deal with some... Problems... To help monsters live a bit more happily on the surface. And because of that, we have to move away and Flowey wanted to come with us so...". I choke on my food. "You don't have to come, if you don't want to. We know how much you love your monster friends, and we'll try and visit as much as we can" She paused, giving me time to think. I couldn't stand to be apart from my friends, so the choice was easy. "I'd like to stay." I say as calmly as I can. "We knew you would say that" Toriel states calmly. "I'll see if anyone is willing to let you stay" she says as she got out her phone. Just as she said that, my phone buzzed. Looking at it, I see its a text from sans.

Sans: {Wanna go to grilbyz today, I want to KETCHUP with you}
Frisk: {Sure}

After typing this, I get and idea

Frisk: {hey sans, can I ask ya something}
Sans: {sure. Whatz up kiddo}
Frisk: {My parents have to move away for somethings and I'll be homeless. Mind if I come and stay at your house?}
Sans: {I would love it, so no, I don't mind. And I think papyrus would like his best friend to stay.}

I grin as I look up from my phone. "I found someone who is willing to take care of me." I say to mom. "Who is is Frisk" Asgore asked. "The Skelebros are willing to care for me while you guys are out of town". "Well, my child, you best start getting packed" Toriel said with a grin. I ran upstairs and got into casual clothes. After I was fully ready, I ransacked my room and gathered my stuff. My entire life fit into about 3 luggage bags. Walking downstairs, I find sans down there already. "Ready to go kiddo" sans says with his forever smile. I nod and hug goodbye to my mom and dad. Going out of the house, I teleport back to his house with my hand in his.

Sans P.O.V
I'm trying to stay calm on the outside, but on the inside, I was screaming. I still couldn't believe frisk was coming to stay with me and my bro. This meant I could spend more time with her. "Here we are" I say as I open the door, trying so hard not to blush into a blueberry. "HELLO HUMAN. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Pap asked her while he was making his special spaghetti. I answer for frisk. "Kiddo's coming to stay for a bit. Think of it as a.. Long sleepover" I say as pap's face lights up like a light. "WOWIE, I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU OVER HUMAN! YOU CAN HAVE SOME OF MY SPECIAL SPAGHETTI" he said proudly and excited. Returning to his spaghetti, I helped frisk with her bags and sat on the couch. As we were watching tv, I saw frisk shiver a bit. Taking off my jacket, I gave it to frisk. I saw her blush a bit as she snuggled into the warm fluff of the hoodie. We continued watching tv until pap called us for dinner. After that, frisk just snuggled up to me on the couch, making me turn into a blue berry. After a while, frisk fell asleep in my arms. Using my magic, I put her in my room and gently close the door. I turn around and crash heads with Papyrus. "Bonehead just gave a whole new meaning." I mumble as I rub my skull. I look up and am met with Pap's smirking face. 'Oh no, I know that look' I thought as I try to get some space between me and Paps. "Ow... What's up pap?" I ask, trying not to sound as flustered as I looked. "I ALWAYS KNEW YOU LIKED THE HUMAN, BUT I DIDENT THINK YOU LIKED HER THAT MUCH". I could have just fainted, right there and then. And I kinda wish I did. I was a cyan blue berry I had blushed so much. "C-can we P-PLEASE talk a-a-about something else" I stuttered. I really did not want to take this any farther. I walk around him and sit on the couch, my face still a bright blue. Pap wasn't having any of this "DO YOU... PAHAPS, LOVE HER?" He said making heart shapes with his hands and kissy faces. I hid my head in my hoodie and mumble some near whisper words. "Yeah..." I say bearlly above nothing. I was hoping pap didn't hear, but I was wrong. "I KNEW IT IKNEWITIKNEWIT". He started to run around the lounge room. I use my magic to hold him in place in mid air. "Shh, or you'll wake up the kiddo" I say in a whisper-shout. He just looked at me making kissy faces. "Look, if you calm down, I'll read you your favourite bedtime story." That got his attention. "OK SANS". I walk upstairs with him and read his favourite bedtime story until he fell asleep. I got up, closed his bedroom door and slumped to my room. I looked at the sleeping frisk and smiled. I crawled onto the bed, careful of not waking her. I hold her close and drift to sleep.

I was finally happy

Ok, I know I said this in the last AN, but I really didn't expected to get 200 reads on my book. I really appreciate it. That for reading, yaddieyaddayadda.


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