Chapter 4

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For the next week, I did a surprisingly decent job of avoiding Jeffrey. while I was continuing to try and process what I was feeling, and what I was actually going to do. 

I arrived at work day in and day out, feeling more exhausted then the previous days. I was a pastry chef for goodness sake, I needed to be able to focus and pay attention to what I was working on. 

I stepped into the backroom to take a deep breath, trying to clear my mind. Suddenly my cell phone began to vibrate inside my pants pocket, and to my immense dismay, it was Jason.

"Hello" I answered emotionlessly. 

"Listen to me to me carefully. You good for nothing slut" Jason hissed. 

"What do you wa-" I began. 

"Let me fucking talk" He hissed before sighing heavily. 

"You have to come back to me Emma, I miss you". 

"I gotta go" I sighed heavily. 

As I went to hang up, I could hear his angry voice full of profane words screaming at me before the phone line went dead. 

That was also another massive source of stress. He was like a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode and take me out in his wake. 

Before I could put my phone back in my pocket it began to ring again, and I immediately picked it up before he could say a thing.

"Look I don't think we should be talking, we need to cut ties completely," I said, letting him know that I was serious and meant business.

"Emma... It's Jeffrey" He informed, and simultaneously my heart began to beat slower. 

"Jeffrey" I said.

"Listen, um, I am really sorry about last week and well... I was wondering if I could make it up to you with dinner tonight, my place" He said sweetly, sounding slightly nervous. 

"I would love to" I replied, deciding to no longer let me be my own downfall.

"Great, then I will see you tonight at 8:00" He replied. 


I walked into my apartment, dropping my bag onto the floor, and heading to my room to change out of my messy bakery clothes. 

I pulled on a loose whit v-neck and a pair of worn out denim shorts. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail. I freshened up a bit before heading over to Jeffrey, making it a point to be myself as much as I could, knowing that this night was all his doing.

I walked down the hallway and knocked lightly on his door. Within seconds he was there with a smile plastered on his face and a kitchen towel tossed over his shoulder. The doleful smell of cooking food wafted out the door.

"Emma, please come in," He said sweetly, giving me a comforting hug.

I took a seat on the sofa. His apartment was dimly lit with candles scattered all over the place. I was admiring his taste for older architecture and antique things. 

Suddenly he came waltzing out of the kitchen with a bottle of wine and two plates of food before taking a seat across from me.

"You like old things" I smiled taking a bite of the spaghetti.

"I suppose I do" He smirked. 

"You know... I'm not really one of the text message twitter crowd people, technology seems to be about telling everybody your dark secrets and I don't know.. I guess I think what is personal and precious to you, should stay that way" He said softly.

Habits Of My Heart °Jeffrey Dean MorganWhere stories live. Discover now