Trouble ~ Nate Parker Smut

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[This is for @lukeybabe68 and im so sorry for the wait xx]

You redid your messy bun, then proceeded to wash your face. It was currently 11 at night, and you should have been in bed a long time ago. 

You walked back to your room, careful not to make enough noise to wake your parents downstairs. Sometimes you slip up and stomp or knock something over. 

Your phone was on your bed, vibrating. You picked it up and saw that you had multiple text messages from your boyfriend of seven months, Nate Parker. 

You read them to yourself:

'Hey baby 😉'

'I said heeeeyyyyyy'

'You know what I want?'

'I'll take that as I no'

'I know you've been avoiding me because you know what I want'

You did know what he wanted. Long story short, he wanted sex. You'd had sex with him twice before, but lately, you've been too busy to think about that. You were a good girl, so to speak, and you were also studying very hard for your finals at the moment. So yes, you were avoiding him, but not to be rude.

'The answers to last night's Science homework? 🤓' you teased lightly.

'I don't think it's very funny baby girl' Nate sent back almost immediately.

Shaking your head, you laughed to yourself and flipped off your ceiling light, getting comfortable under your covers. You grabbed your phone off of your nightstand and put your earbuds in, hitting "shuffle" on your playlist. The noise drowned your hearing.

Your mind shifted over to your boyfriend, who managed to be so beautiful in such imperfect ways.

Nate Parker, to describe him shortly, is trouble. 

Beautiful trouble. Dangerous trouble. Toxic trouble. Tempting trouble. Whatever adjectives you want to pin to it, he's trouble.

You sure didn't feel like a good girl when he was around. The silliest things about him turned you on. For example, when he swore. Something about the way he'd say it, like the word was his, like it was just so natural to him, it made you melt. It was stupid, but it did.

Besides, you could never keep your hands to yourself when you two were alone. Your favorite part of making out with Nate was leaning against his strong chest and tangling your fingers in his soft curls. His favorite part was squeezing your waist and running his tounge along your bottom lip. 

God, he was hot. His hands, his eyes, his voice, his--

You nearly screamed when you felt your bed dip beside you. 

You sat up frantically and flipped your bedside lamp on, ready to scream your head off or attack or both.

Nate froze there, half on your bed, half off, face caught between concern and a smirk. 

"God damn it, Nate!" You hissed, punching him in the shoulder. "You scared the hell out of me! Why are you even here?"

"Because I want to see you," Nate smiled. His tone of voice and smile screamed 'I'm a good little boyfriend, let me cuddle you and don't kick me out.' He slid the rest of the way under onto your bed and cuddled next to you.

"Nate!" You repeated in a loud whisper, sighing. "My parents!"

"Aren't going to know." He finished for you, his smile gone. "I told you I wanted to see you."

His hand slid down your stomach, but for some reason you just couldn't relax. His warmth and the rich smell of his cologne tempted you, but it wasn't quite enough. 

"I could get into so much trouble for this, babe!" You told him. 

Nate swiftly grabbed your hands, rolling on top of you and pinning them above your head. "You already are in trouble," he whispered in your ear, his breath feathering against your neck. 

You fought a shiver and tried to pull your wrists free, failing miserably. "What did I do?" You whined, avoiding his eyes. 

His lips lazily kissed your neck here and there. A hard kiss here, and soft one there, a love bite somewhere else, because he knew it would drive you crazy. He was so caught up in it, you were starting to think he wasn't going to answer your question. 

But he finally pulled away, his lips already a darker shade from all the kissing. "It's not nice to leave your boyfriend unsatisfied," he smirked, grinding into you, just once.

You sighed against his chest and squirmed underneath him. "You were fine. I was doing school work," you defended weakly. 

Nate moved away from you long enough to strip you of your clothes and then start in on himself. His shirt flew, and you were mesmerized by the shape of him. You could spend hours kissing up and down his body. 

With the last of his clothes gone, his erection was now extremely obvious. He stroked himself in front of you, knowing that it frustrated you. 

He let out a few small groans, tilting his head back. His lips made sinful sounds as his hand kept pumping. His moans began to get more frequent as his hand moved faster. He moaned your name, rocking his hips into his palm. 

"Does this look okay to you?" He moaned through his teeth. 

You shook your head, unable to form words. Your legs were already shaking, and he'd hardly touched you. 

He opened your legs and ran his tip up and down your core a few times, making you moan. 

Nate moaned with you. He slammed into you suddenly, not giving you any time to adjust. You cried out, moaning and gripping his shoulders as he pounded into you, letting out all that pent up frustration. 

"Oh, fuck!" You suddenly realized. "We have to be quiet!" 

Nate only thrusted faster, making it obvious that he didn't care. 

You cursed to yourself. "Nate, please, fuck," you whined, and he slowed down against his will.

Your stomach knotted as his thrusts became steady hard pounds. His muscles flexed and his forehead was wet with perspiration. 

"God, I needed this," Nate moaned, going deep into you with no mercy. "You feel so good."

You pushed your hips forward in sync with his, making your skin tingle. 

"That's it baby, just like that," Nate panted reassuringly. 

His thrusts were becoming sloppy and desperate. "Fuck, I'm so close. Make me cum, baby girl," he moaned.

You both began to push harder, biting lips and gripping sheets to keep quiet. 

Finally, you hit your orgasm, covering Nate's member with your fluids. Nate came not long after you, both of you collapsing with pure ecstacy and exhaustion. 

"That," Nate said, rolling off of you.

"I agree," you laughed, once again feeling like a bad girl.

[I hope you people liked it xx]

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