chapter thirty-four

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It could never be reversal. There he was, laying on the floor with his closed and blood escaping his lips. His hands laid lazily next to him and his legs somewhat straight. It looked like he was sleeping. Those nights where I had to sleep with him. Those nights were he would hold me and his eyes were closed yet his chest was still moving. His chest wasn't moving this time. They told me not to touch him. There was no point of saving him if he was already dead. We only came for Asher and Dario.

"It wasn't what I planned."

"What?" Asher asked. "What do you mean there's no bullets?"

It took a few seconds to understand what he was asking since he was slightly slurring his words. His jaw was probably dislocated or he cut his tongue.

"There's no bullets," Pierce repeated slowly. "If he wanted to shoot you, he wouldn't be abe to because there's no bullets."

"So what you're saying is--" Junior stopped and let out a shaky sigh.

"H-he wasn't going to kill them. H-he wanted to scare--" Miles stammered.

"Me," I said, cutting miles off. Everything was falling together--for the most fucked up reasons.

"You're telling me he did all of this to try to get you back by scaring you?"

"It worked. I was scared but I would never go back."

"Just take us to the car. I don't think I can stand much longer," Dario grunted and leaned on Junior for support.

"Nixon, Pierce, and Kiel. Leave Kiel's gun but wipe out the prints. When you're done write some shitty note about why he ended his life and then come back," Asher ordered and held his side. "Jasper come with us."

"No," I said stubbornly.

"Jasper it's not the time—"

"I'm not objecting your request, leader. I'm saying no because that doesn't make any sense. Why would he shoot himself in the chest when he could have shot in himself in the head if you want to make it seem like a suicide? And, what about your blood on the floor? They're going to know it was a homicide."

They were silent for a moment and I realized my mistake. I was basically helping them cover up a murder. The look on Miles's face made my stomach turn and twist. He was disappointed that I knew what was happening but underneath that disappointment was anger. "Don't say another word. We'll see you in the car," he said sternly and tried dragging Asher away.

"He's right," Nixon said. "We have to change something."

"Why don't we dump the body?" Kiel suggested.

"Jesus fucking Christ! You killed him so figure it out. We're leaving!" Miles exclaimed and made Asher sit down on the couch. He grabbed my arm and dragged me out the house. I didn't struggle. Maybe it was because the idea of Easton being dead hasn't crashed on me yet. My brain was telling me not to leave them there but my body followed Miles into the car. He got inside the driver's seat and I got inside the passenger seat. He dig inside his pockets to find the keys and then looked at me. "Give me the keys."

"I gave it to Asher," I said. He groaned and was about to get out of the car when we saw a flash of blue, red, and white.

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