Chapter 14 - Sharing hearts

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'The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart'

Love is such a thing.

It's a feeling which can't be seen or heard, instead it's a feeling which wraps itself around your heart and remains there, firmly. True love never leaves.

Serena obviously held a place in Ash's heart, she was the reason he didn't drown himself in misery. If he hadn't had all those memories with her, he would've been lost. Lost like a camel, which had been deserted by his owner, in his case his parents.

Serena's jaw hung slightly and her eyes were open in shock, "A-a-ash" she stuttered, her face glowing a bright red.

Realization struck him like an avalanche. Instinct would be the wrong word to describe it, so would the word adrenaline, it was more 'the voice in his heart'.

"I'm sorry, I should've-"

"Don't be" Serena whispered, her voice slightly strained. Most of it because she was embarrassed, the rest of it because of what she was going to say

"I love you too, Ash"

"It's not a mystery, you know?" she added, slightly smiling at Ash, her blush evidently visible.

Ash, shocked at first, threw a smile of his own. A wordless agreement was exchanged with a hug, the warmest and the best form of love. "I do love you, Serena"


"It's tomorrow!?"

"Yes, your highness" Clemont answered, keeping a firm gaze on Ash's shocked face "The threatening letter from the anonymous sender keeps our kingdom at risk and it is necessary that Kanto has a king to keep it safe, any later could mean danger for our citizens and the royal family."

"But what about the preparations?" Ash asked, sitting down on the chair at his desk. "Aren't coronations a huge event?"

That was just one reason, the other reason was the fact that he wasn't prepared. To get the responsibility of the whole kingdom dumped on him within a span of just an evening was unimaginable. His doubts didn't last long, though.

A reassuring smile from Serena who was standing at the door, a few feet away from Clemont's back, did the trick.

"This one won't be a huge one, your highness" the minister said, completely missing the smile Ash returned to Serena "The queen isn't exactly happy with it. She just wants to get it over with alongside the funeral"

Ash's face fell. He knew the exact reason for the decision, except unlike last time, he didn't care. He needed to stop caring. If he continued on the same way and let everything hurt him, he would get nowhere.

"When do we begin?"


Upon Ash's request, Serena was allowed to keep him company. From one thing to another, Ash roamed around the castle. Even though feelings of despondency hung on every corner of the palace, he never let it affect him.

He had reasons to be happy and if those reasons made him smile, he would smile and no force could stop him. The death of the king and the sudden coronation didn't affect him any longer.

"After the funeral, which will be held at the family graveyard, the whole procession will move to the court room. Please take note that the procession takes the same path it did when it arrived at the site. This is necessary since we don't want to block many roads, is that clear?"

The whole room nodded. "The coronation will take place right after that" Tracey said, turning especially to look at Ash and earn his approval. Which he did receive through a nod.

"There will be no loud music or confetti at the announcement of the new king" Tracey continued "It is supposed to be a silent affair"


"It is as per the queen's orders, Iris" Tracey cut her short "She doesn't want to ruin the feeling of the funeral"

"But that's not fair! Coronations are supposed to be happy and joyful" she exclaimed, getting up in anger "Don't you mind, your highness? Don't you want it be fun?"

Misty lunged up to grab Iris and sit her down, but she stopped midway when Ash asked"Whose happiness are you talking about?"

The whole room went silent in shock. "Y-your happiness, of course" Misty answered, fumbling slightly and letting go of Iris. She shifted her gaze.

"I know that's a lie" Ash retorted. But he wore a genuine smile, which surprised the lot "You're all doing this to keep the queen happy. Not that I have a problem with it, she's my mother after all"

No one uttered a word. What he said, hit the hammer right on the head, further explanation was unnecessary.

Sighing at the response, he got up. "I guess we're done here" he said, dusting his pants "I'll see all of you in the morning"

Nodding slightly at Serena, who watched the entire thing in obedient silence, the two of them walked out of the ministers' office.


"I'm so glad you're back, Ash" Serena smiled at him "That confidence was something I thought I'd never see again"

"My playmate from my childhood is back"

Ash grinned in response "Well, he's not leaving anytime soon" he said, placing his hands one her shoulders and slowly bumping his head with hers

"And it's all thanks to you"


I'm not satisfied with this chapter :(

Me iz sorry.

Just to let you guys know, school just started so the updates might be shaky.

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