Chapter 22: Welcome?

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Syori's POV
The alarm rang. Like always, I mouthed the lines of Pretty U and waited for the song to be over before getting up. Ruffling my hair, I looked around, squinting trying to get used to the light spilling through the side window.

There was a new smell coming from the kitchen, and I tiptoed there. I found myself looking at Kyungsoo's side profile as he was cutting some vegetables.

"Mwoya..." I mumbled, listening to him hum tunes as he began cooking. Why wasn't Hyerin or Sunmi cooking? I never even knew he liked to make food.

The air smelled so good and I found myself leaning forward to get a good sniff. However, my hand slipped from the chair and I fell, making a loud thump on the floor.

Kyungsoo turned to me, "Syori..?" I stood up and shyly looked up at him. He rushed towards me and looked at my pajamas. I blushed and looked down, forgetting I was wearing a Hello Kitty onesie.

"Shouldn't you be changing by now? It's almost 6:15." he coughed, getting my attention.

"U-umm, y-yeah." I mumbled, backing away and running into the same chair I tripped on. Kyungsoo still had his eyes on me and his lips tugged a smile as I cursed at the furniture.

Fuck you chair... I thought in my head, trying to control my red cheeks. I grabbed my uniform from the table and rushed into the bathroom, slamming it shut.

Once I was inside, I heaved a sigh. I embarrassed myself in front of him, like always. My heart started pounding hard as I replayed the scene in my head over and over. "Aish!" I yelled, tugging my hair. "Jisoos help me..."

As I fixed my hair, there was a knock on the door. "Yah, Syori. Are you done?! I have to..." Kyungsoo's voice trailed off, and my eyes widened. "Wait! Uh-go to the other bathroom!"

"I can't-aigoo-hurry up! Ppali ppali~" I heard him groan and I had to hold back my laughter. I ran out and because he was leaning on the door he crashed onto me. We both stumbled but he got off quickly, shooing me out of the bathroom. I giggled to myself, this pabo.

Minutes later, he came out of the bathroom, pale and with an emotionless expression. I tried to contain my laughter. "Kyungsoo-ah," I said, covering my mouth. He glanced at me.

"My?" He waved his hand in the air so I can continue. I began to blush again, "Your...zipper."

His eyes widened and he looked down, shrieking when he saw his pants. "Yah-uh-cover your eyes!" The boy turned away and I turned as well, out backs facing each others.

We stood there awkwardly as he zipped up his pants. "Aigoo...pervert." He whispered, turning back towards me. "It's done." I timidly turned my head and saw him face palming himself with blush obvious on his face.

"Umm..I should go to school now." I said, grabbing my backpack from the ground and running out the door, not bothering to say goodbye.

What an embarrassing morning.

At school, I spotted Sehun laying down on the ground, his backpack as his pillow. I ran up to him gratefully and shook him hard.

"Sehun-ah!!!!" I practically screamed. Sehun opened one eye and looked at me with a 'why-are-you-so-loud' face. I continued to fangirl.

"Oh my gosh Sehun! Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo got me tickets!!"

"Ne! The ones for the Seventeen concert and fanmeet and OMO I AM JUST SO HAPPY!" I squealed, laying down next to him and kicking my feet in the air. He laughed and tried to calm me down.

"Yahyahyah be quiet will you."
"I can't! Tickets, Oh Sehun! As in-" I got cut off at the sounds of footsteps behind me. I sat up, tugging Sehun's sleeve. He stood up and held out his hand so I could get up, and we were greeted by some boys who were heading to the cafeteria.

"Where are you going?" Sehun yelled, grabbing one of the kid's backpacks. "There's a new kid at school! We're all seeing who it is." he said excitedly, waving a goodbye to us.

I frowned. Half of the school year has finished, and no one could enroll at this time, unless they were crazy rich and could make a decent deal with the dean. Me and Sehun exchanged glances before heading in the direction as the younger students.

Sure enough, there was a crowd at the entrance of the cafeteria and we squeezed through to see a girl with short, pink hair. She turned around and made eye contact with me, smirking. I had to control myself from running up to her and pulling all the fake out of her.

Sehun tapped my shoulder, "Gwenchana?" I didn't respond in time because she went up to me. Her body was so close to mine, I clenched my fists and tried my best to keep them from aiming at her face.

"Syori! Omo, what a small world we ended up at the college!" she squealed, throwing herself onto me. I threw her off of me disgusted. She contained herself and threw me a dirty look before doing a hair flip. Sehun whispered into my ear, "Umm, Syori-ah. You know her?"

And once again, before I could reply, she spoke. "Aigoo, this school is big. I might get lost." Yeah because you're dumb as fuck. I thought in my head, rolling my eyes.

Crossing my arms, I stared at her with an annoyed look. "Why are you here Min Young?"

"For education, duh. My old school was trash, and my friend recommended it to me." she said, winking. My stomach started doing flips. What? How did she know I went to school here?

Min Young tapped her foot impatiently. "Aish, there's supposed to be someone here to tour me. What's his name, Bacon or something..."

My eyes widened. No way. Please, not Baek-
"Annyeong!" said he, running and squeezing himself into the crowd to see the girl. "I'm sorry I'm late." Baekhyun held out his hand for Min Young to shake, but she stared at it as if it was some monster.

He awkwardly put his arm down and rubbed his sweaty palms. I looked at him with a wary expression. "Baekhyun."

He turned, a bland expression on his face. "What." I scoffed, I couldn't believe him. He breaks the ribs of Kyungsoo and doesn't bother to talk to me about it? Before I could speak up, (yes, I keep getting interrupted-.-) Min Young claps and hooks her arm around Baekhyun's.

"Well, since you are here, we should look around now! Kaja!" Sehun raised his arm, "Uh, hyung? What are you doing?"

"The dean said I have to show her around. I'll come by and stop by your house later. Bye." And with that the pair left, making the rest of the crowd disperse as well. I sighed, Min Young was obviously here to start drama again, and this time, her target...

Is me.

a/n: hello. I apologize for the super horrible chapter. I'm a little busy...mainly because my birthday is soon!! I might post on that day idek hahaha...but if I don't I'll post the following day. What do you think Min Young is up to? Was the awkwardness b/t Syori and Kyungsoo going to change the way they see each other? Anyways, thanks for reading! ^^*does some awkward aegyo*

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