Chapter 1 - The New King

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Ash walked down the hallways of the castle. His shoes making a discernible sound, alerting all the maids and butlers who were cleaning up the decorative items in the corridors. Each and everyone of them bowed down, mumbling a "Good morning, your highness".

 Ash replied with a sad smile.

Ever since he turned 18 last month, every single day wore him down to extreme limits. Signing reports, attending events, giving speeches day in and day out, sucked the soul out of him. Moreover, his Father's sudden illness had dumped even more responsibilities on top of him.

It was while he was signing the reports sent in by Cerulean city that he got a message that his mother wanted to see him.

"Your majesty, your son is here to see you" the Queen's butler announced after letting him into her chamber.

"I'll be there in a second" a voice said. Bowing with reverence to Ash, the butler slowly left the room.

"Oh Ash-sweetie, you came!" his mom said, emerging from her closet. Her face looked tired and sick with worry, forcing a smile she said "I need to talk to you"

"Is it about Father?" Ash asked, slowly helping Delia down on a seat.

"It is about him." 

Ash looked down, "His condition has worsened, hasn't it?" he asked "If you called to tell me about it, then I already knew. The whole castle is talking about it; maids, butlers, everyone. If he's going to die anyway then why don't you just let him, instead of keeping him on medication and making everyone worry"

"Don't talk like that about your Father! He is dying, Ash!" Delia scolded "I know you're still mad at him, but he is the king and you need to give him respect."

"Respect for what?!" Ash yelled, turning to face her "It was his decision to let Alec go out to war and 4 years later there is no sign of him! Mother, we all know Alec is dead!"

"I told you so many times not to bring that up! Alec is not dead!" Delia retorted.

"Then where is he?! I know for one that he is not in Hoenn, because he would've returned home once the war was done. He hasn't returned, so that means the war isn't over."

"He is still fighting in  it. You know how these -"

"Yes I know how these wars are; what I also know is that these wars are extremely ruthless. If what you're saying is true and he is still alive then, where are the letters confirming this fact? For all we know he could be in that heap of dead bodies lying in the battlefield."

Delia couldn't answer that question. She knew, deep down, no matter how much she denied it, that Alec was no more. But as a mother, she was still in denial and refused to accept it.

"Ash, I will not tolerate this nonsense from you! You are an adult; arguing and holding onto the past like this is not gonna get you anywhere. Dead or not, Alec is not here, thus you will be given more responsibilities. So, when your mother calls for you, listen to what she has to say!" Delia said, sternly "You're not the only one going through a lot here, you understand?"

He sighed and standing up straight he asked "What was it that you called me here for?"

"Your father's illness is on it's last stage." Delia answered "The doctors are trying their best, but it doesn't look too good. We do not know how much longer he'll be with us."

"Because of his absence, a lot of his duties are being put on me, you and the palace secretaries. If it continues like this, then..." Delia stopped and looked up at Ash "Then, it won't be long before you are  crowned as the new king"


In the language of Boredom, a few days later means tomorrow or in a couple of hours. I had absolutely nothing to do and plus I had a brainwave, thus this chapter.

And don't you worry one bit, because our dear Serena-chan will appear in the next chapter. Till then, Sayonara.

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