Chapter 3: Tears, go away.

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Syori's House, Syori's POV.
Once we arrived home, I walked straight into my room, declining the offer of eating the leftover stew Eomma made earlier. Chanyeol followed after me, which I didn't mind; however when Eomma came after us, I shut the door. I didn't want to deal with her unreasonable thoughts.

When we went inside, I slumped unto the floor, covering my face with my hands. Sighing loudly, Chanyeol stood up and said he'd come back with water, leaving me all alone to think for a few minutes. I tried to calm myself, "It's ok Syori. Chanyeol oppa said it'll be fine. It'll be fine, it'll be fine..." I was too tired to even think about what to do with myself. I closed my eyes, and darkness surrounded me as I fell asleep...


2 days before the wedding. Syori's POV.
It has been a stressful week and a half, and it's Wednesday, meaning I only have 2 days before I have to go and get married to Kyungsoo. I was walking to school with Sehun (as usual) quietly before he broke the silence.
"Where's your smile?"
"On my face."
"Liar. You don't smile as much anymore, it's making me worried." I rolled my eyes and looked him in the eye before displaying a totally fake smile. He scoffed and squished my cheeks.

"Listen to me Syori. Please be happy. Hardships will pass eventually, and I really don't know what's going on, but know I'm always here for you, ok?" I nodded, breaking eye contact and turning away, wiping the tears that already began to fall. The words he said made me feel so guilty. I never told Sehun about the marriage, not even Baekhyun. I don't want to bring it up to any of them, because I know their hearts will break because of me. Especially Baekhyun's...

As we walked, he kept talking about how he wants to ask one of the Heo twins out, but he doesn't know which one. Me, on the other hand, was only half listening and thought about me and Sehun's relationship.

When we first met, all he did was try and get my attention by bothering me with everything he's got. Once I became friends with him, he later told me he liked me, but I declined.
"Sehunnie. I can't be in a relationship right now. There's too much on my plate."
"Is it because of that Baekhyun guy?" he asked sadly, making my heart ache.
" really don't know ok? I just-"
"It's alright, Syori. If you can't be in a relationship with me, we can still be friends. Best friends hopefully." I nodded before hugging him tightly, knowing I broke his heart yet he was thankful for the fact that I cared about him so much.

i began to feel uneasy whenever I thought back to those memories. "Syori? Are you ok?" I turned my head to see Sehun looking down at me curiously. "Ne..let's go?" He put his snapback on my head before grabbing my hand to run.

When we made it to the campus, Baekhyun was already waiting for us at the front doors. My heart was pounding hard not just because we ran so much but at the fact that Baekhyun doesn't know about anything, and if he did, he'd hate me forever.

---(later that day)---

I walked into the dressing room, taking off my gym clothes when I heard a knock on my stall door. "Someone's in here!" I yelled, knowing it was probably a Freshman looking for some cubicle to use. "Yeah, pabo, I know someone's in there."

My eyes widened when I recognized the voice, and I hurried putting on my uniform. I rushed out to see Song Bin leaning on the wall waiting for me. "Song Bun unni!!" I gave her a welcoming hug while we greeted each other.

Song Bin is Chanyeol oppa's girlfriend. She is such a sweet person, and is like a sister I never had. She's basically that ideal girl who everyone falls for, tall, skinny legs, athletic, smart, perfect in every way. Plus, she's a Carat too (her bias is Vernon oppa)!

"How have you been Syori?" She asked as she began to braid my hair.
"Good..." I replied sadly, making her frown.
"Good? Wow, that doesn't really sound good. Is it because of Seventeen or something?"
"Aniyo," I said laughing. "I just wish I had more time."
"Time for what?"
"To spend with you guys."
"Aww," she hugged me from behind and said, "Syori-ah. Today is the perfect day for your wish to come true. Yeollie is coming here to pick us all up and go to Lotte World!" I gasped. Chanyeol oppa is bringing us to many sites because I told him to last night.

I internally thanked Chanyeol for listening before jumping in excitement as me and Song Bin walked out. When we came out of the restroom, Baekhyun, Sehun, and Chanyeol were all sitting down playing rock paper scissors. It was Baekhyun who noticed us and called our names. We waved to them, and Sehun ran forward to us.

"Noona~!" Song Bin squealed in excitement and opened her arms to Sehun. "Wahh, Sehunnie! Look at you, you've gotten so tall!"
"Jagi, you act like you haven't seen him in forever." Chanyeol says, walking over to us with Baekhyun. He ruffled my hair lightly before pecking a kiss on Song Bin's cheek sweetly. Sehun makes a grossed out face while I admire them quietly.

I remembered when Baekhyun greeted me every morning with a stolen kiss and a "Good morning, Princess." I felt uneasy and thought about the whole lie I've been hiding...

"Syori?" Song Bin waves her hand in my face, making me snap out of my daydream. I put on a fake smile, signaling I was 'ok,' and we walked out of the school to Chanyeol's car. Baekhyun held my hand as we all excitedly entered the car, and every once in a while I'd squeeze it lightly because of my tense emotions.

We went to so many places. We went to Lotte World, which was so much fun to take pictures and go on rides. We also went to the N Seoul Tower, where we all wrote on our locks. While Chanyeol and Song Bin wrote theirs, Sehun gave me and Baekhyun a silver lock with a pink heart in the middle.

Baekhyun took it and wrote:
Syori & Baekhyun forever~

I smiled at him with my eyes beginning to get teary as we put the lock in a free place. When we finished Baekhyun took a selca of us, both of us looking so happy and carefree. Everyone gathered around and joined us, taking as many pictures possible to remember the great memories...

If only it can be like this forever.

a/n: hello guys! So! I'm sorry if it's really short. This chapter is basically showing Syori's last days of freedom:(( don't be sad chingus, the good parts will come soon! Also, Promise began to play on my shuffle as I was writing so that kinda made me really depressedXDDD enjoy and get ready for the next chapters! Saranghaeyo~~~

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