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Brandon and Hailey heard the gunshot and walked over to Becky. "What's going on?" Hailey asked as she thought that they were under attack from Taha. "We met someone who Taha had captured. They told us everything." Becky said. John walked around the corner dragging the body behind him. Hailey looked away. "You guys shot him?" Brandon asked. "He shot himself." John said. "What are we gonna do with the body?" Becky asked. "Let's just keep him here for now...." John said shaking his head. "We can't just let bodies rot here...." Hailey said. "We'll figure it out..." John said walking inside the FBI department. "It'll be ok Hailey." Brandon said. "...I know" Hailey said.

I drove inside the garage. Joe got out and walked over to Hailey, Brandon, and Becky. "We buried her..." Joe said to them. "Thanks...we're all gonna miss her..." Hailey said. "No problem..." Joe said smiling a little bit trying to lighten up the mood. I sat inside the car and wiped the sweat from my forehead. I pulled the key to the backdoor out of my pocket. How did this man get the key? Maybe it was a sign that we should attack them before they attack us. If it was, then that was just what we were going to do. I put the key back in my pocket and walked inside to find John.

"What's up?" John asked me. "Hey do you remember that man who shot himself...well he gave me a key. It's the key to the backdoor of Taha's place." I said. "But why do we need a key? We got in without a key earlier today..." John said to me. "I know, that's what I don't understand." I said. I handed the key to John. He closely examined the key. "Know I get it..." He said. "It was empty there... that's not really the place where they keep all their guns and ammunition. There's another building..." John said. John pointed to the address of the building in small print. "Shit...there's another building!" I said. "...What's gonna be paln?" John asked. "I don't know! I don't make up plans!" I said. I wasn't going to tell him about how I thought we should attack Taha's group before they attacked us. "...Ok sure." John said giving me a weird look. I watched him as he walked away, he turned around and gave me a 'think of something, quick." look.

I walked into Luke's room and saw Charlotte sitting in the chair by his bed brushing Izzy's hair. Izzy was making beary dance and Luke was pressing different buttons on the walkie talkie and seeing what they did. We would be just like a normal family again if only Emily was with us. "Hey dad, how's everything going? Did you guys bury Julia yet?" Luke asked me. "Yeah we buried her." I said. "Next to Emily right?" Luke asked. "Next to Emily." I said. Luke smiled a little bit. "I guess the good thing about this apocalypse is I don't have to go to school." Luke said laughing a little. "That's right! Lucky duck, you never had to go to seventh grade! You know that's when things get hard! Dissecting fish and learning algebra!" I said laughing. "Yuck!" Luke said as he laughed.

"Hey Luke we need to talk ok?" I said to him. I looked at Charlotte and she stood up and hurried out of the room with Izzy following her. "...What's going on?" Luke said sounding worried as he turned the knobs on the walkie talkie. "I think we are gonna attack Taha's group..." I said to him. "Why are you telling me?" Luke asked. "Because I'm not gonna be're gonna be here with mom and Izzy. Is that ok?" I said to him. I wasn't sure if he was really ok with me leaving to go attack another group. "Dad, what if you get hurt? What's gonna happen if you die?" Luke said. "I'm not gonna die...everything is gonna be ok. But I just need you to know that stuff might happen, I need you to be brave. I need you to be a man Luke." I said. Luke stopped messing with the walkie talkie and looked at me. "What? What's going this gonna be a fight---" He said. "...Yeah it is....but it's gonna be ok, Luke these people are trying to kill us...we need to do something about it..." I said. "So you guys need to kill them..." Luke said as he looked right at me.

It almost scared me that Luke said we needed to kill people. I knew we needed to kill them, but to hear it coming out of my son's mouth was scary. If Luke thought seventh grade was going to be hard, he had no idea how hard life was going to be for him now. Instead of dissecting fish, he would be dissecting risers. "Ok dad..." Luke said.

Rise Of The Undead Part Three: With the Touch of a HandWhere stories live. Discover now