Chapter 7: Spilled

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Monday Morning, Syori's POV
It was time for school to start again, and I woke up at the usual 5:30 to get ready. I was officially staying in the living room, because I knew Kyungsoo wouldn't let me get in. I was also too afraid to ask, and I didn't mind sleeping outside because I had Hyerin's company.

We grew closer and she's like a little sister to me; I've always been the one checking up on her because no one else did.

During this week, all I've done productively was fix the whole house and my things. I also had to arrange Kyungsoo's clothes and property, because he didn't bother to do it himself. After his drinking incident, he's been more aggressive to me, making me hate him a lot more.

As I put on my socks, the door opened behind me and out came the jerk, who was also looking ready to go somewhere. I did my best to ignore him every time his wide eyes glanced at me, it made me feel like I did something wrong. Well, obviously I did. Going into his life.

He did the same to mine, too. I grabbed my bag and said goodbye to Hyerin before getting stopped by him. "You aren't going to eat? Hyerin cooked food."

"Aniyo, my brother prepared some snacks for me at school."
"Yah! At least eat something, you said Chanyeol brought you snacks, not breakfast." I looked at him in surprise, how'd he know Chanyeol's name? Oh yeah, they had a little chat at the wedding...

"Kyungsoo, I'm fine." He was about to his mouth but I turned away, not wanting to hear his demanding voice. I heard him yell, "Yah!" before becoming silent. I looked back and saw him already gone, making me frustrated. Why does he bother to call when he isn't going to reply to it?

When I arrived at school, Sehun was sitting under a shady tree with Baekhyun, listening to music with their eyes closed. I smiled seeing them, it felt like I haven't seen them in years.

Seconds later, they spot me too and we all ran to each other, hugging and greeting. Baekhyung ruffles my hair and puts his head on my shoulder as Sehun begins talking.
"Syori-ah! How's it been? You look skinnier, you haven't been eating huh?!" I pinched his cheeks lightly, giggling over his rants.

They began talking about how Sehun had already asked Da Eun out, but she said no because she was going out with Taehyung. Then, he asked Daon who agreed and now they've become an official thing. I congratulated him before screaming at the feeling of someone pulling my backpack. I turned around and my eyes widened seeing Chanyeol.

My eyesight began to get foggy and I tightly hugged him, showing the fact that I missed him so much. Soon enough, everyone was joined in a group hug and got updated with each other. Song Bin and Daon came by a few minutes with bubble tea, making Sehun squeal with excitement. Me and the others began drinking our boba, laughing and enjoying the time together.

Sehun pointed to my finger suddenly, "A ring?" Everyone turned to me as I curiously looked at Sehun and then the ring.

Shoot. The wedding ring.

I panicked and looked at Chanyeol whose eyes widened. I took off the ring and put it in my pocket.

"Ah, the ring. It w-was just, you know, a present f-from Eo-eomma." I stuttered awkwardly, flashing a nervous smile before continuing to digest my food.

Sehun nodded and turned away, doubting me completely. Chanyeol whispered in my ear, "Should I tell them?"

"Aniya! Don't, Baekhyun..." I pleadingly looked up at him who nodded silently. The bell rang a little bit after, and we went inside to begin class.

Sehun's POV
Syori and I were sitting down across from each other in Chemistry class, our last subject. She was busy doing her work, but I got so distracted.

Why did she have a ring? It obviously wasn't from their mom... I thought of a million scenarios of how she could have gotten that thing when the bell rang. I stood up instantly and began to pack my stuff, still focusing on that little ring.

"Yah, Sehunnie. What's wrong?" Syori asked. I looked at her and said it was nothing, before grabbing her bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

We walked out the door and went to the garden area of the school where we usually go before we leave. Syori squatted down and admired the flowers. I ran around and tried touching the petals as I went, making her laugh at my playfulness.

Chanyeol and Song Bin came a little later and joined us. As we were running around, two guys were walking towards us. I froze and looked at them curiously. Who were they? It seemed like Syori and everyone else saw them too, and she yelled out, "Suho? Kai?" I looked at her curiously, "You know them?"

She nodded before heading towards them. We watched carefully as she came back to get her backpack and waved a goodbye. "M-mwo? Yah, dongsaeng. Where are you going?!" She gave him a hard look and he nodded, looking down at the ground to avoid eye contact.

Syori left, leaving us three to be huddled together. Song Bin excused herself to the bathroom and walked off as well. I decided to ask.

"Hyung." He looked up with a frown and mumbled a "Mhm?"
"Who were they? And why did Syori have a ring?" Chanyeol hesitated before saying, "Sehun, I really don't know who they are. But the ring..." He trailed off, making me frustrated. "Hyung!! I want to know." He sighed before putting his hands on my shoulder.

"Do not tell anyone. If I find out, you will get beaten up." I nodded quickly before he continued. "Syori...has a fixed marriage. That's why she left last week." My mind went blank. That was definitely not what I was thinking of. Syori getting married? I began to feel bad for her, she loves Baekhyun...

Chanyeol clapped in my face. "Yah! Don't tell anyone, ok?!"
"Ne, I won't tell." Chanyeol nodded before greeting Song Bin, who just came back. I on the other hand sadly thought of Syori. That's why she's changed and missed us all greatly.

I felt a tear escaping my eye and I wiped it quickly, making sure Chanyeol or Song Bin didn't see.

If only life was fair...

a/n: hey chingus! Okay, so last night I was so tired..I was out with my friends and right when I got home I began to write but I fell was the chapter? Where'd Syori go? And, now Sehun knows, tsk tsk what to do. It's also our last week of school, so I'll definitely be writing a lot more quicker now. Thanks for reading! Annyeong~^^

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