chapter eight

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At the studio room, they work on finishing up their last recording. So far, they have spent the last few weeks working on this demo CD, having recorded three originals and two covers. They decided to do this so that they could take advantage of the space they've been let into and the good equipment, trying to get as good quality recordings as they can.

Tonight, Frank works twice as hard as he usually does because he knows that Father Way will be getting a copy of their demo. He's doing this for his personal gratification, since he's going to make a copy of this demo and offer it to his family and eventually to Father Way, as he requested. He also wants this demo CD out for the sake of his band's future, however that may turn out, as they've always been committed to this band full-heartedly.

They might be just another group of friends or a garage band, but Frank thinks they deserve this. They've been friends for a long time already, and have been practicing very often, and have always kept a good spirit among themselves, so there's nothing to be ashamed of. They might have never played a show for more than two or three friends, but they are a band and they need to get out of the garage if they want to get somewhere for real.

With that dream in mind, they leave the studio around midnight.


Jeremy and Gordon leave Frank, Jonas and Lukas at the latter's house for their movie night. It's mostly fun, watching DVDs and making jokes, or making stupid comparisons between movies and laughing some more, or simply eating popcorn and getting high on sugar. Tonight, Lukas treats them with some pot, though, and they progress on their high, Frank never having smoked anything else besides the cigarettes they manage to buy off their contact in school. Overall, they just have fun, talking about movies and shit.

Frank loves the nights when he gets to hang out with his friends, because they're so much better than going out using fake IDs because that's rarely fun at all. They don't go out much, unless there is a gig in town they really want to see. In the end, he remembers seeing three AM flashing in bright letters on the TV-set, but he falls asleep soon, in the sleeping bag he brought with him, to the sound of giggles.


They're by the couch, but still standing up. Their bodies are very close. They are making out heavily, Frank's hands in his hair, Dream Guy's leg wrapped around his calf. Frank is almost naked, wearing only his boxer briefs, while Dream Guy is fully dressed in his black pants and button up shirt.

Everything happens in a haze. Frank pushes Dream Guy down on the couch and takes his cock out of his pants, opening his mouth and taking it in. It doesn't even matter that he hasn't done this before, or that his lips are stretched too wide, because all these sensations are very inciting.

Frank pulls his head back and watches Dream Guy jerking off and, when he comes, Frank leans down and laps at the white come on the guy's stomach. He doesn't even notice the taste in this crazed moment.

Frank looks up, afterward, and now he can see a grin on Dream Guy's face. It looks oddly familiar, but Frank can't put his finger on why. He climbs over the guy's body, but he catches a glimpse of a clerical collar on the neck of Dream Guy's shirt.

murmurs, and looks closer. There's a priest's collar there. Frank closes his eyes in panic. Frank shakes his head at himself, not believing his own eyes.

When he opens them to check that he isn't delusional, he's lying on his stomach. He groans and buries his face in the pillow, except his pillow is not there. He closes his eyes again and wishes the mental images away, because it can't be real; he can't be dreaming about a priest.

Frank remembers he's sleeping at Lukas's house and groans, not believing that he had a wet dream at a friend's house. He was never fine with these dreams to begin with and tonight breaks all kinds of boundaries for him. The worst part is that he's hard and he doesn't want to jerk off to a dream of a priest. Because he is not attracted to any priest; he can't be.

Since his cock won't go down and Frank is annoyed, he gets up and goes to the bathroom, one hand covering his crotch, and locks the door. He just throws his sweatpants down his legs and leans against the closest wall. Then he finally jerks off.

Having been raised Catholic, Frank really fucking hates when he can't refrain from pleasing his body. The dreams make him go crazy, disregarding every teaching he's received since he was a kid, but tonight he slams the breaks on his mind and keeps it off his last wet dream. In the end, Frank comes to an empty mind.

It's a much better image than that fucking collar.

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