Chapter 8 - Foreign Troubles

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"It's an emergency, your highness"

Ash stepped down his carriage after a day of fun and enjoyment, into the pandemonium of the castle. The guards and Serena exchanged looks. The kingdom's chief minister, who was also Kanto's best scientist came up to the prince with panic written on his face.

"Letters have arrived from Hoenn, your highness" Clemont said, fumbling as he lifted his glasses up his nose "Most of them are over ten years old"

"Why have all of them arrived so suddenly?" Ash asked, following Clemont into the castle. "We have no clue, your highness" Clemont answered "But sadly that's not the worst part"

Ash shot Clemont a confused look "Every single of them are from peasants" the inventor continued "And not a single one of them are happy letters, all of them are complaints" 


When he walked into his father's office, he saw his mother and the other ministers going through the letters. There was a huge mess on the floor, a trunk with the letters which was no where near empty was lying beside the table and all the ministers and the queen were completely frazzled; their faces showing clear signs of stress and worry.

"When exactly did this trunk arrive?" Ash asked, slowly picking a torn envelope off the floor. It was yellow and the corners looked like they had been eaten away by some insect.

"Right after you left, your highness" one minister answered. She pushed a couple of letters towards Ash "They are all about the poor living conditions in their localities" she said "They say they want compensation for the damage we caused"

"What damage are they talking about, Misty?" Ash asked "We have done nothing but support them."

"Alec went to fight for them. He went to protect them."

Everyone in the room looked down, averting their eyes from Ash. "Come on" Misty mumbled "Someone has to tell him, tell him Tracey". She pushed the artist sitting beside her "He needs to know"

"What are you hiding?!" Ash ordered "What secret are you not telling me?" No one replied. Even Misty, who had initially tried had given up.

"Clemont?"The inventor stayed quiet, he was nervously playing with his fingers, eyes locked on the ground. "Mom?"

"The kingdom of Hoenn is in ruins" a voice said from behind him. All the minsters and Delia rose to their feet and Ash turned to face the door. "Professor Oak ?"

"Good evening, your highness" the professor greeted. Behind him was Iris, Kanto's environmentalist; She was wearing a grim expression and was holding a folder in her hand. "This thingy was randomly dropped at Prof's door the other day for some weird reason and-"

"Iris!" the professor glared at her "Language!"

She looked taken aback. Mumbling in disagreement she handed the folder to Professor Oak and quickly retreated back to her expressionless face. "This letter came to me just this morning" he said, giving it to Ash. The boy quickly took it and began examining it.

"I must warn you, your highness" the Professor informed "It's contents are not the most pleasant"

Ash pulled the letter out of the folder nonetheless. "Please read it out Ash" Delia asked. He brought it closer to his face and began -

To whomsoever it may concern,

I heard that the king has come down with a deadly illness. He is apparently bed-ridden and is unable to perform any of his duties as the king of the kingdom of Kanto. As much as I don't want to say it, as much as it grieves me, everyone knows that his life is soon going to come to an end.

A kingdom without a king? Sounds pretty silly, doesn't it? A kingdom without a king is just as good as a dish without any ingredients. Exactly. It's absolutely revolting. For a king to be successful, he needs charm, wit, common sense and the power to get things done the way he wants them.

A pushover is the last thing this kingdom needs. A person who can't even stand on his two feet without being spoon-fed every second is not even worthy to be a minister, forget being a king. Sadly, these traits are exactly what his second son poses. If I was in charge of the kingdom, I'd find someone much more abled and someone much more smarter to rule the kingdom.

Someone like me. I know that I have what it takes to lead Kanto or probably even the world into a brighter future. Under my rule there will be no poverty, no one will ever be hungry and everyone will have a smile on their.

But here's the deal, you only have two choices - One, I be crowned your new king or Two, the kingdom be destroyed. The choice is yours.

From a well-wisher.


Random question :- Who's your favorite Poke-girl and who's your favorite Pokeboy?

Mine are Iris and Clemont (Duh).

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