Chapter 2: Fixed Marriage?

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Front Office, Syori's POV

I rushed to the front office, Baekhyun holding onto my backpack as I go. I was so curious, why am I leaving? Did I do something wrong? Did I get suspension for some reason? Did something happen to Eomma or Chanyeol oppa...?

We finally made it to the entrance of the school, where we pushed open the doors to see Chanyeol quietly pacing around. "Oppa." He turned to face me and grabbed my shoulders, his expression tense.

"Syori, Eomma called me. We have to go to the bakery now." He turned to Baekhyun who was still confused about the whole situation. "Hey, Baekhyun, there's an emergency." Baekhyun nodded in return before kissing me and saying a quick goodbye.

Once he left, we hurried into Chanyeol's Ferrari (I have no idea how he got this car, probably stole it) and drove to the bakery, which was only a couple blocks away from our house.

When we arrived, we noticed a black car parked in the corner. I pointed that way, "Is that a customer?" "I don't know. Come on."

He held my hand a little tighter and we walked inside, seeing Eomma sitting down with a couple around her age. The woman looked relatively wealthy, her black hair curled with pearl earrings. She had faint eye bags under her eyes, and her expression looked tired yet prompt for business. The man next to her had a business suit on, his face serious but fond, like a protective father. Eomma glanced at me and Chanyeol before standing up, smiling.

"Syori. Chanyeol." We returned the smile with an awkward and quiet hello before seating ourselves across from the old couple.

I held onto Chanyeol's hand under the table, my knuckles turning white from the intense grip I gave. I was so nervous, who are these people and why did I have to leave school to meet them? Chanyeol looked at me with warm eyes, giving me the usual look that signified he was also worried.

"Mr. and Mrs. Do, I'd like you to meet my eldest son, Chanyeol Park, and my daughter, Syori Kim." Eomma said to them, emphasizing my name more than Oppa's.

In unison, me and Chanyeol said, "Annyeonghasaeyo, ne ireumeun-"
"Chanyeol ibnida." "Syori ibnida." The two nodded at our greeting before the man spoke up. "Mrs. Kim, does Syori know?"
"Know? About what?" I spoke up, disrupting my Eomma from speaking. She gave me a look because I forgot my formality in the tone and I muttered a 'Sorry..', becoming quiet again.

"No, she doesn't. That's why she is here, alongside her brother." The two nodded and turned to face me. "Hello Syori. It's very nice to meet you." said the woman calmly and nicely. I nodded before she continued. "I'm assuming you would like to be informed about why you're here. Well, I will tell you ok?"

I only nodded again, not able to say any words. My hands started to get sweaty, which only made Chanyeol worry about me even more. He always knew what to do to keep me from getting too tense, but apparently his mind was blank at the moment.

"My son, Kyungsoo, has an arranged marriage with you, and the plan is to get you two married next Friday." she says, her husband nodding with her words. I froze.

I have a fixed marriage. With someone I don't even know.

My hard grip loosened and my face probably turned pale. I looked down, my mind flooding with thoughts. Chanyeol was patting my leg, trying to get my attention but I didn't even have the energy to turn my head. "Syori? Gwenchana?" I put my head up to look at Eomma with fear obvious in my eyes.

I hated the fact that she didn't tell me until now. Is my life not a valuable thing that should be spent well? My eyes began to sting as the parents of Kyungsoo kept talking about the procedure and details.

Chanyeol kept glancing at me every now and then, whispering an "It's okay," every few minutes. "It isn't okay oppa." I whispered harshly, wiping away the tears that already began to fall.

After a little bit, everyone began to stand up, saying their goodbyes. Kyungsoo's mom waved and said to take care, while his dad said he was happy to meet me today.

Once they left, I ran into the supply closet, the usual spot I went to if I wanted to be alone and clear my mind.

"Syori!" I didn't listen to Chanyeol and Eomma's yells. I ran straight into the room and began to sob. My heart was slowly breaking, my life was just turned upside down...

Chanyeol's POV
I called after Syori, who didn't answer my exclaims. I was shocked of the news. Syori getting married to some Kyungsoo guy? What is this?!

"Eomma!" I cried out towards her, who looked at the direction of the supply closet where Syori was hiding in. She turned to face me, her face now with tears spilling out, as though she just realized what she did.

"Mwoya?! Why didn't you tell us earlier? Eomma, have you forgotten about Baekhyun and their relationship!?" I yelled out in disbelief, finger-combing my hair out of my face. She only kept quiet and started her way towards the room. I grabbed her wrist and said, "No, I'll do it." I walked slowly towards the closet and called out her name. "Syori-ah?"

I heard faint sobbing noises inside, making my heart break. Syori was probably feeling horrible and scared, the way she held my hand earlier made me terrified. She doesn't deserve to be in this position, I don't want to see her suffer.

Suddenly, the door opened a little to reveal Syori's face, her eyes red from the crying. I did my best to squeeze into the small space of the closet before hugging her with all the energy left in me. She mumbled soft words like, "Oppa, why me..." or "Baekhyun will be mad at me..."

I caressed her tear stained cheeks and told her everything was going to be ok, when even I didn't know if what I was saying was true. She looked up at me.
"Chanyeol oppa, I don't want this."
"Syori...I don't want it either. But we can't do anything about it."
"But Baekhyun..."
"Don't worry about Baekhyun. He won't get mad. Everything will be fine. I promise."
"You promise?"

I held out my pinky, making her give a light smile. "I promise." She hesitated before putting her small pinky out and linking it with mine. After I held onto her again as she began to cry some more in my arms.

I'm sorry, Syori. If only I can do more for you. I said to myself, closing my eyes and letting all my thoughts leave my mind...

a/n: hello guys! Sorry, I didn't have time to upload this chapter quick enough, mianhe~ anyways, did you like this chapter? It was kinda sad...but hey! We met Kyungsoo's parents! Well now, get ready for the next chapter, which will come out shortly! Thanks for reading, love you all^^

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