Chapter 35: Fan Meet

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Syori's POV
I redid the bobby pins on my hair for the 17th time today. Ha, see what I did there?
Speaking of Seventeen, guess what today is?! Today, I'll be going to their fan meet!
I squealed again and watched my cheeks tint pink just thinking of the members. Imagine it, I'll be able to meet Hansolo Vernon Chwe, Suga's son Woozi, 10 hour 10 minute Hoshi, Eomma Jeonghan and baby Dino, and...JOSHUA! MY DAMN BIAS!!!!!
"Yah, hurry up." yelled Kyungsoo, peeking his head through the bathroom impatiently again. I groaned and grabbed my purse and walked off, trying not to fangirl once more as we entered the car.

Kyungsoo eyed me weirdly, "Aish, you're cheeks are red. Do we need to go to the hospital, you're face looks like it'll explode-"
"You wanna die?! I'm just trying to hold it in~ I don't wanna spazz in front of someone who'll judge me."
"How'd you know I will! Wow you're so smart." He said teasingly, and I smacked his arm as he chuckled and turned on the car. Throughout the ride there, I kept ranting to Kyung, who just rolled his eyes and kept crushing my dreams.
"Omo omo omo, I should've practiced my English! Urg, Kyung!"
"You forgot the oppa, brat." I slumped in my seat and looked out the window, watching as we got closer, more fans were in sight. It seemed like a madhouse. The fanmeet starts at 1 pm, yet people are here are 10 am.

I glanced at Kyungsoo. He had an upset expression on his face. I guess I annoyed him a little too much...or not. I mean, it was just this morning. The other times I bothered the hell out of Sehun and Baekhyun. The way Kyungsoo looked was like he literally wanted to murder someone. I was a little scared and hesitant to ask, so I just continued staring into space, minding my own business again.

Kyungsoo's POV
"Get out." I said, opening the passenger door and holding out my hand for Syori to take. Her small hands were secured in mine as she hopped out, and we ran off. I looked around, feeling disgusted at everything. All those fans, all the popularity...I could've been a part of it. I sighed before yelling at the feeling of my arm getting tugged.

Syori pulled me into the arena, where all the fangirls were already lining up for the meet. Through the curtain, the manager and makeup noonas were popping in and out, watching in awe as the group got larger and better. Soon enough, the crowds were shoving and trying to get first in line, everyone was getting too close. I felt myself getting shoved and soon enough, Syori tumbled closer to me.

We both tripped, and landed on the floor together, me on top of her. I gulped and looked down at her lips, which were only inches from mine. Her cheeks were so pink, I laughed and pulled her up. Syori tucked a strand of hair behind of her ear and said a quiet thanks before looking back at the stage.

After hours passed, the boys finally entered the stage. I swear, just Syori was enough to bust my eardrums. Hundreds, possibly thousands, of those fangirling ringing through my ears? Hell nah.

The line started to move and I found myself walking up the steps with her. I didn't even understand why I bothered to bring her here. Well, I guess as long as she's smiling, I'm happy. I took Syori's hand into mine and whispered into her ear, "Are you happy?" She looked at me curiously before getting on her tip toes and pecking a kiss onto my cheek. "Of course I am! Thank you so much, Kyung oppa." I smiled and put my hands on her shoulders so she was in front of me and she wouldn't see my blushed face.


No One's POV
Syori and Kyungsoo stepped onto the step, and were greeted by the first member there, Jun. Being the fangirl she was, Syori communicated to him with her practiced Chinese and talked about his interests.

Time went by quickly after having so much fun, and they moved onto the next member. Kyungsoo stood there behind her, almost like a silent bodyguard. He kept his eye on the second to the last member, Joshua. He bit his lip and turned away, hoping nothing will happen when they see each other.
"Kamsa Booyon-I mean Seungkwan oppa!" Syori giggled before walking to the next spot and turning into a pink statue.
"Hey, what's your name?" Joshua asked absentmindedly, taking the album from her hand and signing it. Once he looked up, he gaped and flashed an eye smile. "Omo, what a cutie. Annyeong, what's your name?"
"U-uh, my n-name. I-it's wait what is my name? OH it's S-syori. Ne. Do Syori." He smiled and gave her a high five before starting a conversation about chicken. Syori was internally crying, I'm in front of THE JOSHUA. MY JOSHUA HONG KONG. EOMMA!!!!" Kyungsoo was still standing behind her, keeping his eye low so he wouldn't have to talk to Joshua. Unfortunately, it had to.

