Party Time! (Part 2)

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Frisk P.O.V
-time skippo- (and just so you know, frisk is in the dress that her family got for her)
"Ok, where are you taking me mom?" I ask as I run along side her with my eyes behind a blindfold and my hand in hers. "You'll see" she answered with a slight giggle. I walked with her until I heard the familiar rushing of water in my favourite place. Waterfall. I kept walking until I could no longer feel the warmth of the hand I was holding. In the distance, I heard mom's voice, but as more of an echo. "Talk off your blind fold, my child.". Taking off my blind fold, I look at my surroundings. Blue rivers and glowing plants. I have always loved waterfall. It was always so peaceful and calming. "Walk forward frisk" I heard Asgore's voice bouncing off the walls of the cavern. I obey, walking through the clearing I was currently in. Meanwhile, I kept hearing the voices of my friends and family, but through the echo flowers. "Frisk is the best bestie a girl like me could ever have" "I LOVE FRISK, PLANTONICLY OF COURE" "she is the best child we could ever have" "FrIsK iS a GoOd SiBlInG, i GuEsS" "~I love having her make guest star appearances in my shows~" "Yo, frisk is the greatest friend I have ever had" "y-yeah. Frisk h-has helped m-me in so many ways" "and frisk was... always there for me..." "She has helped me in my cooking." "Hoi, Temmie like human. Human Good" "And kiddo's just so amazing". I loved hearing all the comments from the people I have helped and care about so much. I keep walking forward until see a light. And just when I though it couldn't get any better, my friends and family all jumped out at me and cheered the best word I have ever heard.


Sans P.O.V
I see the shock and joy on frisk's beautiful face. I grin, knowing the party plan had been a great success. 'Gotta remember to thank pap for his help later' I thought as frisk went to hug each and every monster that came. She hugged me last and whispered something in my ear (A/N - Remember, just between us...)
"Thank you". I blush a little and let go. "LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED" Paps and Undyne shout out. We danced the morning away, me and frisk dancing with each other, even though see stumbled every once in a while. until we got to opening presents. Alphys got her some anime stuff and some new tech. Undyne got her one of her training spears. Muffet, some cooking things. Toriel, Flowey and Asgore had already given their presents at home. Papyrus gave her a scarf that look like his but in a magenta colour. MK got her a sweater that looked like his, but with sleeves. Nabstablook got her a head set and some records. The Temmies got her an... Egg? Then, it came to my turn. I gave her my cyan-wrapped box. Inside, a cyan heart necklace with the name frisk engraved in the stone. I saw her eyes swell up with tears as she hugged me. "It's beautiful sans. Thank you." I look into her eyes and blush. "Can you help me put it on?" Frisk asked me. I nod and she spins herself around. I grab the clip of the necklace and clip it at the back of her neck. I smile and get up to walk to the table for lunch where everybody was already. There was some butterscotch pie, glam burgers, pasta, spider donuts and spider cider and other stacks of monster and human foods. Sitting down, I see Frisk sit next to me. Unexpectedly, she grabs my slack hand. I blush a bit, but calm down instantly. We all enjoy the Bday lunch, happily talking and the usual pun once in a while, quickly followed by paps groaning. After the witty antics of the party crew, we all get ready for cake. We all sing, Undyne a bit out of tune, and let frisk cut the cake. That is, until Flowey got too revved up and ended up on top of the cake. We all laughed as Flowey tried to clean himself with his leaves, frisk trying to help him by using a nearby towel. Toriel had a second cake prepared for who knows what reason and we all dug in. As the party died down, everybody started to go home. I say good bye to Asgore and Toriel and hug frisk goodbye. Then, just before teleporting home, I gave frisk a little peck on the cheek. I saw the shocked look on her face right before I teleported home with pap.

Happy birthday kiddo

Ok, I wrote that a lot quicker then I though. I just want to mention, thx UndyneTheUndying08 for helping me with an idea in this story. I was really stuck on what to do until they helped, so yeah. Just wanted to say thanks, to Undyne, and you guys. You have helped me a lot. Thanks for sticking around and I'll see you later
~Greatest -Craptasticly- Out~

A Timeline LoveStory (sansxfrisk fan fiction) {Completed} Where stories live. Discover now