Chapter 16 -Old tales, New enemies

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Alec on top


Everyone's mouths ran dry. Even the guards who were stationed there to attack didn't dare move a muscle; if they did, it would be their own prince that they would harm.

"What happened?" Alec asked "Why the shocked faces?" The corners of his mouth twisted up to form one of the most intimidating smiles ever. "You did get my letter, didn't you?"

A gasp escaped one of the guards and Delia's face turned into one of pure horror "I-I-it was you?" She fumbled off her seat and took two steps forward "B-b-but..."

"Seems like you didn't take it very seriously" Alec ignored her; instead he walked up to Ash. With his hands casually tucked into his pockets, he gave of the aura of a person with a dark heart. The black hair and those red eyes screaming out sly and crooked ways, he quickly instilled fear in all their hearts.

The malicious smile turned into one of mockery "What made you think, you were even fit for this?"

The Bishop had long ago, run away, with the crown in the desperate hope of staying alive, leaving a dumbfounded Ash, bareheaded and alone on the throne. The initial happiness of finding his supposedly dead brother alive had all died at that sentence.

"You were never meant for this, Ash. That was the exact reason you were born second, it was supposed to be me. It was supposed to be me all along"

Ash frowned, not saying anything and was silently asking Alec to continue. But the mere knitting of his eyebrows, threw the older brother back. He didn't get what he wanted. He didn't get the usual dropped face or the sad, hurt eyes.

Instead he got something new, something he least expected. A new, stronger Ash. But his pride stood first, as always and not wanting to admit that Paul was right, he continued.

"Letting you take the reins will be like dropping this kingdom off a cliff. It will crumble and collapse and take you and all your pathetic people along with it.

"Do us all a favor and step down and let me be the king. It will be better for everyone. Trust me, I know"

"You're the one to talk" Ash retorted. His voice calm, indicating that he knew what he was saying. "The last thing we need is a king who's never here. He'll be gone for years and then come back claiming to know anything and everything about the kingdom"

The ministers exchanged looks of happiness and so did Delia, even though it was attached with a pang of guilt. Unseen to anyone's eyes, Gary Paul did too.

Alec was dying with insult and shame on the inside, but he never let them take over. He knew he would win. He had that one thing that he knew would bring Ash to his knees. He had that one person.

"Confidence, huh?" Alec smirked, shaking his head "We'll see where all of it goes, once you know what happened to your precious little Serena"

Ash's heart dropped and his face went pale. "What did you do to her?" he asked, voice trembling with fear.

"Why are acting like I'm the bad guy?" Alec spoke back "You called her your friend, naively not knowing that she has been keeping a secret from you"

"You're lying!"

"Why don't you find out yourself?" Alec spun around on his heel and faced Gary and Paul who had obediently gotten of their horses and were standing behind him "Take Ash to Jessie and James. The rest, you know what to do."

"Aren't you going to come your lord, high majesty?" Paul asked

Alec only smirked, shifting his red eyes towards the ministers "Go ahead without me. I have something I need to discuss with these people"

Paul and Gary nodded and motioning to Ash with a shake of their heads. The two of them and the prince walked away, leaving Alec and the scared ministers in the courtroom.

"If you hurt Serena in any way, I will-"

"Don't worry, your highness" Gary said, loosening his grip on Ash. "We are not your enemies"

"What?" he quizzed. Shooting confused glances at both of them as they walked up the stairs.

"Our friends Jessie and James are already with her and they are on your side" Paul reassured "I assure you that she is perfectly safe"

Ash was about to sigh in relief, but his face shaped into a frown "I won't believe it, until I see it"

"As you wish, your highness" Gary replied.


The door to his room creaked open and Ash's eyes lit up on seeing Serena well and fine, just like he had been told she would be.

But her eyes were downcast and she kept a firm gaze on her shoes and didn't look up at Ash, when he walked in.

"Is the loony-toon downstairs? Or is he standing outside surrounded by dead bodies?" Jessie asked, stuffing her face into Gary's "Tell me!"

Gary pulled back and with a placid face he replied. "He is downstairs and he hasn't killed a single person"

"Yet" he quickly added "But that is well beyond the point."

"Serena" he said firmly "You know what to tell him. Come on"

"Tell me what?" Ash asked, walking up to her "Is there something I need to know?"

Serena nodded in response. Still not taking her eyes off the ground, she lifted the pillow and revealed a yellow file with something scrawled onto it.

She simply handed it to Ash, who took it with confusion written all over his face. The file said 'Not to be opened until the rightful coronation' It was very small and was at the bottom right.

"What does this mean?" he asked, glancing at it.

"It's meant for you, Ash" Serena finally spoke up "It's meant only and only for you"

Ash slowly fingered the old paper, a small piece from its corner crumpled and fell from his hand onto the ground and got swiftly picked up by the wind. "But it's so old. Why is it surfacing now?" he asked "Where was it all these years?"

"It was kept a secret" she said "A family secret."


Why. Was. It. So. Dramatized?

I read it again and it feels so......dramatic......dunno why

And I'm sorry for the delay. I typed most of it and got lazy to finish it and now it's a day late.

I apologize.

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