Chapter 22 - Old Friendships

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Warning: <Un-edited>

Ash leaned against the bed post, grabbing the attention he wanted from the guards; one of them jabbed the spear in a defensive position and Ash threw his hands up.

"I'm not gonna do anything" he said "In fact, I'm not even gonna move"

"You better not" the guard threatened.

"We're not dumb, you know" another one, who was standing at the back of the five guards present there, put in "We know what games you're planning to play"

Smiling and shaking his head, Ash said "Yet, you believe in Alec"

Weiss and Tyson exchanged nervous glances; the former opened his mouth but was cut short by another guard. "You're the one to talk" Butch said, head thrown high "We'd rather believe a person with respectable leadership, instead of someone like you". The others laughed, but Weiss and Tyson kept their heads dropped.

"I wasn't talking to you" Ash said; pointing his fingers at the two guilt bathed guards, he spoke again "I was talking to them"

Butch looked at them and then back at Ash, who was still smiling at them, and snorted. "We all work for Alec" he smugly said "Tell him boss"

"I know all of you guys do; but I'm surprised these two are working for him too" Ash replied "Aren't you, boss?"

Weiss gulped, the tears sprouted out of nowhere, making him break down. Butch and the other guards gaped in shock; Butch stepped forward, slightly bending down to his meet his head, which had been stuffed into his hands "Are you okay boss? Was it something I said?" he glanced desperately at the other two terrified ones, "Help me" he squeaked.

"Why don't you ask Tyson?" Ash prompted, making Butch snap his head at the wide-eyed guard "I think he knows why your boss is crying"

Tyson knew exactly what Ash was talking about, even though Weiss's shoulders stopped shaking, he refused to look up; the guilt which had been piled up inside of him was no different from what Tyson was feeling.

He looked at Ash; the smile plastered on his face, ripping his heart as memories returned. In fact, they happened right here, probably at the same time of the day; midafternoon, when the Sun was at its peak.

"I hate fencing" Ash mumbled, glaring daggers at the object in his hand. Someone knocked on the door and dropping the frown, he turned around to see who it was.

They were two guards, blue badges on their uniform telling Ash that they were the new recruits.He smiled, "Yes, how can I help you?" Ash asked, placing the sword on the table.

"We're your new body guards" Weiss said, curtly smiling; placing a hand on his chest, he said "I'm Weiss." Then pointing at the guard, who seemed to be slightly distracted by the chandelier, he said, sighing in embarrassment "And that's Tyson". The mention of his name alerted him and snapping back to reality, he saluted "Hey"

Ash saluted back, smiling "Hey".

From that point on, calling them bodyguards would've been an unsuitable description. Teaching him to love fencing, rather than detest it, was probably one the first steps they took in becoming friends.

They were teenagers, with only a few years of age gap; it was impossible to not have fun. Even though Weiss was slightly on the serious side, he would never stop them from pulling the occasional prank or two.

Ash was glad to have their company.

At the end of the year, Ash was the one who suggested them to the then-current commander, who was due for retirement, as suitable candidates. The commander was apprehensive at first, but didn't out right say no; instead, he decided to train them. Their skill was surprising.

"Can we go meet him?" Tyson asked. "It's been a year and I guess he might've pretty lonely. We would be doing him a favor, you know."

"I already told you billion times, Tyson" Weiss said, idly cleaning up his bed "We are not allowed to leave the building"

"And besides" he added, still not looking at Tyson "He might've made some new friends"

Weiss knew that, that statement was a complete lie. Even Tyson did. They knew that Ash was still missing Serena, they knew that his family kept holding him down and they also knew that his new bodyguard was anything but fun.

It was the feeling of guilt of leaving him all alone and the fear, that he might turn them down that, made Weiss say the words and allowed Tyson to refuse to object.

When they did get appointed Commander and deputy Commander, it was Ash who clapped the most.

Tyson decided that they couldn't hurt Ash even more than they already did. Taking Alec's side was a mistake, he knew it, and so did Weiss, but the barrier between right and wrong dissolved when they saw Alec. For a moment, they had forgotten the feelings of love.

It was when the wall got back up and drew a clear line separating evil and love that Weiss broke down. Tyson had a much efficient route.

"Butch!" he commanded, scaring the guard and his comrades into attention "Notify all the other members of the troop to assemble at the front entrance immediately"

Butch pulled his head back in confusion "But sir-"

"You are to obey those of a higher rank, Butch" Tyson said, cutting him short "Even ask the prison guards to release the innocent captives"

Butch nodded meekly and motioning the other two, they ran off to fulfil the orders. Once he was out of sight, Tyson and Weiss dropped to one knee, bowing to Ash.

His voice still slightly shaking, Weiss spoke "We are under your command"

"Your highness" he added.


Ash and Serena were silent like the twilight spread around them. The curtains, which were open to their fullest, only let a few measly rays of Sunlight into the room. It was like even the evening didn't want to disturb the two of them.

The hug that Serena had thrown on Ash slowly turned into slight sobs. Ash didn't bother asking why, he only hugged her tighter. "It's going to be okay" he said, trying to reassure her.

"No it isn't!" she cried, her sound still muffled "You always say that"

"Maybe it's because I mean it" Ash replied. He pushed her away from the hug to look at her, his hands still kept their firm grip on her shoulders.

Serena finally looked up. Her heart and mind still confused as to how Ash could still keep smiling. Everything from the very beginning was a path of struggle that kept ending in tears. Nothing went the way they had to.

Even though the current situation was more in their favor than it was for Alec, chances were that, they would lose. Again; like they did last time.

"What if something goes wrong?" she asked. Ash cupped her cheek, letting a tear slide down his thumb.

He didn't let the smile drop, even though he was just as scared, he had to be brave; for his kingdom, for his mother, for his friends and for Serena. To help them he wasn't scared to pretend.

"It won't" Ash said in reply "Alec won't win; and I'm sure of it. People with good intentions may not win at the first try, but they eventually will. This is our 'eventually', I can feel it.

"We won't lose"

Closing the gap, he slowly kissed her; Serena was sure that this wouldn't be the last kiss. She finally smiled when they pulled away, and the last tear fell when he said "I promise"


My computer's working again!!!

So I got this done, like I promised. ^0^

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