Chapter 10 - Serena

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Serena's POV

My parents were always the richest people after the royalty. A big mansion, a huge garden, personal maids and butlers, a private pool, fancy clothes; all the luxuries in the world.

After my father got a promotion in his company, he and the king, Red Ketchum became really close friends. They would always meet up at the royal gardens for a chat over tea and I would tag along with dad.

It was during one of these visits that I met Ash.

He was in the garden on the east side of the castle, playing with a ball under the supervision of the guards there. We didn't exactly start happy. I remember getting into a fight with him, but we made up. It wasn't long before we became firm friends.

We became such close friends, I would ask to be taken to the castle just so I could play with Ash. Two years passed and nothing had gotten in the way of our friendship. For me, Ash was one of the coolest people I had ever met. He was lovable, extremely jovial and could do so many things which I thought were totally awesome.

I was pretty sure, back then, that we would stay best friends for the rest of our lives.

One day, probably right after sunset, while I was returning home after playing with Ash, I saw my whole entire mansion and all the property around it on fire. No one was injured, everyone had been bought outside to safety, but everything that my family owned had been set ablaze.

Within a few moments, the fire fighters had been bought and even the queen and Ash came. I cried and cried and Ash sat with me through the entire night.

While my parents were trying to work things out, me and Ash prayed; we wanted some miracle, some magic to help us.

That was the last time I saw him.

My dad found a job somewhere in Hoenn and the salary he earned from that was just enough to keep us alive. I wasn't very happy there. They couldn't afford to send me to school and my neighborhood didn't have many kids, so I was usually very lonely.

After that things didn't escalate, instead they went completely downhill.

I was alone in our small apartment, waiting for my parents to come back and I remember getting very excited when our doorbell rang. But it wasn't my parents instead it was neighbor Ms. Mariah, who told me to pack my bags and come live with her.

Don't know what for, but it was only two years after the incident that I was told of my parents death. The carriage they were in had fallen off a ravine and they had lost their lives instantly. I had only one picture of them and it was very old. Even Ash was there in that picture.

When I turned fifteen, the kingdom of Hoenn got attacked. Luckily, I lived near the outskirts and evacuation wasn't very difficult. The fact that I had minimal possessions made it easier for me.

When I reached Kanto, I did odd jobs everywhere. Usually as a maid in noble families or sometimes as a nanny, but my eyes were always set on the castle. I was beyond happy when I heard that there were spots open to work as a maid in the castle, but the last thing I expected was to become Ash's personal maid.

He looked completely different from the last time I saw him, but the moment I saw him, I knew it was the same Ash from when I was little. The only difference was that he didn't look very happy. His hair was frazzled and he looked sleep-deprived. But I was happy, really happy that I was able to see him again.

We both were sitting on the bed, with the letter placed in between us, and he was listening as I told him the story.

"I didn't exactly think that you would completely forget me" I sniffed, fidgeting with my skirt "I had hoped that at least my name would ring a bell"

"I'm really sorry" Ash apologized "I didn't know you suffered so much"

I didn't know how to respond to that; I just kept staring down at my apron. I felt Ash get up and come stand in front of me. I wanted to cry all over again, but before I could do anything, he took my hands into his and forced me into a hug.

I squeaked in shock, but the surprise died almost immediately and turned into tears. Tears of joy. "I promise that we will be friends forever and forever" Ash said, rubbing my back as I cried my heart out "And I'll make sure that you never shed another tear ever again."

This moment was probably the most happiest I had been in a really long time.


This will the last update for a really long time. Wait. Before you kill me, let me tell you why.

No, it's not because of school work, no it's not because I have another life (wattpad is my life) and no, it's not because I don't know what to do with the story.

The reason for this hiatus is that I am going to visit my grandparents. I will be gone till the end of May and I might not be able to update because they live in a village and they don't have Wi-Fi.

Yes, the whole reason is lack of internet connection. But I promise that if I find a Wi-Fi connection, I will update, but if I don't then I will do so as soon as I return.

So please don't ditch me. We're so close to a K reads and the story just reached it's main plot and there's a lot to come and I love all of you


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