Afraid Of The Dark ~ Levi Jones

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{The first imagine is for my friend Rebekah, you can follow her @TheVamps_5SOS_xx  enjoy Tiders!}

*Levi's POV*

Drew and I were in the kitchen, cleaning up after dinner. Austin and Nate had decided to go see a movie, and Drew had stuck around with me and Rebekah, my girlfriend. 

She walked in carrying a pile of dirty dinner plates, setting them down and smiling at me. She grabbed a rag from the counter. "I'll clean off the dining room table, then I'm changing out of these clothes. I'm so tired, guys, you wouldn't believe it." 

I felt a flutter in my heart as she walked out. Drew paused from putting the ingredients away and raised an eyebrow at me. "She's sleeping over tonight? She hasn't done that before, has she?" 

I shrugged, trying to look neutral, but the defense in my voice gave me away. "It's been almost two months since we started dating. There's nothing wrong with her sleeping here. Why do you care anyway?"

Drew laughed and held up his hands. "I don't care, bro. I'm just gonna feel pretty awkward if I leave and you two do more than just sleep." He dodged the sponge I threw at him while I blushed furiously. 

"I doubt she's in the mood to sleep with me tonight, after she's been dealing with you for a few hours," I drawled sarcastically, making Drew laugh harder. 

"Whatever, bro," he sighed while I began scrubbing plates. "Just be careful. Beauty is dangerous."


*Rebekah's POV*

You slid into a tank top and pj shorts, looking at yourself in the mirror. Your hair was down, shining in the light. You washed your face and fussed over the fact that you couldn't get the strap of your tank top to cover your bra strap. Giving up, you padded back into the bedroom where Levi was sitting in flannel pajama pants and a warm looking grey sweater. His curls were a dark crown on his head, as he settled under the blankets, he smiled and waved as if he was just seeing you. "Hey you," he smiled. 

You waved back, giggling as you flipped off the light and got into his large bed beside him. Your shoulder bumped his, and you felt how tense he was. You thought maybe it was because you'd touched him. Feeling a little self conscious, you scooted closer to the edge of your side.

*Levi's POV*

The darkness enveloped me so fast I didn't have time to gasp. I felt as if my eyes would never adjust. I feel in the dark the way most people feel in the middle of the ocean: Suffocated, alone, and doomed.

But she was right next to me...Rebekah. I wasn't alone. Why was she moving so far away from me? 

"Rebekah," I said it out loud this time, a gasp, as if maybe my head had just broken the surface of the ocean.

She rolled over immediately. "Yes?" She said eagerly. Her voice was like oxygen, it made my lungs stop burning. But my heart was still pounding.

I took a deep breath, and I went for it.

*Rebekah's POV*

Levi didn't answer after you turned to him. Instead, began fumbling towards you in the sheets. You felt the fabric of his sweater, felt his body weight on top of you, his breath near your ear, coming quickly. His body seemed to stretch infinitely over yours, and you tensed. What was he doing? You and Levi had kissed before, but if he was trying to make out with you now, he was terrible at it.

A lamp beside you clicked on, and Levi rushed to flop onto his back safely on his side of the bed. His face was beautiful, blue eyes bright, the angles of his face perfect...but paler than usual. Pale with fear.

You sat up and rolled to face him, getting on your knees and sitting on your feet. "Levi, what was that?"

*Levi's POV* 

I could see my own chest rising and falling. I felt shameful, letting her see me like this. I've probably embarrassed her. My face reddened.

But she didn't look angry or embarrassed. She just looked confused...and beautiful. Her hair and eyes were striking in the dim light of the lamp, her clothes fitting her just right...I'd always loved her body.

"You're beautiful," I breathed softly.

She blushed and looked down. "You had to turn the light on for that?" 

I bit my lip. "'s... I'm afraid." 

She looked up, puzzled. "Of what? Levi, if I should leave..."

"No! No, it's not you. It's not something I can escape that easily. It's so embarrassing. It makes me feel like I'm 5."

She looked down at the sheets with wide eyes. "Do you pee the bed?!" She almost shrieked.

"What? No!!" I sputtered. She laughed so hard tears streamed down her cheeks. "I'm... Afraid of the dark."

She reached out and played with my curls. "There's nothing wrong with that, Levi. Everyone is afraid of something, whether your 5 or 50."

I looked at her with awe. "But you don't look like you're scared of anything," he said.

She let out a soft giggle. "I'm afraid of a lot of things. Let me turn off the light, I promise I'll be right here."

I hesitated so long that I thought she'd change her mind. But she didn't, so I nodded.

*Rebekah's POV*

The lamp clicked off and he threw his arms around you, squeezing me until you couldn't breathe. What a mercy it would be to die in Levi's arms. 

His heart hammered against you, and his skin was hot to the touch. You could feel anxiety rushing off of him in waves. You ran your fingers through the hair you'd always loved, the locks feeling silky under your touch. 

He mumbled your name into the crook of your neck, voice shaking. You shushed him and whispered reassurances. 

Soon, his heart rate returned to normal. As if he couldn't believe it, he let out a short laugh and kissed your neck feverishly. Sensation shot across your skin, it took all you had to kiss his soft lips once, twice, and then bury your face into the material of his sweater so he couldn't have access to your face.

"Rebekah..." He whispered just before you drifted off. "I think I love you."

                           THE NEXT DAY

You woke up to see three boys crowding in your room, Drew, smiling in the doorway. Nate, shaking Levi awake and teasing him. Austin stood at the foot of the mattress. "Well well well, what do we have here boys?"

Oh God, you thought.

{Hope you liked it Tiders. Request x}

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