Chapter 18: The Past

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Kyungsoo POV
"I'm still your wife, whether you like it or not." Syori walked off, leaving me alone to stare at her back, which was slowly getting smaller.

As she got farther away, I began to feel a rise of guilt. Stupid Min Young. Why does she have to always pop up at the wrong time?! I trudged to the boba store, only to get greeted by the girl and her desperate self.

"Oppa, what happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I lost my patience and began to yell at her.

"I am hurting! Here!" I said, pointing at my heart continuously. "Because of you are your stupidity, I have lost the chance of starting over with something! With love! Holy shit, Min Young! Do you not understand the words WE ARE OVER." I watched the hurt flash through her eyes but she covered it up of course with her fake self.

"Yah, Kyungsoo! I have gone through so much to get back to you! I love you, do you not get that? I was drunk that one time-"

"You may have been drunk, but you have done so much with that guy. I don't even know who he is. Making out with him, doing stuff with him, and I was a fool to believe you still had feelings for me. Go back to your guy and drool all over him once more, I don't care. Get lost."

She slapped me, the pain slowly rising as I touched my red cheek.
"Fine. But I hope you know I still know secrets that Syori doesn't know, and I won't hesitate to spill it out to her. Goodbye Do Kyungsoo." And she stormed off, and I was staring at the wall helplessly.

When she was out of sight, I groaned and went to my office, where I slammed my fist onto the counter. My head was spinning and I was angry at the world. Why do I have to have such a bad life? Syori hates me, Min Young is going to use me once again, so many problems.


When me and Min Young dated, we were couple goals. Literally. The both of us did everything together, and always depended on each other for everything. Well, I guess I did.

While we dated, we were once the kind of pair that would buy matching glasses and outfits, but after, Min was always gone. I grew desperate and needy because I loved her too much. And then I saw her.

She was at a bar, drunk with some guy, and I couldn't even stop her. Watching her look so carefree and independent pained my eyes, I began to believe she wanted to be happy without me. I continued to spy on her go out every night and be with random strangers, and my heart starting hurting. She was my first love...I didn't want to suffer anymore.

"Min Young, let's break up."
"Why? You don't love me?"
"You're the one who doesn't love me." She grabbed my arm but I yanked it off. "Go leave and head the bar."

Her eyes widened, "Bar?"
"Oh come on. Don't lie to me, I've seen it." Min Young made an innocent face and began to cry.
"Yah! What are you saying? I don't wanna leave you!"

"Well I do." I said sternly, walking to the room we shared. I opened her suitcase and began piling all her clothes and stuff in there. She watched me from the back, continuing to sob her heart out. When I finished, I shoved the bag towards her and harshly whispered, "Leave me."

Once the door shut, I cried. My hot tears landed on my bare arms and I felt myself getting weaker. I looked at myself in the mirror and took out the pills from the cabinet. My head was spinning but I knew letting everything go was going to help.

As I was about to stuff my mouth with a handful of medicine, the door bursts open and Kai comes in with Min behind him. They watched in horror and stopped me from attempting to overdose. Kai held onto me tightly and tried calming me down while I began to yell at Min Young, who was staring at me scared.

She created a monster.

After that day, she'd always come to the boba store to make sure I wasn't attempting to do anything stupid to myself. But some of those days, she'd take advantage.

I had no more strength to find someone else to make me happy, which left me to become some horrid person who is probably such a jerk to everyone. Kai and Suho were the only ones who still helped me to become a better person, and where I am today is better than how I was before.


I wiped my tears and shook my head. Just because Min Young knows I got depression doesn't mean I'm a bad person. It was her fault. It was mine. I just had to learn how to get over her.

I was about to call Syori when Suho comes in. He stared shocked at my state.
"Omo, was it her?" I nodded and turned away, trying to cover up my red eyes.

"You know Kai has been talking to her for a while now, he's been telling her to back off."
"It's fine. We're good now."
"Hahaha that's a funny joke," he said sarcastically, and I rolled my eyes. "Seriously Kyungsoo, just talk to us about it. Talk to Syori." When I heard her name, my heart dropped.

"A-ani. She doesn't need to know about this stuff."
"Yeah she does! She's your wife."
"Well, she probably has secrets too that she doesn't want to tell me."
"Soo this isn't a secret, it's a problem she needs to be aware of. What if this happens again because of her?" I froze and began to feel my heart pound.

What if this happened? What if no one was there to save me? What if...Syori doesn't care if I was going to attempt all this stuff?

Suho clapped in my face. "Yah."
I looked up. "We'll wait until it's the right time."

a/n: hey chingus! Okay, so I feel like this chapter was short because of how I wrote it, but it was about 1k so I guess it was long? Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this part. Now you know about Kyung's deal with lifeXD I'm so sorry if this was a little too depressing or uncomfortable to read, I honestly didn't want it to be this sad either. But don't worry, he'll feel better I promise:)))) thx for reading!

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