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"...So... did you ever have a family?" Luke asked Emma. I just want you to go so I can eat this candy in peace, was all Luke was thinking though. "Yeah, I did. What about you? I know you about your mom and dad." Emma said. Before Luke had a chance to answer, Charlotte walked into the room with Izzy behind her. "Oh, is this your little sister?" Emma asked. Charlotte took one look at Emma. "Who are you?" Charlotte asked. "Oh, sorry for not introducing myself properly. My name is Emma." Emma said as she held out her hand to shake Charlotte's hand. "I'm Charlotte..." Charlotte said as she awkwardly shook Emma's hand. "You have a real nice kid..." Emma said trying to make conversation. "Luke! What's that!" Charlotte said loudly in shock. "Mom, it's ok." Luke said as he tried to push the Kit Kat under the bed covers.

Charlotte pulled the Kit Kat out of covers. "Luke what are you doing with this?!" Charlotte said as she held it up. "Eating it..." Luke said as he pointed to the 3 bites. "Ok... Well it was nice meeting you, Charlotte." Emma said as she took it as her time to get out of there. "Luke.. There's other food you can eat." Charlotte said to him. "But... It's not like I can really get up or anything to get the food..." Luke said as he looked at his feet while trying to avoid Charlotte. "Where did you even get this?" Charlotte said. "...I found it at CVS that one day..." Luke said awkwardly. "Ugh Luke!" Charlotte said as she stormed out of the room with the Kit Kat.

Izzy looked back at Luke. "...I used to steal cookies from the cookie jar..." Izzy said as if she was finally admitting to a crime that she had done years ago. Luke smiled a little at Izzy. "...That's cute..." Luke said as he thought about when he tried to steal the m and ms and Charlotte caught him. "Izzy!" Charlotte yelled. "Bye..." Izzy said to Luke as she started to walk out of the room. "Bye." Luke said to her. Luke tried to lean over as much as he could to see what was going on outside. Then he saw Julia's bloody body on the table. He quickly moved back away from the sight and put his hand over his mouth. People were started to die. This world was becoming deadly.

John, Becky, and I all walked into the FBI department. Everyone stopped talking. "You didn't find him did you?" Brandon asked. "...No." I responded. "Any sign of him at all?" Brandon asked. "Not at all." I said. Charlotte looked up at me a little then went back to brushing Izzy's hair. Blake looked over at Emma like 'Let's just go already'. "I'm sure we'll find him..." Hailey said as she put a white sheet over Julia's body. "I can go out and look for him... We have to find him..." Brandon said. "We don't have find just Jackson now..." I said as I looked at Becky and John. John looked at the ground and Becky gave me a 'Are we seriously gonna tell them all this' look.

I walked over and sat next to Charlotte and Izzy, and to my surprise Charlotte didn't move away. "Jackson told them... told them..." I started to say. I wiped my sweaty face and then looked at the ground and took a deep breath. "He told them everything..." I said. Joe's mouth dropped. "No... This can't be! We just got here!" Joe said. "...It's gonna be ok... We're gonna get through this..." I said to everyone. "Who even are 'they'?" Mackenzie asked. "...Taha... He wants our FBI department... He wants our home..." I said. Charlotte looked over at me. "We aren't gonna fight him... We aren't gonna stoop to his level..." I said. "How are we gonna keep ourselves safe if we aren't willing to fight for this place?" Brandon asked.

"I'm not gonna let this world become a constant never ending war." I said to Brandon. "The world already is a war... And it's just gonna get worse..." Brandon said. "...No, we can do this without hurting anyone..." I said. "...Your choice..." Brandon said. "...They think we left you all here... to protect yourselves from them." I said. "You mean they are gonna try to sneak attack us?!" Hailey said. "...Yeah." I mumbled. Mackenzie looked up at us. "This can't be happening right now..." Mackenzie said as the tears started to roll down her face again. Hailey put her arm around Mackenzie and hugged her. "We need to be prepared." Becky started to say. "Everyone needs to be alert and carry a weapon with them if they don't already. We need people to take the night watch... I'll take the left side of the building, who can take the right?" Becky asked. "I'll do it." Brandon said.

Becky nodded and walked out of the room. I got up and walked into Luke's room. Luke was sleeping when I came into his room. I put the walkie talkie down on the small metal table next to the bed. I took a deep breath in as stared at the concrete floor. Charlotte walked into the room. "Damit Charlotte... What do you want now?" I asked her not even looking up at her. "...Your forgiveness..." Charlotte said. I looked up at her and saw the tears in her eyes. "What are you talking about...? The past week you have been acting like it should be me asking for your forgiveness." I said to her. Charlotte looked away and burst into tears. "I'm sorry! It's been tough, and I don't know how to deal with all this!" Charlotte said through the tears. I stood up and walked over to her. "You are forgiven." I said as I took her hands and looked her in the eyes.

Rise Of The Undead Part Three: With the Touch of a HandWhere stories live. Discover now