Chapter 15 - The beginning of Destruction

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A mini-telescope scanned the grim procession from miles away, up on top of the hill. Ash Ketchum, the kingdom's second prince and the queen Delia Ketchum were at the front while the ministers, secretaries and the soldiers were following from behind. In the middle of all that was a coffin, made out of solid wood with a gold plated cross drilled onto it.

A brunette lowered the device from his eyes. "It has already begun, you lord high majesty" he said, turning to face his boss, whose face split into a smirk.

"Very well, then" the addressed replied "Let the soldiers know when they reach the cemetery. It is only then that the plan will begin it's first stage"

Gary nodded and went back to over-seeing the procession. An hour passed with no one uttering a single word. The hill top was shrouded with silence except the slight rustling of the trees due to a passing breeze.

Paul looked up from the grass, suddenly remembering something important "Sir! What about Jessie and James? Are they-"

"Yes, they are already stationed at the castle" he got cut off "You should know that it's unlike me, to forget such a thing"

"Yes, your lord high majesty"

"After all, even if they fail, I will extract the information I need from that girl." He maliciously grinned "A friend of my brother won't be that hard to crush"

"Like I had mentioned before, your lord high majesty" Paul said, getting up from the rock he was sitting on "You haven't seen him in four years. For all we know, he might be stronger than you think he is."

His boss turned to face him. A sympathetic smile was etched on his face.

"After that girl left, he became this clingy annoying brat who'd trail me around everywhere. He would literally fold himself to please me. It was pathetic." he said, shaking his head.

But he immediately brought his eyes back up"So, Paul, you needn't worry about him getting stronger, I know that once I left he became worse than he ever was. Taking the crown will be a piece of cake"

"But, aren't we strongly outnumbered-"

Paul stopped midway. The icy, cold eyes shot him a look. Even with his tough attitude, he easily succumbed to that look. Anybody would.

Even though their leader started out as a whiny, domineering teenager, he quickly grew up into an adult who knew how to get people to do what he wanted. Anyone who worked under him, knew better than to get on his wrong side.

He would go to any limits to get his way, he would even kill.

"The procession has moved to the castle, your lord high majesty" Gary announced, breaking the tension. "Judging by the thickness of the crowd, I don't think the coronation is going to be all that grand"

"That just makes it easier" he smiled. Swiftly turning to face the armor clad men, behind him, he yelled. "Guards, positions!"

Tucking the telescope back to his pocket he ran over to the black horse standing under a tree a few feet away. "From the back, everyone!" he yelled, kicking the horse to a gallop. With a kick of dust and loud 'neigh', the animal charged out of its place under the tree and ran down the path, leading off the hill.

The others followed suit.

The horses who were cleverly trained quickly made it through the thick forest, at the foot of the slope. Paul quickly caught up with Gary and with a final yell to increase the speed, the group arrived at the entrance.

The raven-haired boss and his troop stopped at a good distance away from the entrance. With a motion of his hand, he ordered the soldier at the back to deal with the guards at the front.

With just two swipes of the sword, the two men at the front had dropped down dead. It was done with such efficiency that they couldn't even stop to raise an alarm. Before they could even process what happened, their lives were taken.

With a smirk of victory he trotted up to the gate. Drowned in self-pride and over-confidence, he didn't notice the exchange of nods between Paul and Gary.

Once at the palace, right at the grand, yet weakly protected entrance, his soldiers with their horses, charged at the door; it burst open in one attack.

A gale flew from the outside into the courtroom, blowing the hair away from the leader's forehead. The last sound being the door bursting open, the rest of the courtroom sat in silence; the crown was still in the bishop's hand, a few inches away from Ash's head.

"Alec?!" he exclaimed, more like a question rather than surprise.

He smiled cruelly, getting of his horse "Long time, no see, baby brother" Alec said.


Y'all knew it was Alec at the beginning, didn't you?

Ennyhoo (Any who) since school started I don't have much free time (you can thank homework for that), I might be updating only during the weekends. Or in rare cases

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