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"Woah there Sheriff Sunny!" John said as he walked over to Becky and handed her the walkie talkie. "What's this for?" Becky said as she held up the walkie talkie. John looked at her and smiled. "You really think I can't take care of myself?" Becky said laughing a little. "I just want you to be safe." John said as he held her hands. "I can handle myself, you're the one who can't handle yourself." Becky said. "Just take the damn walkie talkie, ok?" John said to her. "Ok, ok." Becky said as she smiled and started to walk away from him.

John walked back to the room that we were searching through. "Well, she took it." He said. "That's good, did she say there was any sign of jackass." I said to John. "Nope, no sign of Jackson." John said laughing. Just as John stopped laughing we heard footsteps coming from the room next to us. "Isn't Becky in the other room at the beginning of the hall...." I said as I started to realize this could've been Jackson. The footsteps started to get closer and John and I pulled out our guns. I could feel my face sweating as each step got closer. "Just drop your weapons Jackson!" I yelled out before the footsteps entered the room.

"Man, I ain't Jackson!" The man said as he walked in the room. He had a bandana wrapped around his forehead and was wearing heavy gold chains around his neck. His hair was shaved on the sides."Just drop your weapons." I said to him. "What's the matter? We ain't gonna hurt chu." The man said. "The only weapons I got are these babies!" The man said as he laughed and started to punch the air. John quickly walked over to him and held a gun up to his head. "Woah, there ain't no need for this now! Is there?" The man said to John. I walked over to the man. "How many people are living in this building, and where are they?" I asked him as I looked him right in the eye.

The man just stood there and laughed at me. "Oh I see! You're tryin' to get your revenge aren't ya?!" The man said. "We aren't here to fight. We're here to find someone." I said. "Find you old pal Jackson, right?" The man said with a chuckle. His breath smelled like old fish and tobacco. "...And how do you know about Jackson?" I said to him. "Man, Jackson told us all your shit!" The man said laughing. My eyes widened and looked over at John. John held the gun closer to man's head. "You ain't gonna pull that thing! I know your group! Y'all'd never do that!" The man said to John. John took a deep breath in. He looked the scaredest I had ever seen him. "So if you know our shit, I demand to know a little of your shit." I said. "Whatcha you wanna know? But I ain't answering the first two questions you asked." The man said laughing. "Where did Jackson go? Is he with you?" I said to him. "Oh yeah I can answer dat." The man said as he rubbed the short beard on his chin. "Jackson ain't here with us. All I know, is dat he ran outta dis city." The man said to me.

"...Ok..." I said. "And where are your people?" John asked the man. The man slowly turned his head and looked at John. The man laughed, but his laugh was more like a cackle. "You're gonna tell us!" I yelled at man. The man raised his eyebrows at me and began to mess with the chains around his neck. The man slowly pointed his finger up behind me. I turned around and didn't see anything. John looked over too. The man ran away within seconds of us turning our heads. "Asshole!" I heard John mumble to himself. We ran after the man. We followed to sounds of his footsteps until we heard them stop. "Eh, little white boys, welcome to the center of drugs and crime." We heard a voice with a thick italian accent say. We turned around and looked in the room behind us to see and gang of nearly 50 members all standing there with tattoos covering them. I wanted to say something but my mouth just dropped. There was no way we were going to get out of this hell.

"Get 'er boys." The man with the italian accent said. The gang members pulled out Becky from behind them. "If ya' wanna do the crime, you gotta do time." The man said as he laughed. "Little miss FBI here was too afraid to shoot us. Were'nt ya?" The man chuckled as he asked Becky. Becky didn't respond. She just looked up at him giving him the evil eye. "I'm Taha." The man said to me. "You're Aaron, this is John, and that's little miss Becky!" Taha said. "We know y'all's little safe center... It ain't gonna survive much longer. You gotta be willing to kill to not be killed." Taha said. "And do you have the guts to do that?" I said as I started to question him. Taha just laughed and paced the concrete floor back and forth. "Did you even see the bitches outside?" He asked me. I knew what he was talking about. He was talking about the risers that didn't have bites at all. He was talking about how he murdered them.

I looked down at the ground. "What do you want?" John said to Taha. Taha walked closer to John and I. "I want you little safe center." He said in his accent. John went quiet. "...So what's it gonna be?" Taha said to John. "You can't have it..." I said to Taha. "Then you can't have Becky..." Taha said to me. I didn't know what I was going to do. I couldn't let Becky die after all she had done for us. Becky was the reason we were all still alive. If Becky had chosen to shoot us when we were climbing down the fire escape, we wouldn't have been alive.

"Hey... Rodriguez... Bring me a joint." Taha said. A short man that I assumed to be Rodriguez came back and handed Taha the cigarette. "So, here's how it's gonna go..." Taha said as he slowly walked closer to me and John. "You're gonna listen to my orders now..." Taha said to me. "And if you want dis Becky girl back... You gotta pay..." Taha said as he inhaled the smoke from the cigarette. "Look... We don't want trouble... We were just looking for someone..." John said to him. "Too late for that..." Taha started to say. "You came to the wrong place, buddy." Taha said and laughed.

Rise Of The Undead Part Three: With the Touch of a HandWhere stories live. Discover now