chapter thirty-two

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The sun went down and the moon showed itself. The only time we spoke was to ask each other if we were awake or Pierce giving Kiel's directions. In each passing minute I was beginning to feel uncomfortable and agitated. I looked out of the window to ignore my pounding heart and clammy hands.

My phone burned in my pocket, waiting to be touched. I haven't told the others but Easton kept texting me. I didn't want to answer them but there must be another clue or something that would help us find Asher and Dario faster. I glanced at Miles and he leaning on the window sleeping. Making sure the others weren't looking at me I pulled out my phone and opened the messages. I scrolled down and looked at his last message. It was an hour ago.

Why aren't u texting me?

Quickly glancing up, no one was looking at me. I sighed mentally.

What do you want?

...I want u

I could almost hear him whisper those words in my ear. He never told me directly but I knew he meant it. As I re-read our previous messages I realized that the only way to get into Easton's head was for me to listen to him. He told me that he was doing this to protect me and if I listened it would be better. So I had to listen.

"I had to find them."

You can have me.

An Unknown Caller

Why did he have to call me? Maybe this was a good thing. If he called me then I could get the address. I picked up on the third ring and the conversation started.


"I can have you?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat and stared straight ahead. "Yes..."


"Nothing last forever."

"Whatever you say." I could hear the smirk growing on his face. It was sick to my stomach that he felt like he was won something, he won everything that he was trying to get. 

"It sounds so good to hear you say those words, baby," his voice was sultry now. 


No, I didn't want to think about that word, about what happened. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, the wall I was built hours ago was slowly crumbling under his voice and I was losing—losing badly that it made me wonder if I could ever get away from him. He was always there even if he wasn't. He was there in the back of my head, over my shoulder, his hands that marked my skin. It hurts. It hurts so much. 

"Who are you talking to?" 

My thoughts were corrupted when I looked to my left to see Miles staring at me. I placed a finger on my lips and Miles raised an eyebrow, moving closer to me. 

"Where are you?" I whispered in my phone. 

"If I tell you, will you tell the others? If so I might as well kill Asher and Dario," Easton said nonchalantly. 

"I won't." 


"Promise." There was silence and a sigh. "I really love you, Jasper." 

I gritted my teeth. "Go fuck yourself. I...I love you too."


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