Chapter 32: Lost Locket

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Syori's POV
"Alright, thank you Halmeoni." I said, thanking her and giving her a warm hug before stepping out of her front door. It was Friday, the day where I'd talk to her about how I felt. The conversation felt like a huge weight coming off my chest, after finally realizing...

I did love him.

I couldn't help myself. After staying with him for such a long time, the cold hearted douche became an adorable, sweet squish. Just thinking about him and all our moments together made my cheeks heat up.

"Bye Syori. Take care of my dear Kyungsoo. And don't be afraid to talk to me, I'll always be here!" I nodded and we shared one last embrace before I walked off, hailing a taxi. For the first few minutes of the ride, I felt my eyes droop as I leaned on the window. I was about to fall asleep when my phone rang, making me groan and answer without looking at the caller ID.

"Yah, Do Syori, where the actual shit are you?!" Kyungsoo's loud voice almost made me deaf. I rolled my eyes, "I just went to visit someone, I'm heading home now."
"Well you better come quick. Something's going on here." Panic filled me, "M-mwo?!"
"Hurry up and see yourself!" I ended the call and fiddled with my fingers nervously, asking the taxi driver to go a little faster. I was getting worried, what was going on? Why did they need me?
Once I arrived at the house, I was surprised to see Chanyeol's sports car parked at the side, along with another car I didn't know whose. I walked in cautiously and banged urgently on the gate for it to open. Hyerin came out shortly, with a pale looking face. I looked at her with a shocked face. "Umm, Hyerin-ah. What's going on?"

"It's Kai oppa. He's...angry." We both walked in, and I saw everyone huddled together. There was Kyungsoo, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Suho and Sehun sitting on the ground with Kai circling them, piercing them with a cold gaze. I bit my lip nervously and squeezed myself in between Daon and Song Bin and spoke up, "Uhh, hi everyone."

Kyungsoo stood up, coming towards me but Kai grabbed his wrist and made him sit again. I watched the two exchange glares before Jongin took a step towards me. "Where were you?" he asked in a surprisingly calm yet forceful tone.
"I went out to..." I closed my eyes. I was about to let Halmeoni's name spill out of my mouth, but I knew she wanted to keep it a secret so I kept quiet.
"You went out? To do what?"
"I...I was just..." I looked at Kyungsoo pleadingly, but he had his eyebrows raised. I knew it, he would get curious too.
"Syori. Do you know where my locket is?"
"Your what?" He sighed and took out his phone, tapping it repeatedly before showing it to me. "My locket. That thing is so important to me. Before my parents left to America, this was the only thing I could hold onto as a connection. I lost it that day Kyungsoo said this Sehun dude came back to school. It went missing when we were at the school. You're the only other person I know that would be there at the same time as everyone else. They obviously don't know where it is, so tell me. Do you have it?"

I stared at him in disbelief. So he thought I stole his locket? I didn't even know he had a thing! "Yah, michyeosseo (are you crazy)?! I don't have it! Check my bag, my pockets," I threw my purse at him forcefully, which he caught easily. "If you really believe I took it-"
"I do believe it! If it isn't true, then tell me. Where were you earlier? You wouldn't have a hard time telling me where you were if you didn't fucking take the locket." I flinched as he yelled in my face. I inhaled and tried to keep calm, my mind began to race and I was starting to breathe faster. Calm down, calm down... I kept telling myself. I looked at Baekhyun, who looked worried to death at the moment. I wanted to run up to him and just stay with him, he was the only one who could seriously calm me down.

"Look, I can't tell you where I went. If I do, I'll get in big trouble." I said, walking off. But Kai pulled my arm towards him and we were face to face, his stare boring into me.
"Well, you're already in bigger trouble with me, Syori. Tell me now!" I closed my eyes in fear as he towered in front of me, scaring every inch of my mind and self. Chanyeol muttered a, "That's enough, Jongin-ah," but he got silenced.

Kyungsoo lost his patience and stood up, grabbing my wrist and pulling me outside. I winced in pain as his hand tightened on mine. He let go once we were near the gate, and then he spoke. "Mwoya?! Why can't you be honest?"
"Are you serious right now? You believe him? You seriously think I stole the freaking locket?!"
"Well then tell me. Where were you? I'll believe you if you tell the truth."
"I am telling the truth, I didn't take it!" He sighed before pulling his hair, groaning.
"Yah, can you stop being so stubborn like you always are? This is serious! Just say the damn truth!" I was so tempted to slap his face. He was pissing me off too much.

"Fine. Don't believe me. Honestly, I thought you'd actually be on my side. I really thought you were a good person. But of course, I was wrong. I'm just that stubborn, right?"
"Syori, that's not what I meant-"
"Well anyways, you don't wanna freaking believe another word I say, so why don't you also stop believing I ever existed? I'm done with this. I'm going to your parents and asking for a divorce."
His jaw dropped, and panic was in his eyes. "No, wait. Syori-ah!" I ignored him and took off the marriage ring, putting it on his palm. Before he could get ahold of me, I ran off, leaving the house.

As I walked along, I felt hot tears stream down my face. I didn't even understand why I was crying. I wanted this right?

The streets were empty and I felt slightly creeped out, realizing I was basically alone. I heard footsteps behind me, and I turned around. It was pitch black, and I couldn't see anything, making me a little freaked out. I faced the front again and continued to walk when a hand went over my mouth, muffling my loud scream. A blindfold was roughly tightened around my eyes as I was put inside a car, heading somewhere I didn't know.

a/n: hey chingus!
Aighttttt I did a rlly bad cliffhanger sry fam...
But anyways how was it? Did u enjoy? Yes, no? Comment, share, and vote plez!
I have school next Wednesday oml *cries* ill try and update but it might be late:(
But yeah thx for reading! Love you all!!!^^

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