Chapter 4 - Sudden News

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A week had passed and Ash had grown closer with Serena just as he did with Lucy. Except, his relationship with Serena wasn't like the motherly closeness he had with Lucy.

They were friends.

After attending four or five plays consecutively and then being forced to attend a party, all Ash wanted was some sleep. It was dark  outside and the Sun had set hours ago. In just another hour a new day would begin.

Much to his surprise he saw Serena standing beside his desk holding an envelope. Her face broke into a smile when she saw him "Had a rough day, I suppose?" she asked, earning a tired nod from Ash.

"This actually came for you while you were away" she said, handing him the letter "They said it was important"

Rubbing his tired eyes he took it from her hand and broke open the seal.

To: Ash Ketchum, the second prince of Kanto -

Your most respected highness,

We are sorry to disturb you at this time of crisis, but the current situation has given us no choice but to proceed with this action. Because of the sudden announcement of your upcoming coronation, we have decided to shift your fencing examination to tomorrow.

We are extremely sorry that we couldn't get this news to you earlier, but please bear in mind that it was very sudden for us too. We regret the inconvenience we have caused.

Your examination starts tomorrow at seven 'o'clock in the morning at  the Royal Fencing Institute at Viridian City. Please make it possible that you reach there on time, since marks will be deducted for tardiness.

With sincere apologies and the best of luck, Brock (Director and Head-teacher)

Ash stared at in shock. An examination which was supposed to be months later was all of a sudden on the very next day. In fact in just a few hours, it would start.

He was extremely out of practice and it had been ages since he had even lifted the Sabre. But he couldn't fail, he had to pass it.

Running to his closet, he picked the weapon off it's rack and sped to the door. "Could you please bring me a water bottle Serena?" he asked and quickly shutting the door, he ran downstairs.

The whole castle was asleep, except for the guards who were stationed in the corridors. When Ash reached the door opening for the back of the castle, he earned surprised looks from the guards who were stationed there "Up so late, your highness?" one of them asked.

"I was suddenly told that my fencing examination had been pre-poned to tomorrow" Ash replied.

"I could help you practice, your highness" one of them bowed "If you want, I could go and fetch the fencing gear."

Ash nodded "That would be very appreciated, thank you". Bowing again, the guard ran off.

Yawning, Ash walked into the small garden and sat himself under a tree. He had almost dozed off, when he heard a very friendly voice yell out"Ash!". Snapping out from his sleep he looked up. It was Serena, holding a water bottle in her hand.

"Woah woah, missy" the other guard said, blocking her with his spear "No one calls the prince by his name except his family"

"No, it's okay. I asked her to call me by name" Ash walked up to them "And thanks for getting me the water" he said and took the bottle from Serena.

"Your always welcome" she smiled. The clouds moved out of the way of the Moon and the light illuminated her face.

The guard standing there and the other one who had just returned with the fencing gear stopped and stared. The same question which Ash had asked kept running through their mind - How was this girl a maid?

Ash frowned and snapping the tall one out of his trance, he took the gear from his hand and ordered him to put it on. Nodding and apologizing for his mistake, the guard quickly obeyed.Within minutes, the two of them were facing each other on either ends of the garden; Serena had a found a small rock to sit on "All the best Ash!" she cheered.

Ash was wrong about his lack of practice. Fencing was one of his talents and all the tricks he had been taught by Brock was all in his muscle memory. In just moments, he had thrown his opponent off his guard and with just another swipe, the guard's Sabre landed with a clang on the floor.

Ash didn't know for how long he was awake, but when he went to sleep, the Sun was already up. The last thing he saw before he went to sleep was Serena's smiling face.



I actually had to research about Fencing for this chapter 😝

Fun fact - The Sabre is the sword they use for fencing. It is one of the three types which are used in the sport.

And man, it's really difficult to write a formal letter, haven't been so confused in my entire life.

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