Chapter 13 - A new beginning

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Ash's shoes sploshed on the wet grass. One hand hovering on his head to shield him from the rain and the other clutching Serena's palm.

The rain beat down fast, in and around the castle compounds and judging by the heavy winds and grey clouds overhead, it didn't look like it would stop anytime soon. Far off in the distance a loud thunder was heard.

His feet practically walked themselves to the castle's extravagant entrance. Ducking away from the vision of the grim guards guarding the door, he quickly told Serena to run to the back into the kitchen, while he would go through the front.

Serena nodded and left, only looking back to have one glance at Ash. She smiled, he gave one in return and with his palms shooed her away. She ran off, leaving Ash to his own devices.

As soon as the guards spotted Ash, their faces lit up, not in happiness but in dread. They looked at each other in distress.

This confused him "Something wrong?" Ash asked, taking a step further.

"There was an emergency, your highness" one said, shifting uncomfortably.

"Please be careful" the other continued, much more firmly than the other "The mother queen wasn't very pleased with your absence"

"Um..yeah...thanks for letting me know" Ash nodded. His stomach dropped in discomfort.

Wiping the wet bangs off of his face, he quickly climbed up the stairs and sprinted off into the castle through the doors.

The queen's chamber was shrouded in silence. Everyone but the queen herself were present there; none of them wore a smile.

When Ash entered, he immediately found himself in the spot light. All eyes turned towards him, he looked around the room.

"Where is my mother?" He asked bluntly "I was told that there was an emergency"

They shifted their gaze to the ground. Iris opened her mouth to say something, but Clemont pushed her back and shook his head.

She kept mum.

But the silence didn't last long.

"There was an emergency!" A voice yelled from behind him. Startled, Ash whipped around.

His eyes widened.

His mother was standing there looking angrier than ever. In addition to that her face was tear-stricken. She had red puffy eyes and her nose had gone scarlet.

She had obviously been crying.

"Mo-m w-why are you-" he started.

"Why do you care?" She snapped, cutting him short "You have never cared before, so it's completely pointless to do it now!"

Ash was taken aback. How could she say that?

After all those years of dealing with his family and their non-stop taunts, he was being yelled at for not caring.

Agreeing to all their orders, always trying his hardest to please them and never standing up to all their unjust ways. He always wanted them to be happy with him.

He didn't snap back, though.

He shifted his gaze to his feet and through pursed lips he mumbled an apology.

"What are you sorry for now?" She sobbed, tears fighting out "It's all over, Ash"

Her sobbing turned into full-fledged crying. A few maids rushed over and helped her onto a seat, handing her some tissues.

"Can someone tell me what's wrong?" He pleaded "Anyone?"

No one spoke. They kept glancing at each other, mumbling under their breath; no one had the heart to tell him.

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