Chapter 21 - Gary and Paul

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Paul and Gary were pretty sure about what they had said, they knew that their 'fool Alec - prepare the soldiers - attack' strategy was flawless. Lure him into believing that they all were innocent about Serena's 'evil' plans, give him the wrong file, get all the troops prepared and stationed for his return from his failed excavation, earn the inevitable victory because of how outnumbered he was.

It was very simple. Considering how easily Alec had believed Gary and Paul from the very beginning, they knew that he would easily fall into this trap too. However they overlooked the fact that he was Alec.

They underestimated his capabilities, his evil; they had forgotten the fact that he had succeeded only through deceit and trickery. It was his talent- to lie. If the plan hadn't come out then, it would have come out eventually.

Revenge for their parents, their ruined lives. Everything was lost.

The big brown door and the heavily armed soldiers did nothing to help calm Gary's jitters. He was very close to tears.

"Come in!" a voice ordered from inside.

He was shoved roughly inside and got thrown in front of an older guy as the doors slammed shut behind. Beside him stood another boy about Gary's age. Long purple bangs covered the boy's face; his head was hung low.

"Well, look what we have here" the dark haired, older boy said, his red eyes making Gary take a step back.

"Oh, don't be scared" Alec laughed "I won't eat you". He placed a hand on Gary's shoulder and pulled him closer and slowly examined his features.

"I can almost smell the very irritating Oak blood running through your veins" he snarled. Then smirking, he said "It's a good thing they're gone.

"Isn't it?"

At the mention of his surname, Gary straightened. It didn't take long for him to figure it out. This guy standing in front of him, he was the very cause of all this. He wanted to snap at him but something stopped him and he kept mum. He went back to his stooped figure and nervous twiddling of hands.

However, it did one thing - it got rid of his fear. Instead it got replaced with hate and a passionate new goal. He was gonna get his revenge. 

Someway, some how he was going to.  

Gary had betrayed him. He had betrayed his past self. There was no possible way he could fulfill that dream now that he was held down to the ground. His hands cuffed, heavy metal balls tied to his feet and soldiers guarding him. He only watched pathetically as the servants dug  up the ground as Alec supervised, smugly.

He shot a glance at Paul who was suffering the same fate as he was. He was at the opposite side of the digging and his drooped head, and the bangs covering his face brought back unpleasant memories.

The room was very crammed. The walls were severely damaged and very thin, the noise from the other side came flowing in effortlessly. It didn't intimidate Gary at all. Neither did the mocking stares from his twenty or so roommates.

"Who brought these bunny rabbits here?"

"Pipsqueaks, aren't they?"

"Now isn't that just adorable? We have little soldiers. D'aww"

They laughed and laughed, but he didn't flinch, even a bit. He kept his firm gaze on the purple-haired boy's back, whose name he had learned was Paul, and moved to the back of the room to their beds.

Beds would actually be a wrong description for the two flimsy bed sheets laid down on the ground. While Gary spent some time staring at it, Paul quickly dropped down onto one of them. 

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