chapter twenty-five

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The next morning, Frank gets up and showers as usual. With the water running down his back, he can't stop thinking about Gerard and all the wonderful things he told Frank. There is also the memory of mutual blowjobs in Gerard's bed and the privilege of being held close afterward. He focuses on that sweet reminiscence, how they had lain on their sides, naked except for a sheet over their legs, breathing heavily and feeling amazing. Frank had never had anything like that in his life, and it felt fucking awesome. His life would be perfect if he got an A on his essay tomorrow.

And when the time comes, Frank is squirming in his seat, before his name gets called. He gets up and walks to the teachers' desk and leans against it, to hear their comments on the essay and what they graded it with.

It might not be a full on A, but it's an A minus and that leaves Frank equally satisfied. He's happy about this awesome grade, one of the highest in his class. Sister Janette and Mrs. Webster smile at him and congratulate him, proceeding to give him some good comments on the theme he developed and the adequate and impartial way he discussed it. They only advise him on the selection of resources and how to catalog them on the references page, and on the proper layout, specifically when quoting someone, and on the lack of an academic style which he will need to improve for college. He accepts every single comment with a smile on his face and a polite nod, because he really is content with the result, and thanks them in the end. He shakes their hands and turns back to his seat, grinning at his friends and hurrying to tell them about his grade. In the end, his friends have equally great grades, Lukas a nice B and Jonas the A he deserves.

At home, Frank shows it proudly to his mother and father, and to his grandfather too, and they congratulate him. Well, his grandfather barely nods at him and grunts whatever, but Frank will take it as a praise nonetheless. If they had band practice today, his mother would let them play for a longer time, but since Jonas and Jeremy can't make it, there won't be any practice.

someone he really wants to share the news with, so he lies to his mother, saying he's going to jam at Lukas's house, on his new synthesizer and stereo system. She only hums an agreement and tells him to come home in time for dinner.

"I'll try not to get distracted and lose track of time, but you can always call me!" he says as goodbye, and leaves the living room. He can see how his father is shaking his head, and hears him commenting on Frank's enthusiasm after this grade, but his father really has no idea.

Frank gets to Gerard's house with a grin on his face and a very hard dick in his pants. He's been scheming in his head the best way to tell Gerard what he came here to do, and ended up getting hard over it. It's the power of suggestive thinking. Frank runs upstairs but Gerard isn't sitting on the beanbag, and he doesn't answer when Frank knocks over and over again. He saw two cars in the driveway, Gerard's included, so he has to be home, but Frank can always try downstairs. He rings the bell and a girl opens the door, but Frank asks immediately for Gerard after the usual polite greeting.

"Ah, yeah, he's down here. I'll go get him." Frank throws his hands down the pockets at the front of his jeans to try to conceal his hard cock, since Gerard is with other people. Gerard comes to the door and smiles at him. "Hey Frank, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you," Frank replies, calmly. He doesn't move from the doorway, but shifts his weight from one foot to the other constantly because he's nervous. This isn't going exactly as he had planned, because Gerard isn't on his balcony smoking or contemplating the backyard. Instead, he's got company. "Unless you're busy?"

"No, I mean if you don't take too long." Frank shrugs and pulls a face that apparently convinces Gerard. "We're about to prepare dinner, but we can talk. Oh wait! Is it about your essay?"

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