Chapter 12 - I'll be here

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Ash slowly placed her feet back on the ground. Feeling extremely reluctant though.

"Been so long since the last time, right?" Serena beamed at him. Ash replied with a "Yeah" he gulped, trying to push down the unreasonable nerves.
They didn't leave.

Serena pulled away and plunked down on the bench, lazily swinging her feet. "I just wish every day was like this" she said, shifting her gaze from her skirt to Ash "You know, away from all worries and responsibilities"

The wind that was blowing a while ago slowed down. But only for a while. It returned back, this time with much more force than before and it was accompanied by dark rain clouds.

But the gloomy weather didn't seem to bring the girl down one bit. She looked extremely happy and judging by the way her face shone as she spoke, one could know that it would stay the same even in a blizzard.

Replying with a nod, Ash made his way beside her and immediately got his shoulder made into a resting place for her head.

"Did you ever come here since I left?" Serena asked, not budging her head and still keeping the firm gaze on the grass. "Did you get to enjoy the flowers?"

Ash didn't reply. He was looking down at his interlocked fingers and was twiddling around with his thumbs; he was letting the question sink in.

When was the last time he had come here?

Forget that, when was the last time he had even stepped out of the castle? Unless it was for official purposes, of course.

He had never had the chance to enjoy a relaxing jog or a peaceful walk. His life was always just hurry, hurry, hurry or do this, do that, you're too slow or different forms of that.

He shook his head. It was partially his fault too. Never standing up for himself, always allowing himself to be run over by his family.

He had let himself become a doormat and he hadn't even realized it.

"I'll take that as a 'no' then"

He hadn't noticed her moving her position infront of him. She was looking at him with a worried face, geniune sadness was written all over it.

"Being sad is no fun Ash. I'm telling you this because I know.

"When I stepped into your room for the first time, I knew that something about you was missing. Something about the Ash I knew and loved had become invisible. Something about you was gone." She locked her eyes with Ash's "And when I say gone, I mean dead.

"The sparkly eyes and that toothy smile. Where are they? It was as if someone had plucked it off and replaced it with sleepless nights and despair. That's not the Ash I know"

Serena's calm voice and her get-to-the-point approach reached Ash. But they couldn't go deep enough; the words that Alec said the day before he left, rang in his ears.

"Stop trying Ash. Just watching you is painful." A voice sneered, grabbing the attention of the boy.

The 14-year old put his sword down, his happy confident look getting replaced by a sad smile.

Placing his sword back in it's sheat, he turned to face his older brother who had entered the room.

"Good Morni-"

"Save it" Alec cut in. Walking upto him and stopping right in front of him, he continued"Do you know how it feels to be related to someone like you?"

Ash felt a jab in his chest. He looked down, avoiding the gaze of his brother and suddenly finding interest in his shoes.

"Someone so disrespectful"

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