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I looked over at Becky. Her hands were tied behind her back and she was knelt on her knees. Taha pulled out his gun and aimed it and Becky's head. "Woah... Stop! Calm down!" I said as I pulled out my gun and aimed it at Taha. "Look, I ain't a fighter. And I don't kill the ladies here." Taha said to me. "Then put your gun away." I said. Taha held his cigarette out for one of his men to hold for him. Rodriguez took the cigarette from Taha. "Alright..." Taha said as he put his gun back in his belt because he didn't have a holster for it. "You think you're the boss. Don't you?" Taha asked me with a smile that showed his golden teeth that matched the color of the leaves on the trees. "...No one is the boss..." I said. "Your on my turf! And on my turf, I'm the boss!" Taha screamed at me. His voice echoed the halls.

My eyes widened as I tried to find a way out and a way to save Becky. "...There ain't no way...that your gonna get out of here with your lives..." Taha started to say as he slowly walked closer to me. My throat felt itchy so I took a deep breath and swallowed. "You're lookin' for a man named Jackson... aren't ya'?" Taha asked me. "...It doesn't matter..." I said to him. "Oh, but it does." Taha laughed. "Jackson might not have mattered to you... But he's gonna now... He told us all your shit. And I mean all of it!" Taha said laughing a little. "I want your safe center." Taha said. "And I'm willing to kill for it...." Taha said as he leaned into me. His breath smelled like something had died in his mouth.

"We shouldn't be killing each other... We should be helping each other..." John said. "So just give Becky to us..." John said. Taha jerked his head toward John. "It's not like how it used to be, boss boy." Taha said chuckling. "If you wanna make it in this world... You have to kill... And you have to kill for everything... Nothing... Is free..." Taha said to John. John stayed silent. "I know that y'all just got a new shipment of targets for me to shoot. And I plan to get all bullseyes." Taha said as he walked back and forth between John and I. "This is gonna be easy... Y'all have kids... Heck I wouldn't even have to use my gun on them!" Taha said laughing.

How much did Jackson tell them? I felt so stupid. While we were all downstairs, Jackson was upstairs and telling them this. "Like I said... I ain't lettin' you outta here with your lives, well I think I changed my mind about that." Taha said as he walked up to me. "So if we can't have your lives... We're gonna have the lives of all the people back in that little half ass safe center." Taha said. "What I want from you all... Is to go... Don't you ever come back, am I clear?" Taha said. "If I ever see you assholes again... I'll just slit your throats right then and there." Taha said to us. Taha turned around and faced Becky. "And that goes for you too missy!" Taha said laughing a little bit. "So when you drive outta here... I better not see your cars heading straight towards 'home', you got me?" Taha said. "...I got you..." I said. Taha stepped back. Rodriguez untied Becky's hands and pushed her forward. "Bye amigos." Taha said laughing as we all walked out.

As we all walked out of the room we heard whispering behind us. Just as we started walking down the long flights of stairs, we heard bullets flying behind us. I looked behind me but didn't see anyone. They must have wanted us out fast and were trying to rush us out of their building. I wasn't paying attention and I was looking at the graffiti on the walls. I felt something under my shoe. I looked down and saw a plastic bag full of old leaves. I started to speed up and John and Becky stayed close behind me.

I slammed the car door shut behind me. Who were these people? How did Jackson get in touch with them? It was too much to process. John drove up beside me and told me to roll my window down. "I remember this road I used to take whenever there was bad traffic. It's only a few miles longer of a ride." John said. "Ok, I'll follow you." I said to John. As we drove away I looked in the rear view mirror. I saw a person standing in the window holding a gun that was pointed at my car. Then I heard the screams. I looked around to see what was going on. Then just as I passed a small alley where the windows of two buildings met, I saw a person hanging from a metal chain. They were pulling at their neck trying to get out, but they couldn't.

Rise Of The Undead Part Three: With the Touch of a HandWhere stories live. Discover now