"Oh, you have a brother?" Joshua asked, looking behind her.
"A-aniya. That's my friend." Syori turned around, and the attention was on Kyung. He looked up, surprised, and made the briefest eye contact with Joshua before grabbing Syori's hand.

"K-Kyungsoo?" Joshua yelled out surprised. Syori looked back and forth at the two, feeling an awkward tense.
"Mwoya...Kyung oppa! You know Joshua?!" Kyungsoo kept his mouth shut and his lips were in a thin line. Joshua laughed nervously. "Uhh, ani. I just saw his ID on the lanyard." He pointed to the lanyard around his neck, which had the car keys and other stuff.

Joshua's POV
I couldn't believe it. It's actually Kyungsoo. He hasn't changed. Those wide eyes, the short height and hair. It just made the old memories come into my mind.

"Mwoya...Kyung oppa! You know Joshua?!" The girl Syori looked at me shocked before staring back at him, who wasn't saying anything. Damn it, Soo. You made it worse for the both of us...
I hesitantly cut her off. "Uhh, ani. I just saw his ID on the lanyard." I pointed to the card around his neck and flashed a nervous smile before switching the subject. Soo took a step back and turned around, cutting off his attention.

Three minutes passed by a little too quickly, and manager hyung yelled 'Next!' I saw Syori's smile drop, and I looked at her adoringly. How cute.
"Y-yah. I know I'm not supposed to do this, but can I have your number? I feel like three minutes isn't enough for us to talk. Is it fine with you?" She grinned and blushed a deep pink and I returned with a smile. As she was making her contact, I looked behind her and saw Kyungsoo glaring at me. I gave him a lengthy stare before averting my gaze back at Syori, who was handing me the phone and thanking me with a bow before scooting down to Dino.

"Yah," I quietly yelled out to Kyungsoo. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to notice, or he probably just ignored me. I sighed and shook my head before facing the next fan.

Kyungsoo's POV
We were sitting in the car, Syori spazzing as I was turning on the engine. "Omo! He asked for my number! Ahh Kyung! This only happens in fanfics! Pinch My arm!!!" I rolled my eyes and pinched her cheeks hard, making her whine. "I said arm idiot! Did you fail biology or something?" she muttered, rubbing her reddened cheek.

Once we were on the road, Syori was still talking. I was fighting the urge to cover her mouth with my hand, but then at the same time, I didn't want her to stop. It was cute.
Her phone buzzed, and we both looked down at the screen. It was a familiar number who texted, it said:

Unknown ID: Annyeong! It's Jisoo^^ we met at the fan meet earlier keke...umm do you wanna eat lunch together tomorrow? We can go another day if you aren't free.

Syori excitedly picked up her phone and was about to type a response when I grabbed it from her hands. "Yah!" she yelled angrily, reaching out to grab it. I held it with one hand, the other one on the wheel, yelling back at her, "Why are you just replying to him just like that? How do you know that's the actual Joshua? Do you even know if you're free?"

She stared at me, shocked and upset. "Are you kidding me? We're talking about this again? Am I supposed to be prisoned in the house alone? Why are you stopping me! Let me go! Give me my phone, Kyungsoo!" I kept my grip tight on it, ignoring her to the best of my ability.

"Syori stop! We're in the car! What if we crash huh? Do you ever know how to shut your mouth! Be quiet and wait!" Syori glared at me before muttering a fine and looking the other way, arms crossed.

Great. Another problem thanks to you Hong Jisoo.

Im sorry lol anyways how was the chapter? If you guys are confused abt the whole Joshua and Kyungie issue just hold tight, ull get it soon:) anyways please vote, comment and share! Love you all<33333

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