Don't Hide From Me ~ Levi Jones Smut

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[This one is for @jxssxca28 because I just love her so much xx]

You hated today. 

You found it a little melodramatic to say you hated your life, but on the contrary, you did have several reasons to hate today.

You woke up tangled in your sheets, but they weren't warm without Levi. It's been a week since he climbed into this bed to lay with you. 

You loved the way his arms would wrap around you, like a security blanket. The way his curls would scatter across the pillowcase, the way his smell became rooted in the sheets. 

Your head would rest on his shoulder to gaze up at him while he said all the right things. Your hand would always rest on his chest, feeling him speak, feeling him breathe, feeling the heat from his skin tingling just underneath his shirt...

Then his eyes would look dead into yours in the dim lighting of your room. You always had to fight the urge to hide your eyes from him. You wondered if that meant anything. His nose would bump yours slightly as he leaned in to kiss you, and you swore, his kiss was a drug. 

He never rushed with you. His lips were slow, warm, and soft...they made you tingle all over. His lips were sweet and neat, he always tasted a bit like mint, because of the gum he chewed. 

His hands always found your waist, and he would unconsciously brush his thumbs over your hips, making you shiver. You would put your hands on either side of his face, sliding your fingers over his jawline and into his hair. 

Levi never seemed to get tired of kissing you. Every time he'd stop, and his heavy breath would hit your neck, you could swear you were high. As long as he was kissing you, you'd believe anything he said. Do anything he wanted. 

But he never took advantage of that. He never tried to undress you. He never babbled about things he didn't mean. He wasn't one of those boys. 

The only thing he would tell you, was that he loved you.

And you believed him.

You missed all of that, suddenly. You didn't want to whine or sound selfish, but was he really too busy to slip by and talk to you? Maybe kiss you for a while? 

You thought of Levi's kisses and your fingers brushed over your shorts. 

You let out a sigh and got up. Downstairs, everything looked too still. Everything was too quiet. There were a few messes to clean up, but you didn't have the motivation. You knew there was food, and that you should probably eat, but you didn't have the appetite. 

Your mind flashed back to the time that Levi was more excited than usual to see you. Instead of taking you upstairs to relax and talk for a while, he'd thrown himself against the counter and pulled you against him, kissing you harder than he ever had. He'd pulled you tight against him, and you could feel all of him under his jeans and the softness of his sweater. 

You didn't want to look at anything. Everything made you think of him. And goddammit, you didn't want to think about him. 

You put your head in your hands and all the energy just drained out of you. You don't know how long you sat there, but after so long you heard your front door open and close. You didn't bother to look up. 

You heard him move over to you. The couch dipped under his weight as he sat next to you and pulled you against him, wrapping his arms around you. 

"Hey," he said in a serious voice. "What's up?" He moved your hair aside and slowly began kissing the sensitive part of your jaw, his lips staying soft and confident even when you didn't look up.

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