Party Planning

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(I just wanted to use this picture. It's too cute)

Sans P.O.V
I wake up to find myself on the couch. 'Must've fallen asleep last night' I think to myself as I get off the couch. 'Hm, wonder what the date is today'. I go over to the calendar we have near our kitchen. I see a circled date in about a week's time. "Frisk 18th Bday huh" I say to myself. I go upstairs into papyrus' room. As usual, he's on his brand new desktop. "H-Hey, Pap?". He takes his headphones off (A/N we must not speak of this) and looks at me. "WHAT IS IT DEAR BROTHER?" He asked. I couldn't help but blush. "C-Could you h-help me plan f-frisk's Bday party, I-If its ok with her parents I m-mean". 'God, STAP BLUSHING!!'. "HMM, YOU SURE CARE ABOUT FRISK A LOT, DO YOU HMMM...?" I hide my blueberry face in my hoddie. "YOUR LUCKY I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, LOVE TO PLAN ANYTHING!" He did his signature pose. I knew he wouldn't back down, the great papyrus, really does like to plan anything, even small sleepovers.

After half an hour, we finished planning Frisk's Bday, with the permission of her parents. We planed to do it at waterfall, it being her favourite place in the underground. I get ready to go and buy frisk her presents from pap and I, while he is busy on the phone inviting everyone. We invited most of her friends from the underground. Undyne, mettaton, alphys, Nabstablook, Asgore, Toriel, Flowey, muffet, monster kid and a couple of temmies. We decided not to use any decor, since waterfall is already self-decorated with blue grass and rivers as well as the large patches of echo flowers. I open the door to leave the house to do my part in planning the party and papyrus was staying at home to make some of the food. When I came back, he was just sitting on the couch watching tv. "Hey Pap, I'm Home" I called. He turned to face me. "HELLO DEAR BROTHER!, WHAT DID YOU BUY FOR THE HUMAN?" He asked me. "Well... I got the present you wanted to get the kiddo, and you will have to wait until the party for what I got her". I could tell papyrus was curious on what I had got her, but he'll have to wait, like everyone else.

I hope she likes it...

Frisk P.O.V
"Good morning Frisk" Asgore greeted. I sat down for some temmie flakes and tea. "Only one more week until your a legal adult." (A/N pretty sure I got that right...) Toriel stated. I stared at her until I mentally face palmed myself. 'How could you forget your birthday.' I thought? "Oh yeah..."I sigh. Flowey picked up on this and asked. "Ok. What has got you SoOoOo sad right now FrIsK?" He said, mostly in his usual voice. "It's just, when I first lived on the surface, I was bullied in the orphanage I stayed at. That's one of the reasons I ran to mount Eboit, to be alone. So, no one would celebrate my birthdays but me" I finished. "Don't worry Frisk, the monsters YOU befriended all care about you very much. In fact, your the reason that monsters are even living on the surface." He did have a point. I was really cared about in the monster community. "Your right dad, thanks for the pep talk". I slide out of my chair and go up to my room. Grabbing my phone of my nightstand, I lie down on my bed and open it.

~1 unread message~
Sans: {Chara bothering you at all?}

'Luckily, no nightmares last night. Thank god.'

Frisk: {No, luckily. I had a pretty good dream last night actually}
Sans: {really. What was it about}
Frisk: {meeting all my friends again}
Sans: {that's Sweet kiddo. ;) Well, papyrus and I have to do something now, so cya around kid.}
Frisk: {cya you bonehead}

I felt my eyes get a bit droopy. 'God, I'm becoming sans. Eh, might as well take a mid-morning nap' I thought as I shut down my phone. Shutting my eyes, I fall into a deep slumber.

Wow, I hit so many writers blocks in this chapter. I'm sorry the updates have been coming out slower then usual, but school is killing me, and I'm running fresh out of ideas. Please help meh. Thanks for readying my craptastic fan fiction and I'll see you next time.
~Greatest out~

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