Chapter 7 - Aphrodite's blessings

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Even though it had just started, the fair was already jam packed. Ash was dressed in peasant clothes to blend into the crowd. Slowly following him was Serena and behind them were two guards who were standing at a distance away to create the illusion that they were patrolling the fair, rather than protecting the prince.

Many different kind of stalls were set up. Food, games,clothes, each stand being more crowded than the other. There were banners and posters advertising deals and sales and there was a lot of noise.

The whole place looked colorful and was radiating a positive vibe among all the people there.
"What do you wanna do first, Ash ?" Serena asked.

The question took him by surprise. He had already told Serena that he wasn't here to enjoy the fair, he was here to see the present state of Saffron city.

"If you want to know your people better you must include yourself in their activities" Serena pointed out "Like through their game and food stalls"

On realizing that this actually made sense, he went along with Serena.

The Aphrodite's festival was a grand event which lasted for an entire week in Saffron city. Each year the people there spent some time of their busy schedule celebrating the goddess of love. At the end of the festival, on it's last evening, the fountain set in the middle of the fair, of the goddess herself will come alive with colored lights and many rockets will be set off into the sky. Today was it's last day.

After eating a couple of different flavored cotton-candy and then winning a teddy-bear not only for Serena but also for his guards, Ash found himself in front of a veiled stall. It was covered with a huge tarp which had stars and the galaxy embroidered on it. Right in the middle of it was a huge slit, which was it's entrance.

"It's a fortune telling stall Ash" Serena exclaimed "Wanna give it a shot?"

When Ash entered, a small bell placed at the opening went off. "Welcome welcome" a voice greeted "Please have a seat". It was an old man, with a buttermilk-yellow turban placed on his head and a braided beard. He was sitting cross-legged behind a table and was pointing at a cushion placed  in front of him.

Ash sat down in front of the table and the only source of light in the room, which was a round blue orb placed at it's center. "Hope you had a good time so far, your highness" the man said.

In response to Ash's surprised look, the old-man said "They don't call me a fortune teller for nothing, you know"

Ash let out a laugh "Yeah it was pretty amazing" he answered "Most fun I've had in while"

"Let's just get to it, shall we ?" the old-man asked, pulling the orb closer to him "Since this is Aphrodite's week, I shall see about your love life."

"Have anyone in mind?"

Ash shook his head. "No. No one in particular" he replied "I don't exactly have time for that"

The moment he finished the sentence, the orb glowed a bright green. The fortune-teller looked up at him, "Honesty is an important attribute for every prince, your highness" he said"My orb says your lying through your teeth"

Ash blinked in surprise; didn't take long for his face to turn red. "Your face tells me I'm right." the old-man pointed.

He bent down to pick up a book, which was placed under the table and flipped it open. He pulled out a pen from his pocket "Love is not something to be played with" he said, scribbling something down "When it comes to you with open arms, you have to embrace it"

"Thus denying it is not an option, your highness" he added.

He tore the page from the book, put it in an envelope and handed it to a dumbfounded Ash. "Open it at the fireworks display"


When they say time flies when your having fun, they actually mean it. Before he knew it, the whole day was spent away. Just after the Sun set, the crowds slowly moved to the statue. Some slumped down on the grass and the others stood around it. One thing was common, they were all with their significant other.

Ash and Serena were sitting against a tree, with the guards standing on either side of it. A loud whizzing noise followed by an explosion, made Ash look away from the closed envelope.

The fireworks display had begun. A few seconds later the fountain spouted out water and with the lights around it, the water had turned into different colors. The crowd cheered.

Ash slit the envelope open -

Love prevails every where,among everyone

The peasant or the king or the baker's son

But if the heart beats, you know love has won 

It didn't take him long to figure out what that meant. Placing the envelope down, he looked at the sky and then back at Serena. She was looking at the fireworks, her eyes sparkling, like a child's.

He sighed. He was in love with Serena, wasn't it obvious ?


I'm really really bored. Anyone know a good song I could listen to ?

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