Chapter 6: Pushing and Pulling

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Syori's POV:
"Kyungsoo?! What the-" I watched both shocked and amused at how the two men were struggling to hold up Kyungsoo.

The one on the right had brown hair, plush lips and a sharp jawline. His cheeks were tinted pink as he gripped onto Soo's shoulders. His eyes looked up and down to my direction, and I blushed slightly at his facial expression.

The one on the left was more conscious than the other two, and was the one who was supporting them all to walk. He was a little taller than Soo, and had wide eyes that looked very fatigued at the moment. I quickly rushed to them and put the right guy's arm over my shoulder.

"Omo...what is..going on with you guys?" I smelled the faint scent of alcohol in their bubble and began to feel sick. That smell gave me depressing memories of Eomma when she drank all night the day Appa died...Chanyeol couldn't stop her no matter how hard he tried, and the two of us had to live with it for those couple of weeks.

"Well," the man next to me said, shaking his head and beginning to laugh. "Kyungsoo came to us and asked to drink. So yeah~" he unhooked his arm from me and collapsed on the nearest couch, completely knocking out.

The other one began to hit Kyungsoo lightly, telling him to wake up because they were home. "Ughhhh..." Kyungsoo began to say little bits of words that didn't make sense at all. The boy went up to me and held out his hand.

"Annyeong. I'm Suho." I nodded and replied, "Syori..." before running to Soo, who was about to fall off the sofa. "Aigoo-" I suffered to pull him up, and Suho helped me pick him up and drag him to the bedroom. He cuddled my pillow when he lied down, leaving me to roll my eyes and run my fingers through my hair.

Suho looked at me curiously before greeting Hyerin, who had just came in.
"Ah, annyeong Suho oppa. Did it happen, again?"
"Again?!" I asked shocked. She nodded confirming my exclaim and smiled sheepishly before handing the glass of water and medicine. I put it down on the side table and thanked her, before turning to Suho.

Before I could say anything, he lifted his hand up.
"Yes, I know. You have questions. Kyungsoo was just not in the mood, I guess. So we went out for a little drink until Kai said to have a competition on who can drink the most yeah." He rubbed his neck awkwardly before putting his hands on my shoulders. I looked at them surprisingly, the skinship made me nervous.

"Before I leave, just know Kyungsoo is going to be a little stubborn. I've had to help him multiple times and believe me it was hard. Good luck, chingu." He then exited the room, me following him quietly. Suho shook Kai, who was already sleeping soundly. "Yah, this isn't your room!" Kai opened his eyes and looked around, looking lost. When he saw me, his eyes widened. "Mwo..who is that?"

"The fixed marriage girl. C'mon!" He pulled Kai up and they walked out, arms around each other. I curiously stared at them as they got farther away, and wondered about who they were.

They were probably very close to Kyungsoo, considering they went out together. I barely even spoke when they arrived, all I did was yell and complain about their condition.

Oh, their condition.

I darted up the stairs to the master's room, where Kyungsoo was laying down, snoring. I let out an exasperated sigh and whispered, "Do Kyungsoo." All he did was mumble a 'Five more minutes,' before passing out again, leaving me to stare at the man.

I couldn't sleep in here, he was too drunk to probably think and might possibly do stuff to me...I grabbed a pillow from one of the closets before heading out into the living room. I laid myself to where Kai was once laying, and smelled a faint scent of cologne. It wasn't very strong, rather it smelled good and attractive. Soon enough my eyes drooped, and I fell asleep really uncomfortably.

Sunday Morning, Kyungsoo's POV.
I woke up from an alarm, probably from what Suho set up for me. I reached out and looked for my phone before shutting it off. I checked the time, 11:29 a.m.

Was I that drunk? I sat up, only to be greeted by a major headache. My mind started to get fuzzy, and I drank the medicine that was on the table.

Although it didn't help much, I had enough energy to stand up. I stumbled out and ruffled my hair, shocked to see Syori lying on the couch. She looked in peace asleep, her face was really pretty. I shook off the thoughts and walked forward, forgetting there was a few steps in front of me.

I stumbled a bit, causing a noise. I cursed under my breath as Syori woke up and looked around for any sight of me. When she found me, she ran to me and held my shoulder to help me down. I pushed off her arm lightly and muttered a, "I'm fine, Syori-ah." before walking by myself.

"Did you drink your medicine?" she said in a worried tone, making me feel annoyed at myself for having her worry about me. I'm not even her priority. "Ne, Eomma."

"Kyungsoo! You should be happy I'm helping you right now! Listen, you aren't leaving this house today." I could tell she was angry at me actions, so I just mimicked her upset tone back. "It's Sunday. I couldn't have left even if I wanted to."

"You know what? Fine, give me that attitude. Once you get a major headache neither me or Hyerin will help you. Have fun on your own." She mumbled something before walking away, obviously pissed off at how I acted to her. I sighed and walked to the kitchen, where hangover stew was already made.

I looked around for Hyerin to thank her, but apparently she wasn't here. I walked over to the table where a bowl was already prepared, and there was a note next to it. It said:

Kyungsoo! Please eat this when you wake up. Hyerin didn't make this, I did. She went off to her college...I hope you'll feel better! Kyungsoo, fighting! (^o^)

I lightly smiled at the message and began to eat the soup. It was just as good as Hyerin's, no, possibly even better. I suddenly began to feel a little fond for her, but then removed the idea of it.

This is an arranged marriage, and that's it. You guys aren't supposed to really be in love, right? I got confused in my own thoughts before continuing to eat, not noticing that Syori was watching me from afar, happy that I enjoyed her food.

a/n: herro chingus~~~ alrighty, so this chapter is just playful I guess. Imagine seeing Kyungsoo waking up with his hair everywhere AWWW AHHxmsksks- mianheXD...anywho I hope you guys enjoyed! Stick around for more, and also, please read my other fanfic, 'Because I Lost,' it isn't updating as fast because I'm focusing on this one more, however the updates will be much quicker sooner because school's almost out! Yayy~ alright, ttyl! Byebye👋❤️

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