chapter fourteen

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He was talking to one of his friends. They glanced behind me as they spoke. I kept my eyes on my book, but I wished I could tell him to find someone, to expose Easton for what he did to me. Not only did he hit me, but he broke my bones. He managed to snap a few of my ribs, my wrist, and possibly another bone that I don't even know about. All because of him. I zoned out their conversation because, quite frankly, I didn't give a shit what they were talking about, and I certainly didn't give a shit about Easton. But my ears perked up when I heard my name.

"What happened to Jasper? He looks like shit," the guy said.

I felt Easton's eyes on me. "I don't know," he said, faking a sad sigh. I glanced up and saw that Easton had the door a bit closed, and he tried to whisper to his friend. "He's been drinking and going out lately, and I don't know what to do. He's become unpredictable."

I went back to reading, but I couldn't focus the words anymore. He was blaming me? Blaming me for what? That was a bullshit lie! I realized that I was tearing the book apart and had to calm myself down. I sighed and looked up to see a horrified look on the guy's face. But Easton...Easton had the biggest smirk on his face, and it told me that he won. He won, and I lost.

"I told you," he said to his friend. "I think he's acting up because of his meds. I have to buy him some more."

"Someone should tell his brother and let him know that Jasper isn't feeling well," the guy said nervously. I felt hope rise in me, and I opened my mouth to say yes, but Easton shot a glare in my direction, and I kept my mouth shut.

"His brother is a dick. Did you know Miles prank him by faking his death?"

The guy's eyes widened. "What? He did that? I can't believe him. I knew his pranks were funny, but I didn't think he would go that far."

Easton shrugged and said his goodbyes to his friend. His friend sent me a small, sad smile, but I didn't return on back, only because I was too tired and angry at Easton and how much Miles was an ass. Easton closed the door and sat on the edge of the bed. I stared blankly at him, and he stared back, his smirk forming into a smile that I used to like.

"How's your body?" He said softly.

"It hurts like hell," I said carefully and slowly. All thanks to you.

His blue eyes swarmed with sadness and regret. "I'm sorry, babe. I'll get you an ice pack and a few pain killers."

"It seems like he cared."

"He didn't care. He was trying to hide the evidence."

He stood up and went into the bathroom. I thought about running away. Running back to New York and transfer to a different school, far away from Easton and never tell my parents the valid reason why I wanted to go back. That sounded like the perfect plan, actually.

"What was holding you back?"

I looked away and waited for Easton to return. He came back with a couple of bandages and alcohol in his hands.

"Can you take me to the hospital?" I asked nicely and made sure to stare profoundly at him. He got on his knees and lifted up my shirt. He made no more or expression when he saw the bruise on my stomach. Easton started to take off the bandage that was on my body, and I knew his silence meant no. But that didn't mean I would stop trying. "Easton?"

He didn't look at me. What did he want me to do? Beg him to take me to the hospital? I groaned when his nail accidentally scratched one of my bruises.

"Why do you make me so mad, Jasper?" He said to himself. "I don't like hurting you."

"Then don't fucking hurt me!" I blurted. I coughed a couple of times and took in deep breaths. My ribs were on fire, and the bruises on my body weren't making it any easier. Damn it, I just wanted the pain killers, and I could knock out. I stopped coughing when I realized Easton stopped aiding me. He stared at my stomach, never looking at me, his hands to his sides, and his body not moving an inch. He was sometimes unstable and unpredictable, that it made me want to crawl back in a hole that I never had. Was he going to hit me again? I don't think I can handle the punches anymore.

Bandaged & Damaged {BoyxBoy & FIN & EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now