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14 year-old Ash Ketchum sat up on his plush bed, suddenly awoken by the noise outside his window. Dangling his feet on the side of his bed and stretching his arms out, he hopped down and ran towards the door.

Before he could throw it open, his maid Lucy, who had taken care of him from his wee years, walked in holding a tray of food. "Good morning, your highness" she said, beaming at him "Did you have a good rest?"

Ash returned the smile and taking the tray from her hand he said "Good Morning to you too, Lucy and yes, I had a very nice rest."

"I just wanted to know what all the noise was about"

At this, Lucy's smile dropped. "This may come as a shock to you highness" she said, leading him to his bed "You see, your brother is going out for war"

"What!" the boy cried "But he never told us anything about it. I need to go see him!"

Pushing him back down on his bed, Lucy tried to reason, "Your parents aren't taking the news too well either, your highness" she said "I think they have more on their hands than they can handle, it might be unwise to run out there. Don't you think?"

Huffing in defeat and crossing his arms, he asked "Father wont allow him to leave right?"

"About that" Lucy said, shifting uncomfortably "You brother is actually helping out his friends in the Hoenn Kingdom. So by helping them in war, he will help in strengthening the bonds between the two kingdoms."

Ash knew exactly where this was going, yet he motioned for her to continue.

"The king is taking this opportunity to it's full advantage and thus it might be that he will side with your brother and allow him to go to war."

He looked down and without looking her way he said "I need some me-time". Lucy nodded and rose, "Don't forget your breakfast, prince Ash" she said and walked out of his room.

Ash sighed and laid back onto his bed. He knew how it was. Any war outside the kingdom would go endlessly. Weeks, months or probably years.

It wasn't that he didn't believe in his brother. Ash had total faith in his bravery, courage and determination. If anyone could win, it was Alec. What scared him the most was that he might lose another loved one.

The burning smell, the crying and all the pain he felt on that horrible day. He couldn't shake it off. Those blue eyes and the tears on her face, he could never forget them. It traumatized him so much that he was even afraid to make any more friends. So, he held his family close and was very overprotective of them.

But now, he knew nothing could be done about it. He had no control over the situation. His brother was putting himself in the worst situation possible and his father was siding with him. Groaning in frustration, he pushed the tray off the bed, nothing he said ever mattered.

It was as if he didn't even exist. Even though he knew very well that crying won't get him anywhere, he couldn't help but shed some tears. But they were more of anger than of sorrow.

By that evening, Alec had already left.


If you're confused, then don't worry because that is the whole point of having a prologue :P Next chapter probably in a few days.

See ya.

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