Party Time! (Part 1)

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~1 week later (cuz I can't think of anything to do between that)-

Sans P.O.V
I jump out of bed and grab my phone. 'Happy birthday frisk' i thought as I quickly texted her.

Sans: {Happy Bday Kiddo}
Frisk: {thx bonehead}

Heh. Good one kid.

Sans: {welcome to hell ;)}
Frisk: {oh cmon, I'm sure adulthood is THAT bad}
Sans: {your still as oblivious as when you fell into the underground}
Frisk: {STAP, your making me blush >\\\<}

I chuckle at frisk's last text. "SANS, BREAKFAST IS READY!" Pap shouts from downstairs. "Be right down Pap" I answer as a text frisk back.

Sans: {Welp, pap has breakfast ready, cya later}
Frisk: {yep, mom has just finished making breakfast too. Bye :3)

Putting down my phone, I teleport downstairs for breakfast. "ARE YOU AS EXCITED AS ME FOR THE PARTY BROTHER?!" Pap asks, his eyes glistening with joy. "No one could be as excited, or cool, as you bro" I simply say as I sat down. After finishing my breakfast, pap asked me "READY TO GET THIS PARTY STARTED?!". I grin. "Darn Tootin"

Frisk P.O.V
I walk downstairs with a grin on my face. "Happy birthday my child" Asgore and Toriel great me. I hug them with joy. "Thanks mom, dad. Your the best". "Happy Bday FrIsKy" Flowey greets in the nicest tone he can make. "Oh, and frisk" Toriel paused, getting a box from the table. "Here's the present from the all of us, including Flowey". I look at the cyan box with a cute pink ribbon on top. Opening it, I gasp. It was a beautiful dress that looked like the box it came out of. Cyan with a pink flower on a matching waist belt. "Go try it on my child" Toriel says melodically. Walking into the other room, I put it on. It looked... Cute. Walking out, I hear the gasps of my parents and Flowey. I hug mom, dad and Flowey, a tear forming in my eye. "Thank you, thank you so much. This is the nicest thing anyone has done for me on my birthday." I wipe the forming tears and look at my family. "That is quite alright my child" Asgore said. I sit down at the table to eat. "Now, just for the birthday girl, we have made a special breakfast for you". Toriel and Asgore grab plates of bacon, toast, pie, temmie flakes and jugs of drinks, like juices and tea. I stuff my face with as much food as I can manage. Getting out of my chair, I grin at my family. "Thanks for the yum breakfast mom, dad. I loved it" is all I can say through my tears of happiness. Toriel giggles at my joyful antics. "You are welcome my child." And with that, I ran upstairs to get ready for the day. Even though it's my birthday, still doesn't mean that I don't get ready.

I don't know how this day could get any better.

Sorry for the short chapter. I have literally no ideas for chapters, so if you have any ideas, I would love to know. Thanks for reading this craptastic fan fiction, and I'll See you guys later.
~Greatest Out~

A Timeline LoveStory (sansxfrisk fan fiction) {Completed} Where stories live. Discover now