Chapter 2 - Meeting Her

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Ash ripped his robes off and tossed them on a chair. How could he, a new adult, take up the responsibility of taking care of an entire kingdom. Any slight mishap or any small mistake could put his land and his people in grave danger.

He was still young. He had a lot more to learn and experience. What was right, what was wrong and which people to believe in; he had no clue about these things. 

His adolescence was spent away in carrying burden after burden, load after load and then being shunned into a corner, without earning any appreciation for it.

He wasn't able to spend it like any other teenager. He was never able to find friendship, he was never able to earn anyone's trust or loyalty and he never got to experience love.

Frustrated, he put his head in his palms; wanting to escape reality for once. Even though there was a lot of noise outside, he couldn't hear any bit of it. He wanted to find all the happiness he had ever experienced in his life. All those days before he got dragged into this mess.

All those days he spent with her.

"Promise that you'll catch me"

"I promise"

"Okay". Closing her eyes, she let her body loose and slowly fell off the bench she was standing on , right into Ash's open arms.

The force and the weight was something which Ash hadn't expected; when she landed, it knocked him off balance and the two of them toppled onto the grass. The eight-year olds got up and dusted the  dry grass off their clothes. 

She shot a fake glare at Ash "I thought you said you would catch me" she pouted "But you didn't"

Ash fake glared back at her, "It was because you were heavy". Then the two of them burst out laughing.

Ash smiled. Back then, he never knew how valuable those days were, but he always wished for them to last forever.

If only they had lasted forever.

His thoughts got interrupted by a knock on the door, "May I come in, your highness ?" asked a familiar voice.

"Yes, you can come in Lucy" he answered.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, your highness, but I wanted you to meet someone" she said, opening the door and getting in.

Ash moved the office chair to his desk and not taking his eyes away from the desk, he said "Yeah, whatever."

"You can come in now" Ash heard Lucy say. "Your highness, this is Serena; She will be your new attendant"

He shot a quick glance at her. But what he saw surprised him and he looked back at her again. How was this girl a maid.

Long honey-blonde hair tied into a pony-tail, a petite figure and striking blue-eyes. She even had an air of decorum and grace around her. The only part of her which resembled a maid was her uniform. Everything else looked like it belonged to a princess.

"A p-pleasure to meet you, y-your highness" she stuttered, her face turning bright pink.

The blush didn't go unnoticed by Ash, but since he was already used to that reaction, he decided to ignore it. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you too Serena" he said, throwing in a smile.

"Now you can go to your chamber darling" Lucy said, patting Serena on the shoulder "Set your things up and come meet me."

Serena nodded and walked into the room towards her chamber at the very corner of Ash's extravagant royal bedroom. Ash watched her walking away. Even the way she walked was dignified and of high-class.

"Don't tell me you already fell for her, your highness, you just met her" Lucy said, snapping him out of his trance. 

"No no, it's nothing like that" Ash retorted "It's just that she doesn't seem very maid-like, that's all"

"Mmhm" Lucy agreed "I have noticed that, but I decided to ignore it. Any way I shall take leave, just let her feel at home, okay?"


"Oh and your highness, there's a little something on your cheeks"

"What?" Ash asked, reaching up to touch them.

"It's a blush"


I just want to clarify that this is not a clichéd Prince-falls-for-maid-but-can't-marry-cause-he's-royalty-and-she's-not.

Just keep reading, I promise that it's totally different and my original idea.

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