Chapter 26: Better

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No One's POV
"Oh Sehun has been admitted to the Emergency Room." Those were the only words that echoed through Syori's head. Her body froze and she felt her breathing getting rougher. Kyungsoo stared at her worriedly, not knowing what to do. After all, he didn't know about her anxiety.

"S-Sehun..." Syori said, looking up at the boy with her eyes widened in fear. Kyungsoo pulled her into an awkward but welcoming hug. The tears didn't seem to be able to fall from her. Syori was so shocked. Sehun hid everything that happened for the past few days, and she blamed herself for being oblivious about it.

"Kyungie...oppa," she said, her head buried in his chest. Kyungsoo looked down, "Ne?"
"We have to go to the hospital."
"Mwo? Why-" she pulled his arm and tugged him down the streets, yelling a quick explanation as they ran. Kyungsoo felt guilty as she told the story. All he did was bully and tease her when really this was the reality she went through. Wow, they had something in common; some harsh life at the moment.

When they arrived at the hospital, the pair held onto each other's shoulders, panting from running so much. The nurse directed them into a room, where they cautiously walked into.

Syori's POV
The nurse excused herself and me and Kyungie oppa walked inside. My eyes fell onto the body in front of me. There he laid, pale and sleeping peacefully. The hot tears streamed down my cheeks as I walked towards him, gripping Sehun's hand tightly.
"Hey Sehunnie." I choked back a sob as I moved his rainbow colored hair from his face. I began caressing his palms when I noticed scars.

No, not scars. Cuts.

I stared in horror. Sehun's wrists were covered with faint lines and I couldn't even look at it. My stomach tightened as I closed my eyes, replaying that other day.
Min Young was with Sehun...Daon ended the day, no one talked to me...

It only meant one thing. They broke up. Because of that stupid psycho. I turned and looked at Kyungsoo, who was looking at Sehun sadly. I wanted to hit him and scream, blame all this on him. It was his fault me and the people I loved were being targeted. But a part of me said not to. You know that voice in your head that says you're thinking shit and you should do the right thing? That's what's making me stop. Because my conscious knew I'd regret it.

There was a knock on the door and in came the doctor. I stood up gratefully. "Annyeonghaseyo." said me and Kyungsoo in unison, and the doctor nodded. "Are you guys related to Oh Sehun-ssi?"
"Umm..." I glanced at the boy next to me, who stared back at me with an expressionless face. "I'm his closest friend."
"Okay. Well, he is doing fine. What happened was he passed out from what seems to be a loss of blood. Sehun-ssi has also had a lack of vitamins and food, so he was really weak earlier. But he can be released tomorrow morning. Just be careful, stress might cause him to have more problems." We nodded and the doctor left, leaving the two of us to stare at Sehun helplessly. I breathed in and out, scared. He was just making himself suffer.

A few minutes later, Sehun's mom came in with his older brother, who all had tear-stained faces. Kyungie and I sat quietly in the corner as the rest of Sehun's family came in, along with Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Daon wasn't there, and I imagined her getting scared for life if she found out what happened.

"So..." Kyungie said quietly, breaking the silence. I turned to him while he continued talking. "You and him have known each other for a while."
"Did you ever like him?" I raised a brow. "Mwo?"

"Well, if I knew a girl that long of course I might get feelings for her."
"Probably for you, after all you seem good with girls...especially bad ones." I muttered sourly in the end.
"You too. Baekhyun almost broke my beautiful face." As he praised himself, I laughed and teased, "Beautiful my ass."

"But I'm serious. It seems like you care about him so much."
"Of course I do! Wouldn't you be that way if Kai was in the hospital?"
He sighed. "Yes, but I know he'd be strong. He always is."
I began to laugh, "Awe, I'm starting to ship you two." He rolled his eyes and waved it off, ending our conversation.

I smiled to myself, we actually talked. Properly. No yelling or much teasing. It was a legit talk, where we actually learned more about each other. It was a like a huge weight was lifted off my chest. I felt like I didn't have to worry anymore.

No One's POV
As time passed by, Syori began getting tired. She closed her eyes and fluttered it open every couple minutes, trying to stay awake. Kyungsoo eyed her amusingly, "It's okay to sleep for a little." She nodded and leaned her head on the wall, crossing her arms over her chest comfortably.

Kyungsoo, on the other hand, was sitting next to her using his phone. He'd occasionally look at the girl and take a picture of her peacefully asleep. It made him smile, thinking she managed to sleep in this horrible situation.

Kyungsoo's POV
I was doodling on my phone, drawing cat ears and whiskers on Syori's face. She was fast asleep, basically knocked out. I tried shaking her awake, but that only made her head land on my shoulder. I groaned, great. Now she's definitely knocked out.

A middle-aged woman, who I assumed was Sehun's mom, came up to us. "It's almost 10, you kids should go now before it's too dark." I nodded and thanked her before nudging Syori again. "Yah, get up." I got up but she didn't wake up;rather, she snuggled up on the two chairs.

I sighed loudly, "Aigoo, what should I do with you..." I picked her up and put her behind my back, giving her a piggy back ride out. We went out, getting some weird stares, but oh well.

Once we made it home, I walked past the living room and set her on my bed. It was best for her to sleep better, she was already fine now. I took off her shoes and stared at her clothes. I supposed to change her? No, pervert..oh gosh. I decided to leave her in her skirt and top but decided to remove her jacket. It was the most awkward moment of my life. Being this close to her made me feel so weird inside.

I put the jacket on the couch outside and came back with her pillows. She was all over the place; her arms were stretched out and her legs were about to fall off the edge of the bed. I shook my head amusingly and put a pillow in between us. I looked at her once last time and kissed her forehead lightly before turning off the lights.

"Goodnight, 'jagiya.'"

a/n: helllllooo from the other side~ jk lol wtf.
How is everyone doing? I jhope you guys liked the chapter.
Forgive me for the whole Sehun'll get better like I promised;)
Thx for reading! Please like, share, and comment. Love you all!^^

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