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"Julia!" Mackenzie yelled as she saw us carrying down her body. Mackenzie started to tear up. Hailey ran over to Mackenzie and hugged her. I watched the new people's facial expressions. Some of them looked disturbed and some of them looked like they wished they didn't choose to join us. "Jackson... He got away..." I said. I looked around at everyone. Mackenzie was crying about Julia and Hailey was hugging her. "Aaron, we have to find him. There's a killer on the loose." John said to me. "I know..." I said. John and I started to walk over to the table and we laid Julia's body and put her detached arm of to the side of her body.

"Let's go." I said to Becky and John. Before I could John or Becky a chance to follow me, I was already walking out of the FBI department. I started a car, "Hurry up! He's gonna be gone!" I yelled at them. Becky and John got in the car and I started to speed up out of the parking lot of the FBI department. "What if he's already gone?" John said to me. I didn't answer him, chances were, Jackson was already gone. "We gotta try to find him, even if it takes all night.." Becky said. "...I know guys..." I said eventually.

We had been driving around the city for nearly 30 minutes, and there was no sign of Jackson. We started driving down the road that led to the cemetery. I looked up at the building that I had seen the person in one time. I stopped the car very quickly when we got to the building. "What are you doing?! We have to find Jackson!" Becky said. "...We might have found him..." I said as I slammed the car door shut behind me. As soon as we all got out 4 risers came from around the corner. The riser didn't look like they were bitten. They had no bite marks on them. I thought the only way you could turn was if you were bitten by a riser.

Becky shot them down as soon as she saw them. "Why are we even here! This place looks abandoned." John said. I knew it wasn't abandoned. I knew that I saw someone in that window. "Why don't these risers have bites?" Becky asked as she got a closer look at them. I started to walk around the building to try to find a door. "Aaron, what are on earth are you doing? This is a waste of time!" John said. "No, someone's in here. I know they are... I saw them." I said to John. "No... No one can be here! It's impossible." John said. Just as John started to talk I found a door and opened it. "No, we shouldn't go in here. It can't be safe!" Becky said. "Hello!" I started yelling through the building. "Aaron, calm down!" John said to me. I felt around on the wall for a light switch. I found one and turned it on.

"What the hell is this place!" I heard Becky say. All the walls were spray painted with gang signs. There was dirt on the floor and old cigarettes. "Come on! Let's get out of here!" John said to me. I looked down a narrow hallway and saw a stairway leading to the upstairs levels. "There could be supplies... Jackson could be hiding here... Who knows... We have to at least check it out guys!" I said to them. "You really think that Jackson would stay in the same city as us... No, he wouldn't!" John said to me. I didn't listen to John and I just started walking up the steps. "Aaron stop it! You don't know who's in here!" John said. "You said this place looked abandoned! So how come your know saying someone is in here!" I said a little bit annoyed.

I walked onto the next level and I there was dark rooms on either sides of the hallway. "Hello! Is anyone here!" I yelled. "Let's go! There's no point in being here! We are just gonna run into a bunch of risers!" Becky said. I turned to look at Becky. "...No, we aren't going to just go! I have to find out who is in here." I said to Becky. "...Well then fine, but we gotta split up. This is a huge building and it's gonna take forever if we all walk around together." Becky said as John got up on the same level as us. "You two, go. I'm going by myself." Becky said as walked into one of the dark rooms. "Seriously, Becky..." I heard John mumble.

"Let's get going..." I said to John as I started to walk away. John started to follow me. As we walked away we could hear Becky's quiet footsteps walking up stairs in the dark room. "We can't spend all day searching through this empty building." John said to me. "It's not empty..." I said. "...What?" John said to me. I turned around and faced him. "Remember the day we buried Emily? Well on the way to the cemetery... I saw someone in the window..." I said to him. "...Shit! This isn't safe! Why are we in here!" John said. "Jackson could have joined them..." I said to John. "...But this isn't safe, you can smell the tobacco all over the place!" John said.

Becky walked around the dark room. She heard John and I's footsteps of in the distance. Becky looked up at the ceiling. There was water dripping down onto the ground. Becky looked at her feet as they pushed through piles of cigarettes and leaves. Becky thought about how it was odd that the building didn't have any risers in it. Becky covered her nose as the smell of rotten food from dumpsters started to fill her nose.

"You know leaving this place would be worse, John! There are people in here, we need to find them before they find us." I said to John. "Well fine... But..." John started to say as he pulled out two walkie talkies from his belt. "What are you doing with those?" I asked him. "We gotta give one to her, just incase something happens." John said. "...Ok, go give it to her then." I told him. John started to walk out of the room and I looked around more for any signs of these people or Jackson. I saw a flash of light as the sunlight moved through the empty room. I walked over to the corner that I saw the light coming from. I looked down to see a pile of old needles, probably used for heroin. They were all dirty and some had blood on the floor next to them. What was even going on here?

Becky realized that the disturbing stench that resembled the smell of a dumpter was actually coming from throw up in the corner. "Shit on a shingle..." Becky quietly mumbled to herself as she stepped past the pile of throw up. John walked into the dark room that Becky had been in. He headed up the stairs and saw her standing in the next room with her gun out and she was aiming into a corner and seemed to be looking at something. "Hey, Becky." John started to say. "What the hell!" Becky said as she turned around and got ready to shoot. She immediately put her gun down once she saw that it was John.

Rise Of The Undead Part Three: With the Touch of a HandWhere stories live. Discover now